Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 890: 890. The Grace of Enlightenment

  Chapter 890 890. The Grace of Knowledge

  Lu Changyu clasped his fists and saluted, "I've met my little brother."

  Lou Ze sized up the handsome man in front of him, puzzled in his eyes, "You and I don't know each other before, what do you need to ask me for help?"

Lu Changyu said sincerely, "A few days ago, my servant went out to buy vegetables, and saw that my little brother used a pill to save a person who was addicted to fairy ointment. His medical skills are extraordinary, so I would like to invite you to see my father. "

  Lou Ze asked, "What happened to your father?"

  Lu Changyu was desperate, "He is addicted to fairy ointment, and he can't quit no matter what, it's almost gone."

  Lou Ze wondered, "Your family didn't stay at home, how could you get infected with this thing?"

  Lu Changyu said indignantly, "Someone deliberately framed it, and my father didn't do it voluntarily. My father hates immortal ointment very much, and he would never take the initiative to smoke it."

   Lou Ze nodded, "Let's go and have a look."

  Lu Changyu turned sideways and said politely, "Please."

  Passing through several streets, he came to the gate of the Lu Mansion. Lu Chang met him and pushed the gate open, welcoming Lou Ze into the mansion.

   Lou Ze said, "Go directly to your father's room."

   "Yes." Lu Changyu was more polite, and led Lou Ze to the backyard, and then came to Lu Patriarch's room.

  As soon as he entered the room, he could smell the smell of smoked fairy cream in the air, which was very unpleasant. Lou Ze stepped forward to open the window for ventilation, and then walked towards the bed.

   Lying on the bed was a moaning man, in his forties, but with a face in his sixties, "Give me fairy cream, give me fairy cream..."

  Lou Ze lifted the quilt, and he was indeed tied up. He knocked Patriarch Lu unconscious, and then untied the rope to feel his pulse.

  No other illness, just smoking fairy cream like this.

   Lou Ze asked, "How long has he been smoking?"

  He secretly thought, there are so many people in Linzhang City, it would be a waste of medicine to use pills, but there is no exact prescription now, why not use this person as an experiment to find out the most accurate prescription?

  Lu Changyu said, "After smoking for more than half a year, after the door was closed, everyone basically stayed in the room. He and my mother have already separated rooms, so no one knows that he smoked the fairy ointment."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Is there any paper and pen?"

   "Yes." Lu Changyu took Lou Ze to the small study in the cubicle, "This is where my father usually handles housework. There is everything, and you can take whatever you need."

  Lou Ze nodded, sat on the chair, took out a pen and paper, thought for a while, and wrote down the prescription, "Go get the medicine back immediately."

   "Yes." Lu Changyu took the prescription and took someone to fetch the medicine in person. The magistrate has already fled, so there is no need to worry.

   Lou Ze got up and went to the corridor outside the room.

   After a while, a woman in her thirties came over dressed in gold and silver. When she saw a stranger, she immediately changed her face, "Who are you? Why are you in our house?"

   Immediately, a young man stepped forward to explain, "Hello third wife, he is the doctor brought back by the young master to treat the old man."

The third wife flicked the veil disdainfully, "What doctor? The master will be healed as long as he smokes the fairy ointment, but that unfilial son refuses to smoke it for him to torture people. He just wants to torture the master to death so that he can inherit the family business himself. "

  The young man hurriedly said, "Third wife, please be careful. The young master is only for the good of the master, not for the family business. If your words spread, it will definitely affect the reputation of the young master."

  The third wife said contemptuously, "Your young master dares to do it or not. Now that you have done this, are you afraid that your reputation will not be honored? You really are a **** Haili Archway!"

Lou Ze couldn't help it, "Why are you so vicious? I'm a doctor. When a person is sick, I ask a doctor to treat him. What a normal thing. How come it becomes a robbery when it comes to your mouth? A dog can't spit it out. ivory!"

  The third wife put her hands on her hips, "Who are you scolding?"

   Lou Ze said, "Just scold you, isn't it obvious enough? You are not only vicious, but also stupid."

  The third wife was mad with anger, "Come here, drive me out, this is not a place for him to run wild!"

  The little servant stopped in front of Lou Ze, "No one can touch him until the young master comes back. Third wife, you'd better restrain yourself, otherwise the young master will come back soon, and we'll see what you say!"

   "No matter how you say it, he is still a junior. I don't believe he dares to do anything to me." The third wife was complacent, "Come here, drive me out."

   "Don't rush, I'll go by myself!" Lou Ze walked out, and before leaving, he glanced at the third wife.

  The third wife suddenly had cold hands and feet. The man's eyes were so scary, but soon she couldn't care less, and kicked out the people who obstructed the eyes one by one from the mansion. This Lu manor belongs to her son.

  Lou Ze walked up the street, followed the scent to a breakfast stall, ordered a bowl of noodles, then sat on a stool, and waited for the noodles to be ready.

  Zeng or walked over from the corner of the street, sat across from Lou Ze, "Have another bowl of noodles."


   Zeng said to Lou Ze, "I went to the inn to look for you, but I didn't find you, so I thought something happened to you."

  Lou Ze looked around, "What can happen to me?"

   Zeng or, “…”

  Zeng He said, "It's better to be modest, by the way, how come people from the Lu Mansion invite you?"

   Lou Ze said, "Let me treat his old man's illness, but was kicked out by the third wife."

   It was a pity once or for a moment, asking Chu Qingzhi to see a doctor, that is a rare thing, "a woman with long hair but short knowledge."

   Talking, Lou Ze's noodles are ready, "True Yangchun noodles, girl please."

   Lou Ze took the chopsticks and started to eat, "Boss, your noodles are really delicious."

   "That is, for this, I went to the south to study for three years."

   "That's right, a craft can last a lifetime."

   "Haha, I still have a vision."

  Zeng or listened to the conversation between the two, and secretly said, I didn't expect Chu Qingzhi to be so down-to-earth that she could chat with a small vendor.

   Zeng He's face also came, "Brother take it easy."

While eating noodles, he once told Lou Ze about Hong Feiyun's coming to find him, and about the new mission, and then explained, "It's not that I didn't notify you in advance, but that Hong Feiyun came here by himself. I was surprised too."

  Lou Ze didn't speak, she finished a bowl of noodles before she spoke, "Who is the person Hong Feiyun trusts the most?"

  Zeng or thought for a while and said, "It's her sister and subordinate Hong Feiying."

  Lou Ze asked, "What do you think about naming her sister as the one who leaked the news?" If you dare to find Jing Hong's bad luck, let's see who is better.

  Zeng or raised his eyes to look at Chu Qingzhi, "She, she shouldn't believe it?"

  Lou Ze asked back, "Will there be a divorce plan?"

  Zeng or nodded, "I know, but I haven't used it."

  Lou Ze took out the purse to get the silver to pay for it, "Does the sisters like anyone?"

  Zeng might be at a loss, but still nodded, "Yes, and the **** thing is that both sisters like one, and that is Mr. Mu Xiao in the organization."

  Lou Ze asked, "Who is this Mr. Mu Xiao?"

   Zeng said, "He is also a member of the cloud organization and is responsible for recruiting new members. The two sisters were recruited into the organization by him."

  Lou Ze couldn't help saying, "It turns out that there is also the grace of knowing you."

  (end of this chapter)

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