Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 881: 881. Insane

  Chapter 881 Chapter 881. Insane

  No one dared to play tricks anymore, and they all acted according to Chu Qingzhi's wishes.

   Boxes were moved out of the field one by one and piled aside. Dozens of boxes were almost piled up into a hill.

  Looking at the box, Chu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief. The food and grass in the barracks could be relieved. She flew off the roof and landed in front of the old man, "Who told you to do this?"

  The old man hated and feared Chu Qingzhi, "It's Lu Ziming."

  Lu Ziming, the housekeeper of Dongling Palace, Chu Qingzhi frowned, "Who is this Lu Ziming?"

  The old man tried his best to say, "I don't know, I'm Lu Ziming's friend, out of kindness, I made this trip for him." I didn't expect to provoke Chu Qingzhi, the devil!

  Chu Qingzhi sarcastically said, "Living such a long time has brought disaster to the country and the people, not distinguishing right from wrong, helping the evildoers to do evil, and wasting air alive!"

   After speaking, the dagger came out and swung sideways, killing the old man.

  Wen Juncheng was so frightened that his body trembled uncontrollably when he saw Chu Qingzhi's neat killing methods, "I, I..."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head and smiled gently at Wen Juncheng, "Don't worry, I won't kill you." It won't be too late to kill when the food and grass are transported back to the barracks.

   Seeing this, all the men in black knew that Chu Qingzhi was a frequent murderer, and they didn't dare to play tricks.

   After a while, the leader of the men in black came over, "The boxes have been dug out, can you let our young master go?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Wen Juncheng, who was looking forward to him, "Take me all the boxes back to the barracks and I'll let him go. You only have two hours."

  Wen Juncheng urged, "Hurry up, find the carriage, and bring the box back quickly."

  The man in black felt that Chu Qingzhi was too cruel and cruel, and he didn't quite believe it, "Does the girl keep her word?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked back, "Do you have bargaining chips with me?"

  Wen Juncheng was about to cry, "Hurry up, what are you doing, hurry up!"

  The man in black had no choice but to find a carriage to transport food.

  After carrying the boxes onto the carriage one by one, Chu Qingzhi grabbed Wen Juncheng out of the wall, threw him onto a horse, and followed the convoy.

  Choose the nearest route, and transported the rations back to the barracks in an hour and a half.


  In the tent, Yi Chuanchuan touched his forehead, why did it feel hotter, could it be that he was also infected with smallpox?

  Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning took the medicine and fell into a drowsy sleep, but the symptoms did not alleviate at all.

   Yi Chuanchuan looked at them, what does Uncle Cousin mean?

   "Cough, cough, cough..." Yi Chuanchuan couldn't help coughing, coughing so badly that he felt his entire chest hurt.

   "Cousin, cousin..." Seeing Doctor Lan passing by, Yi Chuanchuan hurriedly called him to a stop.

  Looking at Yi Chuanchuan, who was blushing, Army Doctor Lan secretly thought that something was wrong, so he quickly felt his pulse.

  Yi Chuanchuan was also infected with a more severe smallpox!

   "Go to bed and lie down, don't leave the tent, I'll get you medicine."

  Yi Chuanchuan grabbed the blue military doctor's wrist, "Cousin, can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

   Military doctor Lan tried to keep calm and said, "You are infected with smallpox, but it's okay, we have medicine."

  Yi Chuanchuan let go slowly, "Cousin, please get me the medicine." Since there is medicine, why is my cousin so ugly?

  Mr. Lan was very worried. Why hasn't Ms. Chu come back?

  Just as he was thinking, a green shadow came towards him, "Doctor Lan, I heard from the soldier that you need me for something?"

  Medical Officer Lan lowered his voice, "The smallpox has gotten worse."

  Evolved? Chu Qingzhi's heart suddenly felt heavy. Originally, the medicinal materials were in short supply, but the second batch of supplies was robbed, and her condition worsened, making the situation worse.

   "You go to organize military doctors, isolate all the people infected with smallpox, and don't spread the news, so as not to cause panic!"


   "I'll go see Yi Chuanchuan and the others, and prescribe the medicine."

   "Girl be careful, the three people in the same tent in Yi Chuanchuan are all infected with more serious smallpox."

   "I see, you go to work."

   The two split up.

  Chu Qingzhi came to Yi Chuanchuan's tent and felt the pulse of the three of them respectively, "It's really evolved!"

  Yi Chuanchuan stared at Chu Qingzhi intently, "What's wrong with us?"

  Chu Qingzhi didn't show any abnormality, and said, "It's okay, it's just an infection, I'll prescribe the medicine for you, the three of you don't leave this tent, understand?"

  Yi Chuanchuan nodded, "I see."

  Chu Qingzhi came to the tent where the military doctors were staying, and took a pen to write down a new prescription, "Immediately ask someone to collect the medicinal materials on it, and when they come back, I will cook the medicine for everyone."

   Master Luo, who is in charge of managing medicinal materials, took the prescription in his hand, "Yes, Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the tent and walked towards Tang Jinghong's tent.

   There was no one in the tent, Chu Qingzhi turned around and went out to ask the soldier guarding the gate, "Where are you, General Tang?"

  Xiao Bing didn't look sideways, "General Tang went to the cottage and hasn't come back yet."

  Chu Qingzhi asked again, "Why did he go to the cottage?"

  Xiao Bing said, "I don't know."

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the camp, and asked Tang Jinghong where he was now with the golden feather phoenix.

  Tang Jinghong quickly told Chu Qingzhi about the matter.

   I actually found a place where drugs are grown, but I didn't expect that the cottage was still a drug manufacturing place for selling dog meat.

  The ancients were not stupid at all!

  Tang Jinghong was coming back soon, but Chu Qingzhi didn't intend to go. She came out of the tent and walked to the place where the victims lived.

  Here, a bodyguard of Tang Jinghong is specially assigned here, and Jia Liyu and Jia Lixia are helping.

  The disaster victims have become orderly, stable and orderly from the beginning of chaos and disease. As long as they find a good village or place, they can go to recuperate.

  Jia Liyu and Jia Lixia came over, "Girl, are you back?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Is everything going well?"

  Jia Liyu said, "There were many problems before, but now it's much better."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's been a long time for you..." Talking to the two of them, they continued to walk forward.

  Ying Shengtian leaned against a tree trunk, saw Chu Qingzhi, and hurried over, "Girl, girl..."

  Chu Qingzhi stopped and looked at Ying Shengtian, "Are you okay?"

  Ying Shengtian said, "Girl, I want to ask when we will be able to settle down? Everyone is almost recovered from their illnesses, so I don't want to drag you down anymore."

  Chu Qingzhi was a little surprised that a disaster victim could say such words, "Do you want to go back to the original village?"

  Ying Shengtian waved his hand, "We no longer have our original home after we escaped, so just make arrangements nearby."

  If you go back, you may be criticized by the village chief and the county magistrate, so you might as well start over.

  Chu Qingzhi thought thoughtfully, "Wait a minute, General Tang is looking for a place for you to settle down, and he will arrange for you to go there in a few days."

  Ying Shengtian said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss, and thank you, General."



  Tang Jinghong mobilized another thousand soldiers to pull out the drugs together. After working for a day, he finally got rid of all these scourges.

  Looking at the scourge that had turned into ashes, Tang Jinghong took people to nearby villages.

  Xia Lanfeng asked, "General, what are we doing here?"

  Tang Jinghong looked at the empty village and asked, "Don't you think this area is suitable for resettling the victims?"

  Xia Lanfeng seemed to be instructed, "Yes, General, the General still thinks farther."

  There are more than a dozen villages nearby, all of which are empty without exception. It is very suitable for the more than 10,000 victims of the disaster to be resettled here. Now we will see if Qi Kaiming can bring back the original villagers.

  Under normal circumstances, the victims who fled will not come back. If they decide to flee, they decide to leave and never return. They will settle down after finding a suitable place.

   But these villagers were driven out, the situation is different, so if the villagers are found, they are likely to come back.


  Qi Kaiming rode back on a fast horse, his expression was extremely ugly, "General, we have found the villagers."

  Tang Jinghong asked quickly, "Where is it?"

  Qi Kaiming smacked his lips twice, swallowed back what he wanted to say, and said, "Follow me, the general."

   "Lead the way!" Tang Jinghong got on his horse and left with Qi Kaiming.

   A group of people came to a cliff.

  Qi Kaiming dismounted and walked to the cliff, pointed down, "General, everyone is below, and now they are all bones!"

   Tang Jinghong's face suddenly became cloudy, "You mean, all the villagers died under the cliff?"

  Qi Kaiming nodded, "Yes."

   "Desperate!" Tang Jinghong cursed heavily, and an indescribable anger gathered in his chest!

  The soldiers who came with him also scolded each other as beasts, how cruel! How can they do such a thing? !

  Qi Kaiming asked, "General, what should we do now?"

   "Find some shovels and bury the body on the spot." Tang Jinghong closed his eyes, it was too heavy, how many lives would it cost, how could they do it?

   "Yes, General."

  Bring the shovel over, Tang Jinghong and the soldiers buried the corpses together. Thousands of lives, men, women, children, and children were all spared. The real bones were like mountains, more shocking than what they saw on the battlefield.

  Qi Kaiming was filled with righteous indignation, "General, we must have left these people behind!"

  The soldiers echoed, "It's the general, these people are simply not human,"

  Tang Jinghong said sadly, "Go back first, and don't let any evildoers go!"


The soldier who went to inquire about the missing supplies of the second batch came back. Chu Qingzhi was going to ask and get the second batch of supplies back as soon as possible. After walking back to the barracks, Tang Jinghong came back with a gloomy face like water. She had never seen him like this before. expression.

   "Jing Hong!"

  Tang Jinghong felt a little better when he saw Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, let's go into the tent and talk."

   Entering the tent, the two exchanged their respective messages.

  Chu Qingzhi, who is used to killing people, couldn't believe it, but actually massacred the village, she has lost her humanity!

   "Jing Hong, resettle the villagers first."

  Chu Qingzhi brought Tang Jinghong back to his sanity in time.

  Tang Jinghong rubbed his temples, "You're right, I'll send people to resettle the villagers right away, deal with the matter here, and then slowly deal with them!"

  (end of this chapter)

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