Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 886: 886. It's all in one pot

  Chapter 886 Chapter 886. It's all in one pot

   This is a village built in the middle of the mountain, surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, but the people in the village have been replaced, and the original villagers have long since disappeared.

  The guards here are very strict. There are masters patrolling and monitoring in the distance. There are martial arts masters standing five steps apart in the village, which is stricter than the guards of a military fortress.

  At the gate of the village stood two tall guards with a big knife in their arms, like a butcher.

  After the steward approached the gate of the village, he showed a badge. The two guards moved away after seeing the badge, "Please, steward."

   After entering the village, the steward took Lou Ze and Zeng or into the nearest house, "Please fill in the time and address of your store opening."

   There is a young man sitting in a room, there is a window, and the table is placed next to the window.

   When several people came in, the young man glanced at him, his eyes numb.

   "I'll look at the goods first and then fill in." Lou Ze put his hands behind his back and looked around the room with his eyes. The room furnishings are very simple, a bed, a wooden frame, a wardrobe, and a set of tables and chairs.

  The steward did not force, "Please follow me."

  Out of the small room, a group of people came to the opposite room. This room was arranged like a medicine dispensing laboratory, and a middle-aged man was busy in it.

   There is a boy who is a helper.

  Three people came in, and the two people in the room turned their heads to look at it, but they didn't say anything, and immediately threw themselves into drug production again.

  The steward stepped forward and said to the middle-aged man, "This little brother wants to see the immortal ointment, do you have a ready-made immortal ointment here?"

  The middle-aged man glanced at Lou Ze strangely. It was the first time someone came here to see the Immortal Cream. The idea is his own. The fact that the other party can come here shows that he has some skills, so he should not be too troublesome.

  He handed the fairy ointment he just made to Lou Ze, "Brother, please look."

  Lou Ze took the fairy ointment in his hand and smelled it. The smell was similar to the one in the shop, so it was here. "Are all the houses in this village, except for the one at the beginning, made of fairy ointment?"

  The middle-aged man raised his eyes unexpectedly, "Why are you asking this?"

  Lou Ze looked around and said casually, "Of course I want to know more, otherwise how can we cooperate?"

  The middle-aged man glanced at the steward and saw that there was nothing unusual about the steward, so he said, "Yes, two people make each room, and they can make five catties a day."

   Lou Ze secretly said, five catties? How many people will be harmed by that! "Are all the fairy creams that everyone makes are of this quality?"

  The middle-aged man nodded, "Yes, if you can't reach this level, you won't be allowed to make it."

  Lou Ze secretly guessed, is there a place within the training camp that specializes in cultivating drug-making talents? If that's the case, apart from drug production, he admires the other party's management.

  He turned his head and asked the steward, "Do they have any rest time?"

  The steward shook his head, "No, the only way to rest at night is in a house near the village."

   This is easy to handle, Lou Ze said, "I've finished understanding, let's go out and write the address and time?"

  The steward said politely, "This way please."

   When they came to the room, the young man was surprised that they had gone and returned. He glanced at Lou Ze several times, then took out the register, "write it in the last row."

   "Okay." Lou Ze flipped through the register, page by page, and at the end, he counted that there were more than 200 tobacco dens in Linzhang City. This number is a bit scary.

   Taking the pen handed over by the young man, he wrote down a virtual address and time in the last row.

  He will be wiped out here tonight, so he is not afraid of verification.

   After writing, Lou Ze took Zeng or and left the village after paying a deposit of one thousand taels.

   On the way back, Zeng asked in confusion, "Why can't I understand?"

Lou Ze walked straight forward, "You don't need to understand, the soldiers will divide into two groups for a while, you go to appease the killers, and when I come over later, tell me the news about the magistrate, I'm going to do something now thing."

   Zeng or respectfully, "Yes."

   Lou Ze watched Zeng or go away, and then returned to the village. He didn't approach, but went to deal with the surrounding guards.

   Those guards were weak in front of him, and they were knocked down with one move. After they were knocked down, he still let them stand there, no difference.

   After the people were dealt with, it was already dark.

  Lou Ze found a stone and sat down, staring down. Now he just waits for those poison makers to return to the house, and he can start killing!

  Some of those who make drugs are forced to do so. This kind of crime is not punishable by death, and they can be given a chance to reform themselves. Others deserve to die!

  The moon gradually rises from the hillside and hangs high in the sky, like a small pendant in the night sky.

  Chu Qingzhi released the Golden Feather Phoenix, "Jing Hong, what are you doing?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "I'm eating, have you eaten yet?"

   "I've eaten. I'm going to assassinate the prefect later in the evening. Is this man useful to you? If so, I'll keep it for you."

   "You dig out the secrets first, if there are no more secrets, just deal with it."

   "Okay, I see. By the way, I am now near a cloud organization's drug manufacturing site, and I plan to take them all at once."

   "I'll send someone to reinforce you immediately."

   "No, I can handle it by myself."

   "Then you pay attention to safety."

   "You too, I'm going to destroy this place, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people looking for trouble for you, when you travel, bring a few more people by your side."


  The two exchanged the news they had obtained during the time apart, and then Chu Qingzhi cut off contact and was ready to do something.

  She flew into the air, made a formula with both hands, and cast the fire control technique.

   Groups of flames fell down, and spread out as soon as they touched the ground, forming a small sea of ​​flames.

  This is spiritual fire, which can burn everything. Anything that touches the flame will be instantly reduced to ashes, whether it is a person, a house, or the grass on the ground...

"on fire-"


  The sound only came out once and then stopped abruptly. After a cup of tea, everything except the room where everyone was resting was turned into ashes.

  Lou Ze fell to the ground, walked to the only intact house, kicked open the door, "If you are forced to come here to make drugs, I can let you live."

   There are more than 20 people here, all staring at Lou Ze in bewilderment.

  The middle-aged man came over, looked at Lou Ze, and asked in surprise, "Did you set the fire just now?"

   "Yes." Lou Ze nodded calmly, "Okay, it's getting late, so don't gossip, which ones are forced?"

  The middle-aged man said, "I was forced."

   Lou Ze waved his hand, "Pack up your things, leave here overnight, find a place to hide, and you can come out in a few days."

  The middle-aged man couldn't believe it. He was ready to die here when he was arrested here. He never thought that he would come out of a desperate situation. "Brother, can I really leave?"

  (end of this chapter)

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