Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 880: 880. She's a Devil

  Chapter 880 Chapter 880. She is the devil

  Yi Chuanchuan walked to the nearest military doctor, that was his cousin, "Cousin, you go and have a look, or they will die?"

  The military doctor frowned deeply, "It shouldn't be so serious, right?"

  Yi Chuanchuan thought about the appearance of the two of them, "Pale face, pale lips, cold sweat, wrapped in a quilt and still called cold."

  The military doctor paid more attention to it, "Go and see."

  The two walked quickly to the tents of Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin.

   "Cough cough cough..."

   "Cough cough cough..."

  Both of them were coughing violently, like a competition, and they sounded anxious.

  Du Zhaolin urged, "Military doctor, hurry up, show me, my body is cold and hot at one time, and I feel extremely uncomfortable."

  The military doctor frowned and walked towards Du Zhaolin to feel his pulse.

   When he felt his pulse, he burst into a cold sweat. Du Zhaolin also suffered from smallpox, but his symptoms were stronger and more dangerous.

   "Is that how it is?"

  Yi Chuanchuan saw his cousin's brows getting tighter and tighter, and his heart raised higher and higher, "Cousin, what's wrong?"

  The military doctor pulled Yi Chuanchuan to the door of the tent, and told him, "Stay here, don't approach them, and don't go out, the matter is getting worse."

  Yi Chuanchuan's heart was pounding nervously, "Cousin, what do you mean the matter is more serious?"

  The military doctor said, "Don't ask so many questions, just follow my advice and stay here."

  Yi Chuanchuan nodded, "I see."

  The military doctor went back to take Rong Shenning's pulse. The pulse of both of them was the same, but both became serious.

  This phenomenon shows a problem, smallpox is more difficult to cure.

  The military doctor asked the two, "Have you taken any medicine?"

  Du Zhaolin's throat felt like it was on fire, and he had difficulty speaking, "I drank it, but it didn't heal, military doctor, I think your face is not right, what disease do we have?"

  The military doctor didn't answer his question, "I'll show you when Miss Chu comes back later."

  Du Zhaolin's heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean? Can't you see a doctor? Why do you want Miss Chu to show us?"

  The military doctor did not speak, turned around and walked to the tent door, took out the mask and put it on, walked to the barracks gate, and said to the soldier guarding the gate, "Ms. Chu will come back later, tell her that I have something very important to tell her."

   "Yes, medic."

   This scene happened to be seen by Fang Zerong, and he stepped forward, "Doctor Lan, what happened?"

   Military doctor Lan took Fang Zerong aside and told Fang Zerong what he had discovered.

  After Fang Zerong heard this, his heart skipped a beat, "This matter is of great importance, so don't make it public, and we will discuss it together when Miss Chu comes back."

   Military doctor Lan nodded, "I think so too."

  At this time, Chu Qingzhi was groping in the bamboo forest. After wandering around for a while, she discovered that there was a formation in the bamboo forest, which was more powerful than the formation in the bamboo forest in the northern border.

  In the depths of the bamboo forest, an old man looked at Chu Qingzhi in the bamboo forest, his eyes were full of sinister, "You broke the formation in the northern border, it was my negligence, I don't believe it, you can still break it here!"

  A man in Tsing Yi next to him also had malicious eyes, "Master, should the apprentice go meet her?"

  The old man smiled and nodded, "Go, let me see Chu Qingzhi's strength."

  The man in Tsing Yi cupped his hands and flew towards the bamboo forest.

  Chu Qingzhi hooked her lips, someone is coming!

Some of the bamboos around her rotated, some moved back, some moved forward, and there was a feeling of chaos. If there is no strong concentration, the head will soon become dizzy, hallucinations, and then create a feeling of walking no matter what. The illusion of not going out.

  Chu Qingzhi broke a branch, her body flew up, and with a flash of light, her figure disappeared instantly.

  The old man and the man in Tsing Yi were surprised at the same time. In this surprise, a branch flew straight towards the man in Tsing Yi's chest. At the same time, Chu Qingzhi appeared behind him.

   This scene made the old man's eyes widen in fear, "Be careful!"

  His utterance immediately exposed his position, and in the next second, Chu Qingzhi came in front of the old man. Don't worry about the man in Tsing Yi, his chest has already been pierced by a branch.

  When the old man saw Chu Qingzhi, he was taken aback even though he was calm, "You, you..."

  Chu Qingzhi kicked the old man to the wall, forming a humanoid pattern, she smiled harmlessly, "Answer my question honestly, I can make your death easier."

  The old man was terrified by Chu Qingzhi's smile, "I, I must be honest."

   I thought it was so tough, but I compromised with such a threat, "Is this the place where your Lord Tibetan's army rations?"

  The old man hurriedly said, "Yes."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a group of men in black surrounded him from the bamboo grove, holding crossbow arrows in their hands, all the sharp arrow points were aimed at Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi glanced back, what a mentally handicapped trick.

A blue-robed man came out from behind the man in black. He waved his fan and said with a smile, "I have heard that Miss Chu has great business skills and excellent martial arts and medical skills. Really great."

  Chu Qingzhi raised her hand, and a few silver needles flew towards the blue-robed man, piercing his eyebrows, heart, dantian, and two shoulder blades.

   Before everyone could react, they heard the man in the blue robe scream, "Ah—"

  The cry was so miserable that it frightened all the birds into the air.

  The people in black were terrified. They only saw Chu Qingzhi throw her hand away, and the master screamed like this. What did she do?

  The man in the blue robe rolled on the ground in pain, "Demon, what did you do to me?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Guess!"

  The man in the blue robe yelled, "Untie it for me quickly, or I will let you go around without food!"

  Chu Qingzhi jokingly said, "Just untie me and you, and you'll let me walk around like you, take it easy, wait until I find the rations."

  The man in the blue robe was so angry that he wanted to tear Chu Qingzhi apart, "You..."

  Chu Qingzhi was too lazy to talk to the other party, she continued to ask the old man, "Where's the military rations?"

  The old man saw the horror of Chu Qingzhi, and the complacency just now was gone, "It was buried under your feet, right under your feet."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head and said to the people in black, "Dig out the army rations for me, or I will kill your master."

  The men in black looked at each other.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to the blue-robed man, sucked him in with her spiritual power, and clasped the blue-robed man's neck, "Don't give me an order yet!"

  The man in the blue robe forgot even his fear. What kind of monster is Chu Qingzhi, that she can capture him from so far away out of thin air?

   He was scared, terribly scared.

   "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and dig!"

  Chu Qingzhi clasped the blue-robed man's neck, walked towards the old man, threw him into the wall, and formed a human figure side by side with the old man.

  People, "…"

  The man in black didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly found tools to dig out the army rations.

  Chu Qingzhi flew up to the roof and took the opportunity to tell Tang Jinghong that she had found the rations, and told him not to worry, she would send someone to bring the rations back in a while.

  Chu Qingzhi folded her arms and asked, "What robbery happened in Linzhang City last night?"

  The old man said, "It's not a robbery, but the warehouse of the magistrate was emptied by a mysterious person. The magistrate was furious and said that he must be caught by digging three feet, so he closed the city gate."

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, "That means the things are still in Linzhang City?"

  The old man was not sure, "It should be."

  Chu Qingzhi thought about whether she should meet this mysterious man. The magistrate is a fake, and the things are definitely not good. She is a little interested in this mysterious man who is doing justice for the sky.

  Now is the time for employing people, so it would be nice to recruit a capable person.

   First solve the problem here and look for it.

  The blue-robed man gasped in pain, "Can you help me untie my body? I will do whatever you ask me to do."

  The continuous pain makes people desperate and want to die.

  Chu Qingzhi sucked the silver needle back, "Who are you? Who sent you here? How did you know I would come?"

  The blue-robed man hurriedly said, "I am the younger brother of the prefect. The cable reported that you came to the bamboo forest. Everyone wanted to catch you, so I came."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Are you the younger brother of the real magistrate? Or the younger brother of the false magistrate?"

  Wen Juncheng didn't understand, "What do you mean? What is true and false magistrate?"

   "Don't you know?"

   "I don't know anything." Wen Juncheng thought to himself, what happened? Why do they all feel so mysterious?

   This person couldn't even tell if he was his brother, Chu Qingzhi was speechless, "What did the magistrate steal last night?"

  Last night, his elder brother had someone lock him in the room, and he couldn't even get out the door. "My brother said it was the most important thing in the warehouse, but I don't know what it is."

   The most important thing?

   While Chu Qingzhi was thinking, the man in black dug up the soil, revealing the box underneath.

   "Open it and take a look."

  The man in black immediately opened the nearest box, and inside was a sack. When the sack was untied, it was white rice.

   "Encapsulate, move all the boxes out."

  The men in black kept moving the boxes again. The enemy didn’t kill them, but became their coolies instead. They were so aggrieved!

  In the dark, a man in black was secretly communicating with Wen Juncheng, then retreated into the darkness, raised a crossbow to Chu Qingzhi, pulled the trigger, and shot.

  Chu Qingzhi was as motionless as a mountain, only looking at the person carrying the box.

   "Ah—" A scream came from Wen Juncheng's mouth, and the arrow shot by the man in black hit Wen Juncheng's body for some reason.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled calmly, doing a good job.

  The man in black was stunned, he obviously shot Chu Qingzhi, why did the arrow go to the master?

  Wen Juncheng roared, "Do you want to die?"

  The man in black took two steps back, a little scared, "Master, I..."

  Chu Qingzhi's voice came from the roof, "Don't be a fearless resistance! Let me tell you, I won't be the one who suffers."

  Everyone feels more and more clear about Zhixie's nature!

  The old man looked at the corpse of his apprentice in the distance. This was his most outstanding apprentice, but he died in the hands of Chu Qingzhi before he even made a move. She must be a devil!

  (end of this chapter)

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