Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 878: 878. Tracking Grain

   Chapter 878 878. Tracking Grain

  The bandit guarding the gate saw Chu Qingzhi alone, opened the gate by himself, and teased, "Little sister, you came here alone, did you get lost?"

   "You tell brother where your home is, and we will take you back."

  Chu Qingzhi's brows turned cold, and she raised her hand, two waves of spiritual power flew out, knocking them flying, their internal organs were shattered, and they fell to the ground, dying.

  The people in the cottage were scared to death when they saw this scene...

   "The devil is coming!"

   "The devil is coming!"

  The bandit yelled and fled inside.

  The second child was killed by the blindfolded man, and the third child ran out. It was a middle-aged man like a thin monkey, "Devil, we have no vengeance, why did you kill my brother?"

  Chu Qingzhi walked slowly into the cottage, "Where is Lord Wang?"

  The third child rolled his eyes, "Are you Chu Qingzhi?"

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's rare that you bandits know me, even know me, then tell the truth, otherwise their fate will be your fate!"

   There was a sinister light in the eyes of the third child, "Aren't you very capable? You can find it yourself!" As he said, he gestured to his subordinates.

  Afterwards, Chu Qingzhi felt the ground move. There was a suspension bridge in front of her. When the ground shook, the suspension bridge moved backwards, revealing the bottomless cliff in the middle.

  At the same time, the bandits took Mr. Wang and the accompanying soldiers out, put the knife on their necks, and threatened Chu Qingzhi.

  The third child stared at Chu Qingzhi like a poisonous snake, "Catch them immediately, or I will kill them!"

  Chu Qingzhi curled her lips slightly, and a golden bell appeared in her hand. When it shook, the sound of the bell pierced through the entire cottage, and all the bandits were dizzy for a while, their eyes blurred, and they stood frozen in place.

   Then, she flew over to find the mechanism.

   It was obvious that the bandits moved somewhere just now, and the suspension bridge moved back.

  The organ was not found, Chu Qingzhi saw the abnormality in the hanging building, she walked over.

  Who killed this bandit?

  Chu Qingzhi checked the bandit's wound, and deduced the situation in her mind.

   This bandit should have been killed suddenly by someone he knew, who killed him, why?

   I can't figure it out a bit.

  At this moment, Meng Shengdong's voice came from outside, "Miss Chu, are you there?"

  Chu Qing Zhi responded, "Yes, wait a minute."

  She went out from the hanging building, and suddenly saw an awkward stone on the mountain wall, she stepped forward and pressed it tentatively.

  The position where Meng Shengdong and the others were standing shook again, and at the same time the suspension bridge moved forward, connecting to the gate of the cottage where Meng Shengdong and the others were standing.

  Meng Shengdong walked onto the suspension bridge and came to the opposite side, "I really can't see that a group of bandits can design such a complicated mechanism."

   "Don't underestimate anyone." Then Chu Qingzhi said it was business, "Master Wang and the others are indeed in the cottage, but I haven't found the supplies yet. Everyone spread out to find them, and find them as soon as possible."


  Chu Qingzhi walked into the cottage. This is a cottage built by mining caves. Each cave is arranged into rooms. Looking at the things inside, the whole cottage is quite rich.

  After passing through the cave, there is a garden surrounded by mountains. There are several caves in the surrounding mountains. Chu Qingzhi penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the cave.

   At the end of a cave is a warehouse, piled with piles of gold and silver treasures, and some grain.

  One is a door sealed with a stone. I don't know what is behind the stone.

   Others are places where people are detained.

  Chu Qingzhi walked towards the cave where the detainee was held. There was a man sitting here with a disheveled face and a chain on his hands and feet. It was so dark that he couldn't see his face clearly.

  She brushed her hand over the lock, entered the cell, and asked straight to the point, "Why are you locked up here by bandits?"

  It was a middle-aged man who was so dirty that he couldn't see his face clearly. He raised his head slowly when he heard the voice, "Aren't you from the cottage?"

  Chu Qingzhi clarified her identity, "I am Chu Qingzhi."

  The middle-aged man became excited in an instant, "The sky has eyes, the sky has eyes. I am the magistrate of Linzhang City. I went on a tour one day and was kidnapped by bandits. Girl, save me."

  Chu Qingzhi flicked the bracelet and anklet with her palm, and the two were immediately disconnected, "I'll have someone take you to see Tang Jinghong."

  The magistrate hurriedly responded, "Yes, yes, I listen to the girl."

  Chu Qingzhi walked out with the magistrate, secretly thought, it is unprecedented for a magistrate to do this.

   When he came to the garden, Meng Shengdong hurried over, "Girl, there is no food."

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the magistrate, "He is the magistrate of Linzhang City, you send someone to look after him, and I'll go find the food immediately."

  Meng Shengdong, "..."

   "Girl, this looks..." This looks like a beggar, how could it be the magistrate?

  But Miss Chu’s words are unquestionable, whether he is or not, she will know after a while, if she dares to impersonate, she must let him know what regret is, "Xiao Wu, look at him."

  Xiao Wu cupped his hands, "Yes, General Zuo."

  Chu Qingzhi led a group of people to the cave where the door was blocked with stones. There should be secrets inside.

   Coming to the exit, Chu Qingzhi knocked the stone away with a palm, and then revealed the scene behind the stone.

  It was a stone path extending down into the woods. There were no steps, the **** was not high, and there were many friction marks on it, as if some heavy object was dragged through it.

  Meng Shengdong frowned, "Miss Chu, the grain and grass collected by Mr. Wang and the others will not be transported by bandits from here?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's possible." She turned her head, "Bring Mr. Wang here."

  Meng Shengdong stepped aside, and two soldiers helped Mr. Wang over.

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to Lord Wang's eyebrows.

  Master Wang slowly woke up, his eyes were dazed, and when he saw Meng Shengdong, he woke up, "Hurry up, go chase the grain and grass, the grain and grass were snatched by the bandits."

  Chu Qingzhi found a problem, "You have a group of one thousand soldiers, and this group of bandits has at most four or five hundred people. Even if you are ambushed, you shouldn't be wiped out. How did you get caught?"

  Master Wang's heart shuddered, did Ms. Chu suspect that she should cooperate with the outside world?

  He hurriedly said, "Girl, please be clear, there are at least a thousand people who ambushed us, and it is impossible to be less than a thousand."

   "How can you be sure?" Chu Qingzhi frowned, if this is the case, then there must be a lot of meaning in it, and what's more serious, the person who ambushed Mr. Wang was not a bandit at all, but someone else.

   This guess matches the situation in the Diaolou!

   Lord Wang affirmed, "I stay in the army all year round, and I manage the military rations. I am very sensitive to the number of people. Generally, I can roughly know the number of people at a glance, and the error is not more than five."

  Meng Shengdong said, "I can testify, and the entire barracks know that Lord Wang has this ability."

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought, it seems that there is someone else, she told Meng Shengdong, "Take someone back first, I will track down the rations."

  Meng Shengdong didn't dare, "Miss Chu, let's go back together, the general is very worried."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Jing Hong understands." After speaking, he walked up the path.

  Meng Shengdong looked at Chu Qingzhi's back. He was unable to persuade Chu Qingzhi, so he had to obey the order to deal with the cottage, and then brought everyone back to the barracks.

  When he came to a place where no one was around, Chu Qingzhi used the golden feather phoenix to send a letter to Tang Jinghong, telling him what was going on.

   Tang Jinghong exchanged information with Chu Qingzhi, and the person she brought back was indeed the magistrate. If she traced it to Linzhang City, she could go to the government office to see, and she should be able to find clues.

  After thinking about it for a while, Chu Qingzhi decided to go to the government office in Linzhang City, but before going, she first tracked down the food and grass.

After the trail entered the forest, it disappeared not long after. The next ground was grass and dead leaves. The box should have been carried away. There were many traces of trampling on the grass, but after walking a little farther, the traces faded away. , do not see anything.

  Chu Qingzhi took out a candy from the bag and ate it, feeling a little hungry, then flew to the top of the tree and looked around.

   Then she flew to the nearby official road.

   Sure enough, there were heavy wheel marks on the official road, and along the wheel marks, Chu Qingzhi walked forward.

   After a while, Shuang'er flew over and landed on Chu Qingzhi's shoulder, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the shoulders that seemed to be thinner, and asked it, "Have you found any news?"

   "No, I was lost." A traitor appeared in the barracks, and Shuang'er was in charge of following him. "He went to a nearby inn, then changed into a female outfit and went out. I don't know, and then..."

   "I don't blame you, the other party is too cunning, and someone else would definitely follow her."

   "I will continue to follow, and I won't lose it next time."


   Shuang'er flew away.

  Chu Qingzhi cast a spell, shrinking the ground into an inch, and came to Linzhang City.

  The gate of the city was closed tightly, and many people who wanted to enter the city were waiting at the gate. It was noisy, similar to a vegetable market.

  Chu Qingzhi walked towards a young servant, "Excuse me, brother, what happened?"

  The servant doesn't have a strong sense of presence, but his ability to inquire about news is absolutely top-notch.

  The young man saw that Chu Qingzhi was pretty and polite, so he patiently told her, "Last night, a robbery happened in Linzhang City, and now the city gate is being closed to catch the murderer."

   "It's just a robbery, why make such a fuss?"

   "That's because it was the prefect's warehouse that was robbed."

  Chu Qingzhi was suspicious, "What's in the magistrate's warehouse? Why do you have to steal from him?"

   "I don't know about that. In short, the magistrate was furious, so he sealed the city gate."

   "How long has it been closed?"

   "It has been closed since last night until now, and I don't know when it will resume traffic."

   "Thank you brother."

   "You're welcome, I think the girl is alone. Is she going to the city to visit relatives? Or is she doing business?"

   "I do business."

   "Then just wait a bit, the city gate should be opened in a short time."

Chu Qingzhi nodded, and walked towards the southern city gate along the wheel tracks under the city wall, "It seems that they brought the grain over last night, but I didn't expect that Lord Fuyin ordered the city to be closed, so they had to transport it to other places, so See, kind of unlucky."

   After walking about 500 meters, I came to a bamboo forest, where the wheel marks disappeared.

  (end of this chapter)

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