Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 892: 892. Unstoppable

  Chapter 892 Chapter 892. Unstoppable

   It was not good to stand by and watch, he helped Lou Ze light the fire, and fanned it gently there with a fan, but it was a bit against the law for the killer leader who was full of evil spirit to do this.

  Lou Ze added the medicine at different times, then smelled the smell, and then added all the medicinal materials into the medicine jar like this, and boiled it slowly.

  It took half an hour to fry the medicinal materials this time, but she was not satisfied with the final result.

   "First take the medicine for Master Lu to drink. The medicine in this prescription can only temporarily suppress drug addiction, but it cannot be relieved. I still need to try other things. If Young Master Lu asks, you can just tell Young Master Lu the truth."

  Zeng or nodded, "OK."

   After a while, Lou Ze went to the room and felt the pulse of Master Lu to see what was wrong. While looking at the symptoms, he improved the prescription again.

   After feeling the pulse, Lou Ze found that there were quite a lot of problems, mainly because the immortal ointment was too harmful to the body, and the internal organs began to deteriorate one by one.

  Take your time and solve them one by one.

  After getting the pulse, Lou Ze went to write two more prescriptions to Lu Changyu, "I need to do a few more experiments to get the medicine from these two prescriptions back."

  Lu Changyu didn't expect to cure his father in one go, it's good to be able to restrain himself, "Yes."

   He went to get the medicine himself.

  Lu Changyu quickly bought the medicinal materials back again, and Lou Ze took the prescription to the kitchen and decocted the medicine himself.

  At this time, Tang Jinghong also came to the Lu residence.

  Lu Changyu hurriedly greeted him at the gate, and said with a smile, "General Tang came to the humble house, which is full of splendor. Please come inside."

  Tang Jinghong nodded to Lu Changyu, "How are you doing?"

  Lu Changyu's uncle used to be Tang Jinghong's subordinate. At that time, Lu Changyu was still a teenager, escorting supplies to the military camp, so the two met.

  Lu Changyu sighed, and said helplessly, "Thanks to General Tang's concern, I'm fine. It's just that my father was hurt by the fairy ointment, but he has taken the medicine and he is much better."

  Tang Jinghong was fascinated immediately, and asked, "Who can prescribe this medicine?"

  Lu Changyu said, "It's a little brother. The servants at home saw that he saved a person on the street with pills, so I invited him back to save my father. He is now decocting medicine in the backyard and said that he needs to study it."

  Tang Jinghong lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, "Take me to meet this person."

   "Okay." Lu Changyu did not doubt that he was there, Tang Jinghong was concerned about the country and the people, such a talent would definitely be sent to the barracks.

  Lu Chang met his servant to invite Lou Ze.

  Lou Ze let Zeng or look at the fire. He went to the lobby to meet people, but he didn't expect to see Tang Jinghong, "I met General Tang."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Lou Ze, and the corners of his lips curled up, "Excuse me, please sit down."

  Lou Ze refused, "I'm still decocting medicine in the kitchen, so I have to go back immediately."

  Tang Jinghong put his slender fingers on his lap and gently gathered them. He looked at Lou Ze. Although he was disguised as a man, his eyes were still so beautiful. "Can I see?"

   Lou Ze nodded, "OK."

  Lu Changyu, "..."

  The two returned to the kitchen together, Lou Ze started cooking, "General Tang is for the country and the people, I will personally cook for you in a while, eat before leaving."

  Tang Jinghong smiled slightly, "It's disrespectful."

   Zeng or, “…”

  Lou Ze waved to Zeng, "Chop some firewood and come in."

   "Okay." Zeng ran away as if fleeing. It was rumored that Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong had a very good relationship, so he should not stay here to be an eyesore.

  With a wave of his hand, Lou Ze closed all the windows and doors of the kitchen, then changed into Chu Qingzhi's appearance, and kissed Tang Jinghong.

   Tang Jinghong's eyes faded with a smile, he hugged Chu Qingzhi into his arms, and said softly, "It's better to watch now."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, and then asked inexplicably, "Why did you come to Lu Mansion?"

   Tang Jinghong said, "Come and see you."

  Chu Qingzhi looked up at Tang Jinghong, "You know I'm in the Lu Mansion?"

  Tang Jinghong said in Chu Qingzhi's ear, "I know, your Shuanger told me."

   "This little traitor." Chu Qingzhi worried, "Don't run around, there are too many people in Dongling who want to kill you now, it's impossible to guard against."

  Tang Jinghong didn't dare to take it too seriously, "I know, after seeing you, I'll go back to the barracks in a while."

  Chu Qingzhi hurriedly said, "Leave after eating."

   Tang Jinghong laughed, "Okay."

  The two had some intimate words, and then Chu Qingzhi changed back to Lou Ze's appearance, opened the windows and doors, and recovered.

   After a while, Zeng or brought in the firewood. Lou Ze made a good meal and ate with Tang Jinghong. After eating, Tang Jinghong left.

  Shortly after the meal, the second medicine was ready, and Lou Ze took it to Master Lu himself, and then took his pulse to observe his condition.


   Linzhang City.

  A yamen servant brought officers and soldiers to the door of a smoking hall, and waved his hand, "Come on, seal up the Ruyi Immortal Hall for me!"

   "Yes, my lord." A group of officers and soldiers rushed into the smokehouse and drove out all the people inside.

   Then go to find the fairy ointment, this is the most important thing.

  A yamen servant came out in a hurry and reported, "Captor, there is no stock of immortal ointment in the Ruyi hall, everyone just finished smoking."

  The head catcher said, "How is it possible, the boss must have hid it somewhere, go, torture to extract a confession, and ask about the location of the inventory."


  The boss was tortured to death, "It's really gone. It was stolen last night. I only found out this morning. If you don't believe me, ask my manager, everyone in the museum knows about it."

  The officers and soldiers immediately went to **** the other people from the Ruyi Pavilion, and everyone said the same thing.

  The headhunter guessed, "Could it be that someone knew they were going to close down the smoking den and took the things away one step ahead of time? Let's go to the next smoking den."

  If the next tobacco shop is like this, the guess is probably established.


  A row of ten smokehouses is like this.

  The catcher noticed something was wrong, and immediately went back to report to the mansion.

After the magistrate heard about it, he had a headache, "You immediately ask the guards at the city gate to see if there are any strange big boxes coming in and out since last night. If not, the things should still be in Linzhang City. Inform the city gate Guards, who dare not enter or exit the city gate now, need to check things, if you don't show them, you will be arrested immediately."

   "Yes, my lord." The head catcher quickly went to work.

  The magistrate immediately reported the matter to Tang Jinghong. Tang Jinghong had already returned to the barracks. He thought about it, and asked Chu Qingzhi with the golden feather phoenix if he knew about it?

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I know what's going on, keep sealing it up, and I'll take care of other things."

  Cutting off contact, Chu Qingzhi went outside to find the little thief from last night.

   If she didn't expect, this little guy could steal so many things overnight.

  The little thief was still happily stealing things, until Lou Ze appeared in front of him, "You move very fast!"

  The little thief raised his chin, clapped his hands, and said with a complacent expression, "It's okay."

  (end of this chapter)

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