Chapter 893 893. Divorce plan

  At this time they were at the back door of a smoke shop, Lou Ze stole to the little god, "Where did you put the fairy ointment?"

  The little **** blinked secretly, "Just put it in the previous room." The previous room he mentioned was the one that had just been burned in the backyard of the government office.

   Lou Ze, “…”

   Lou Ze asked, "Where are they all?"

  The little thief nodded, "Yeah."

  Lou Ze said, "You don't need to steal the immortal ointment anymore, the government is already confiscating them next to each other."

  The little thief said pleasantly, "Seizure? Really?"


"This kind of harmful thing should have been sealed up a long time ago. It's good to have it sealed up." The little thief was very excited, and it took a while to calm down, "I won't steal the fairy ointment from now on, but I also lost my goal, you Is there anything to do? Let me help you."

  Lou Ze thought, "If you really want to do something for the common people, you can investigate the planting location of hibiscus, or the manufacturing location of fairy ointment. After you find it, don't act rashly. Come back and tell me, and I will deal with it."

   "Okay, I'll go right away." The little thief was full of fighting spirit, wishing to destroy all the gods in the world at once, "I'm leaving, take care."

  Lou Ze waved to the little thief, "Be careful not to be caught."

  The voice of the little thief came from afar, "Don't underestimate me, they want to catch me, in the next life."

  Lou Ze's eyes were dotted with a bit of a smile, and he told Tang Jinghong about the little thief, then turned away and left the place.


  After Master Lu took the second medicine, his condition improved a bit, and then Lou Ze gave him a trial of the third medicine, "After drinking it, lie down for a while and do nothing."

  Master Lu has woken up and nodded, "Thank you, brother, I understand."

  Lou Ze left Master Lu's room with the tray and went to the kitchen.

  On the kitchen window, Zeng or sat sideways on it, "The bait has been dropped, and I don't know when to take the bait?"

  A cold light flashed in Lou Ze's eyes, "Go and see when it gets dark."

   Zeng looked at Chu Qingzhi with some admiration, and left the Lu residence with a leap.

  Lou Ze walked to the window, looked at the blue sky, and smiled, "The show is about to begin."


  In the room, Hong Feiyu saw a letter by the bed, and she opened it vigilantly.

  After reading the contents of the letter, she slowly smiled, "I never thought that Mu Xiao would take the initiative to ask me out."

  Put the letter on the candle and burn it, Hong Feiyu immediately packs up and prepares for the appointment.

   At the same time, Hong Feiyun also received a letter. After reading the letter, a smile appeared on her stern face, and she put the letter on her chest, "Mu Xiao finally asked me out."

   After packing up and dressing up, Hong Feiyun also went to the appointment.

  The place they agreed on was on the peak of the back mountain, where you can overlook the entire Linzhang City, and no one disturbs you, so it is the best place for a date.

  Hong Feiyun flew into the woods, and suddenly saw Hong Feiyu releasing the pigeons. After releasing the pigeons, he folded his palms and muttered, "We must reach the barracks safely."

  These words immediately made Hong Feiyun suspicious. She turned around and chased after the carrier pigeon, then flew out the dagger and knocked the carrier pigeon to the ground.

  She quickly took out the letter sent by the carrier pigeon to read, and then saw something that made her unbelievable.

  My younger sister has secretly taken refuge in Tang Jinghong, and secretly passed on the news.

  However, Hong Feiyu has always been someone Hong Feiyun trusts. At this time, Hong Feiyun still doesn’t believe him completely, “I’ll go to Feiyu and ask for clarification.”

  Tearing up the letter and burying it in the soil, Hong Feiyun turned to chase after Hong Feiyu.

  At this time, Hong Feiyu has arrived at the mountain peak, where Mu Xiao is waiting.

  Mu Xiao was dressed in a white brocade robe, with handsome features, and his sleeves fluttered in the wind. He looked quite chic and suave. He turned to look at Hong Feiyu, and shouted, "Feiyu, I thought you weren't coming."

  Hong Feiyu's appearance is softer, showing a bit of shyness, "How come? You asked me out personally, how could I refuse."

  Mu Xiao stretched out his hand to hold Hong Feiyu's hand, and said affectionately, "Now the organization is busy with affairs, and I don't have time to take care of my children's personal affairs. Now that I'm finally free, I can't help but want to see you."

   When he was talking, the corner of his eye glanced to one side, and then he hugged Hong Feiyu into his arms, "Feiyu, I miss you so much."

   Hong Feiyun, who was chasing after him, saw this scene, and was so angry that his silver teeth were about to be crushed.

   Feiyu said that she would not take the initiative to fall into Mu Xiao's arms, and that she liked Mu Xiao, and she would never get her hands on her. So what does it mean now?

  Hong Feiyun's eyes were red, he clasped his fingers on the tree trunk, and directly grabbed five holes.

  Mu Xiao gently let go of Hong Feiyu, and kissed Hong Feiyu.

  Hong Feiyun's lungs exploded with anger.

   Finally couldn't take it anymore, she turned and left.

  She secretly thought, Hong Feiyu can do such a thing, maybe she has already figured out how to get out?

  As soon as he left, the two of them on the mountain peak, Mu Xiao turned into Zeng or, and Hong Feiyu turned into a little maid.

  Lou Ze sat on the tree trunk, watching the fun.

   Soon, Hong Feiyu came near the peak.

  She saw that on the mountain peak, Hong Feiyun pulled Mu Xiao over and kissed him forcefully, but Mu Xiao didn't push his sister away.

  Hong Feiyu's eyes were also red with anger, her elder sister wanted to fight for her for everything, and she was the one who made an appointment behind the scenes, and her elder sister wanted to grab her too.

   "Hong Feiyun, from today onwards, our sisters' love will be broken!"

  Spitting out these words fiercely, Hong Feiyu turned around and flew away.

  Mu Xiao and Hong Feiyun became Zeng Yu and the little maid again.

   Lou Ze shook his head lightly. Sure enough, a woman who is immersed in love will become stupid. Such a fake divorce plan can also be hit, but it's just right, so she won't have to worry about it.

   Have or ask, "What do we do next?"

   Lou Ze said, "Look at the infighting between the two sisters first, don't worry."

  Zeng or glanced at Lou Ze, Chu Qingzhi was really treacherous, "Then you go back to the Lu Mansion to continue researching the prescription, and I will monitor the two sisters."

   "Okay." Lou Ze nodded and flew away.

  The little maid watched Lou Ze leave, then hugged Zeng He again, and asked softly, "When are you going home, the child misses his father."

   Zeng kissed the little maid on the face, "It will take a while."

  The little maid looked reluctant, "Then how should I tell the child?"

  Zeng took the little girl into his arms again, and hugged her gently, "Let's say I went to the north to do some business, and I'll go back to see him when I'm done. General Tang's army has already overwhelmed the land, and Dongling and the others won't be here for long."

  The little maid nodded, and then asked, "Can the one just now really save your life?"

   Once or affirmatively said, "Don't worry, she will definitely be able to if she says she can. When the cloud organization is destroyed, I will take you to the countryside to live an ordinary life."

  The little maid smiled expectantly, "I'll wait for you."

   "Okay." Zeng You sighed, unable to help himself.

  (end of this chapter)

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