Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 885: 885. Matchmaking

   Chapter 885 885. Matchmaking

  Lou Ze put the fairy ointment in his hand back into the small dish, then clapped his hands, "Go get your manager and tell him that I want to talk to him about a business."

  The servant girl raised her head and was stunned. Didn't she just say that she could go back? Why do you want to do business in the blink of an eye? The person who came to smoke the immortal ointment was really untrustworthy, "Wait a minute, I'll get it."

   Was or was also confused by Lou Ze's actions, "What do you want to do?"

  Lou Ze asked back, "What do you think?"

   Zeng or, “…”

  If he knew, why would he ask, he would look like an idiot!

  The owner of the shop heard that someone was looking for him, so he rushed over immediately and greeted him with a smile, "I don't know why this little brother is looking for me?"

Lou Ze smiled slightly, "To tell you the truth, I also want to do the fairy cream business, but I just heard that they need to attract people to meet the suppliers. I see that the business in your shop is good, and it must be very good to find a good way. I don't know if the boss can recommend it?"

  After hearing Lou Ze's words, the boss straightened his body, a little proud, "It's not difficult to start a business in this line of business, as long as you have money to spend."

  Lou Ze raised his eyebrows, "How do you say that?"

  The boss said, "Everyone who wants to do this business needs to pay a threshold fee of 1,000 taels of silver. As long as you are willing to pay, I can introduce you to you in a short time. Just in time, the next batch of goods is coming, and the steward will come."

   "That's a coincidence." Lou Ze took out a one thousand tael silver note, "Boss, I'm going to make a match for you."

  The boss said enthusiastically, "Don't worry, leave it on me. The little brother here is playing first. I'll go out and have a look. If the other party comes, I'll come to you right away."

   Lou Ze said politely, "Okay, please trouble the boss."

   "It's okay." The boss left happily.

   Once or somewhat understood, "What do you mean?"

  Lou Ze stopped him from speaking, "Be careful that walls have ears."

  Zeng or immediately shut his mouth, and had a new understanding of Chu Qingzhi's audacity.

  While they were waiting, Tang Jinghong and Meng Shengdong returned to the barracks, "General, we have found out about the magistrate's wife and daughter."

  Tang Jinghong put down the official document in his hand and asked, "What's the situation now?"

  Meng Shengdong said nonchalantly, "They were put under house arrest in the government office, and they were also addicted to fairy ointment. Now they are at home smoking all day. It's very miserable."

  Tang Jinghong was silent for a moment, "The magistrate is waiting for the news, you can tell him later."


  Tang Jinghong asked again, "When I met the victims before, the magistrate of the nearby city disappeared. Have you found it now?"

  Meng Shengdong said, "I also found out that he is the real magistrate's distant cousin, but he doesn't know that his cousin has been replaced by someone else, and now he is helping the false magistrate to do evil."

  Tang Jinghong asked, "Where is he now?"

  Meng Shengdong said, "I have already returned to the government office."

  Tang Jinghong ordered, "Let someone keep an eye on his whereabouts, and then collect evidence of his crime. This person will be cleaned up after a while."

   "Yes, General."


   Linzhang City.

   Seeing Lou Ze and Zeng Or just sitting there drinking water, the little maid couldn't help but ask, "Brother, don't you smoke fairy ointment?"

  Lou Ze filled some fairy ointment into the pipe, and the rest was directly shaken into powder with spiritual power, and he said, "You can't tell what you see, you know?"

  The little maid stared blankly at Lou Ze, nodded, "I definitely won't say it."

  Lou Ze smiled at the little maid, "Good boy."

   After a while, the sound of footsteps came, and the little maid hurriedly stepped forward to open the door, and then stepped aside.

  The boss led a middle-aged man in black and walked over, "The steward, he wants to start the business of fairy ointment, and the money is ready."

  Lou Ze stood up, put on an attitude of doing business, and cupped his hands, "In Xia Louze, I have been looking for a way to get the fairy cream, and today I finally found the right person."

  The steward looked at Lou Ze, a young man with aura, "Show me the money."

  Lou Ze took out the money again, "One thousand taels, the steward can count."

   "There is no need to count." The steward went straight to the point, "Where is your store? How much do you need?"

  Lou Ze has already thought up an excuse, "It is in Liangcheng, and it needs a hundred catties of goods every day."

  The steward frowned, "Liangcheng?"

  Lou Ze smiled and said, "Liangcheng is mixed with fish and dragons, isn't it better to do business?"

  The steward nodded, "That's true. When will your store open? I can arrange for someone to deliver the goods to you one day in advance?"

  It can also be delivered in Liangcheng. It seems that there are more than one drug production place. Lou Ze moved his finger slightly, and a ray of spiritual light flew into the steward's body, "I want to see the place where you produce fairy ointment."

  The steward was confused for a moment, "Yes, when do you want to see it?"

   Lou Ze said, "Go now."

  The steward said, "Please."

  The boss looked at this scene and was very surprised. How could the mighty steward treat a young man so respectfully?

   Zeng was even more surprised, why did the steward listen to Lou Ze so much?

  No matter what other people think, Lou Ze followed the steward to the drug manufacturing site.

  Zeng or grabbed Lou Ze, and asked in a low voice, "We are here to kill the magistrate, now we are going to take care of this matter, will there be any delay?"

  The killer who came to help was already waiting at the designated place, and the two of them stayed away for a long time, fearing that it would arouse suspicion.

  Lou Ze affirmed, "No, I will be back before midnight."

   Zeng may be very puzzled, it is now afternoon, and the place to go does not know how far away, why does Chu Qingzhi say that?

  Lou Ze went to the front to take charge and walked side by side, "Which organization do you belong to?"

  Guan Shi said, "We are a cloud organization, and we are powerful enough to not do fake business."

   Lou Ze said, "Since it is organized by Yun, you must know Lord Yun. Do you know who he is?"

  The steward shook his head, "I don't know, no one knows, Master Yun is very mysterious, he still wears a mask when he appears, and there are so many masters around him, no one can get close to him."

  Chu Qingzhi became more and more interested in this person. She concealed the truth and made troubles in Dongling, but no one knew his true face. It was very powerful, "How many drug production sites do you have?"

  The steward shook his head again, "I don't know, but what I can know is that each city has at least one, and this depends on the needs of the city."

  Lou Ze asked, "Besides the current system location, do you know anything else?"

  The steward said, "I don't know, I've only been to this one."

  Zeng or walked over, why did the manager answer whatever Chu Qingzhi asked? Could it be another **** she dug?

  If this is the case, Chu Qingzhi is too powerful!

  Lou Ze looked ahead, "How long will it be?"

  The steward said, "It's almost half an hour."

  After walking for a while, some people led their horses and came from the nearby bamboo forest. The steward said, "Get on your horses and speed up."

  (end of this chapter)

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