Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 891: 891. Sell into Goulan

  Chapter 891 Chapter 891. Selling into the Goulan

   Zeng or, “…”

  Come here for a while, Lou Ze said, "Go and ask Hong Feiyun's younger sister Hong Feiyun out in a while, and start to divorce."

   Ever or very curious, "What do you want to do?"

  Lou Ze glanced at Zeng Or, and said with a bit of mystery, "You will know when the time comes, and you will be required to participate in a while."

   Zeng or retracted his gaze, restrained his expression, and stopped being curious, it was definitely not a good strategy.

   After paying the money, the two left the noodle stall to implement the plan.

   At the same time, Tang Jinghong brought soldiers and horses to the gate of Linzhang City, "set up camp on the spot." Settle the matter in Linzhang City before leaving.

   "Yes." The soldiers of the three armies responded together, the voice was shocking and thrilling.

  All the officials in Linzhang City, except the magistrate, were waiting at the gate of the city, "I have seen General Tang."

  The false magistrate has been hidden by him, and it will be useful in the future when King Dongling is brought down. Now Tang Jinghong let the real magistrate return to the crowd of officials.

   "Everyone should know at this time that your previous prefect was a fake. Now I have brought the real prefect back, and I will continue to lead you to manage Linzhang City in the future. Everyone must obey his orders."

   "Yes, General Tang." Then all the officials said to the prefect, "I have met the prefect."

  The magistrate was very ashamed, "Everyone is free, don't stick around here, go back quickly, gather people, and seal up the fairy halls."

   All the officials did not dare to hesitate, and immediately responded, "Yes, my lord."

   Once back in the city, everyone took drastic action.

  Tang Jinghong also entered Linzhang City. Although he had never been there, Chu Qingzhi had already described it clearly to him, but he still wanted to see how devastated the city was.

   "Everyone goes their own way, don't worry about me!"


  On the side of the street, a five or six-year-old girl knelt there, next to a man who was as thin as a ghost.

  The man held a cane in his hand, and if the little girl showed signs of moving, he would whip her.

   "This is the little girl Xiaozhen. She is seven years old this year. She has flexible hands and feet and is easy to support."

   "She eats less and works much better, like a cow. You will definitely not lose money if you buy her."

   "Ahem, cough, everyone, take a look, if it's suitable, buy her with some money!"

  The little girl trembled from the convulsions, her eyes were full of tears, her expression was numb and desperate, she lowered her head, playing the role of a commodity in an orderly manner.

  A woman in sackcloth rushed over, knelt down on the ground and hugged the little girl into her arms, "I'm sorry Xiaozhen, mother is late."

   "Smelly bitch, what are you doing here?"

  The man shook his hand a few times, then coughed violently, his muscles twitched, and clear saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth. He looked like he was obviously addicted to cigarettes.

  The woman in sackcloth hugged the little girl tightly, "Mother is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

  The man calmed down a bit, and raised his voice, "This woman is also sold together. She is in good health, and she also works a lot and eats less. Everyone will make a lot of money buying it home, cough cough cough..."

  The onlookers looked numb, and it was not surprising that such things happened almost every day in Linzhang City.

  Selling children, daughters, and wives, the money from the sale is used to smoke fairy cream, most of them are like this.

  The man couldn’t hold back his addiction to cigarettes. Tears flowed from his eyes and his body began to stagger.

  Tang Jinghong stood aside and had a panoramic view of the scene, and then made a gesture. After a while, two tall and straight men stepped forward, held him one left and one right, and took him away.

   Seeing that the man was taken away, everyone dispersed.

   "Xiaozhen, get up, let's run away." The woman in sackcloth stood up, then pulled the woman up from the ground, and hurried away without even glancing at the direction in which the man was taken away.

   It was Tang Jinghong's plainclothes subordinates who took the man away. They were distributed around to protect Tang Jinghong's safety.

It's not that he is afraid of death, but that he must not have any accidents. He and the various forces on Dongling's side are competing with each other. Once he dies, it means that the trip to Dongling has failed, which means that the court has failed. Next The forces of Dongling will attack the cities outside Dongling without any hindrance, and the whole Daling is in danger.

  Tang Jinghong walked to the streets and alleys, "Lock him up and wait for a prescription to cure his smoking addiction, then throw him into the mine to do coolie work."

   "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong continued to patrol the city.

   At the same time, Lu Changyu took the medicine and returned to Lu Mansion.

  The boy waited in front of the gate with a full face of indignation, and when he saw Lu Changyu, he stepped forward and said, "Young master, the doctor you invited back to treat the master was driven away by the third wife!"

  Hearing this, Lu Changyu's expression darkened immediately, "Send someone to look for my little brother immediately, and come back and let me know if you find it."

   "Yes, young master." The servant hurried out with a group of servants.

  Lu Changyu brought the housekeeper and four servants to the small courtyard where the third wife lived, "Come here, tie me up."

  The third wife looked at Lu Changyu like this, she was a little scared, but she was still very arrogant, "What are you doing, I am your elder, how dare you disrespect me!"

  Lu Changyu stretched out his hand and grabbed the third wife's neck, "I didn't care about things before, but now I'm saving my father, but you're obstructing, **** it!"

   After scolding him, he threw him to the ground, "Tie him up and sell him to Goulan."

  The third wife yelled, "Lu Changyu, I am your elder, and I am the third wife of the Lu family."

   "The only elder of mine is my mother. What are you, a concubine?" Lu Changyu gritted his teeth and said, "Sell the son of the third wife, and the Lu family will never have such a mother and son again."

  The son is her only hope, the third wife went crazy, "You dare to sell my son, I will fight with you!"

  Lu Changyu reached out and clasped the third wife's chin, saying every word, sternly, "I'm going to sell today, what can you do with me?"

  The third wife realized that Lu Changyu was here for the real thing, and finally got scared, "Young master, let my son go, I am willing to leave the Lu residence, I am willing to leave."

   "Take it away!" Lu Changyu didn't want to see the mother and son again.

  The third wife and the son of the third wife were sold to Goulan.

  But at the same time, good news came, "Master, I found my little brother."

   "Take me there quickly." Lu Changyu patted his face to make himself look softer, and then followed the servant to pick up Lou Ze.

   The two sides meet on the street.

  Lu Changyu came forward and saluted, "Brother, I have cleaned up all the annoying people in the mansion, so I won't hinder your eyes anymore."

  Lou Ze raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the young master of the Lu family was a decisive person, "Did the medicine come back?"

  Lu Changyu nodded, "I got it back."

   "Then let's go."

  Backing back to the Lu Mansion, Lou Ze came to the kitchen with the medicinal materials and decocted them himself. After all, it was the first time he came into contact with people with such a heavy smoking addiction. They are different from the people in the capital, and they need to experiment.

  (end of this chapter)

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