Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 894: 894. Massacre

  Chapter 894 894. Massacre

  Linzhang City, Lu Mansion.

  Lu Changyu carefully helped Master Lu up, and sat on the head of the bed, "Father, are you better?"

  Master Lu is skinny and skinny, which is rare, but he is still in good spirits. He nodded slightly, "It's much better. I feel hungry now and want to eat."

  Lu Changyu said, "Father, wait a moment, I'll get it for you right away."


  Lu Changyu ran into Lou Ze at the door of the room, "Brother, thank you, my father has recovered a lot."

   "Your father's health hasn't fully recovered yet, and you need to pay more attention." Lou Ze said, "I'd like to emphasize that you must not use the fairy ointment during this period, otherwise your father will be on the road to ruin."

  Lu Changyu shuddered, "Brother, I understand."

   "Okay, go get busy, I'll give your father the medicine." After speaking, Lou Ze walked into the room with a tray.

  Master Lu was very grateful to Lou Ze, "If it weren't for you, my old life might be gone."

  Lou Ze handed the medicine to Master Lu, "Master Lu has great fortune, as long as you pay attention from now on, nothing will happen again."

   "Yes." Master Lu drank the medicine in one gulp.

  Lou Ze sat on the stool, waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect, and then took Master Lu's pulse to see the effect of the new prescription.

  After soothing the discomfort of the concoction, Master Lu couldn't help inquiring, "Brother, where are you from?"

  Lou Ze said, "My home is everywhere."

  Master Lu said kindly, "Then, do you want to settle down? If you don't mind, the Lu Mansion can provide you with a shelter."

   Lou Ze smiled, "I like freedom, and I don't want to settle down, at least not for the time being."

   "Then..." Master Lu hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "Respect my brother's wishes."

  Lou Ze thought for a while and said, "If Master Lu wants to repay me, he can provide some military rations, medicinal materials, cloth and other materials for General Tang's barracks. I would be very grateful."

  Master Lu was very surprised, and then solemnly replied, "I will remember what my brother said, and I will ask Changyu to prepare supplies in a while, and send them to General Tang as soon as possible."

   Lou Ze nodded, "OK."

   When the time was up, Lou Ze stepped forward to feel the pulse of Master Lu. After a while, he withdrew his finger, "Master Lu, rest more, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

  Master Lu said politely, "Brother, go slowly."

  Lou Ze returned to the kitchen, took the five prescriptions in his hand and looked at them. After cross-comparison, he drew up the final prescription, but this prescription lacked a single medicinal material, Tianzhuhuang.

   "Master, please send someone to grab a pair of medicine according to this prescription. After drinking this prescription, your father will be completely recovered."

   "Okay, I'll go right away." Lu Changyu took the medicine and went to the medicine shop.

  Zeng Or flew from outside, and said in a playful tone, "Hong Feiyun and Hong Feiyu had a big fight, and they almost didn't fight."

  Lou Ze said with great interest, "What if I pretend to be Xiao Xiao?"

  Before she wanted to pretend to be Hong Feiyun, but the information in charge of the killer was not very useful. If she pretended to be Mu Xiao, she might be able to obtain the planting locations of all the drugs in Dongling.

   Zeng paused, "Is it so big to play?"

   "What is this?" A cold light flashed in Lou Ze's eyes, "It's a big game to uproot the cloud organization."

  Zeng or did not speak, maybe this huge organization was really uprooted by Chu Qingzhi.

After a while, Lu Changyu came back in a hurry, "Brother, there is no Tianzhu Huang in the medicine store. I went to several places and said no. He said that this medicine is only available in Tianlan bee in Chen'an country, but there are many on Tianlan peak. Poisonous bees, they stab people when they see them, and they seal their throats with blood, so no one dares to go."

  Lou Ze whispered, "It seems that I'm going to visit Chen'an Kingdom."

  He raised his voice and said to Zeng He, "Go and find out about Tianzhuhuang for me. If you find it, tell me immediately."

  Zeng or answered, "Yes." Then flew away.

  Lou Ze waved his hand, closed the kitchen window and door, and sent a message to Tang Jinghong, "Jinghong, I have researched the prescription for Shenxian ointment, but there is still a medicine missing, and this medicine is only available in Chen'an Guo."

  Tang Jinghong was silent for a while and replied, "Qing Zhi, when are you going?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought about it, "Leave immediately."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Be careful, send me a message if you have something to do, Chen'an has my people."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "Okay."

  At this time, there was a knock on the window, "It's me, Shuang'er."

  Chu Qingzhi opened the window, "What's wrong, Shuang'er?"

  Shuang'er fell to the window, "Someone is following Meng Shengdong, and the killer is planning to kill them tonight and transfer the fairy ointment, you go and save them."

  Chu Qingzhi's eyebrows sank, "I see."


  It was night, Lou Ze put on his night clothes, and headed towards Baihua Street in the south of the city, planning to catch a mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind him.

  The gang of killers are talking...

  The killer said, "Second leader, why didn't Hong Feiyun arrange a leader to kill Meng Shengdong and the others?"

  The second leader said, "The first leader failed to kill the magistrate, and let the magistrate escape and go to Tang Jinghong. All the smoke houses in Linzhang City were sealed off, and the loss was heavy."

  Killer asked, "Can these smokehouses be reopened?"

  The second leader said, "After Tang Jinghong and the others leave, we can reopen."

  The killer thought deeply, "That's right, they didn't stay here all the time."

  The second leader became serious, "Stop talking so much, get things done tonight, and go back to receive the reward later."

  The killer responded, "Yes, the second leader."

  Behind the killers ambushing, Lou Ze stood in the darkness with folded arms, and curled his lips. Before the mission was completed, he wanted to receive the reward. He was too confident!

   Turning his neck, Lou Ze took out the dagger, his body flickered past, and with the flash of cold light, all the killers lay down.

  However, as soon as he put away the dagger, one of Tang Jinghong's soldiers came to the street with injuries all over his body. Dragging his seriously injured body, he ran from the street to the end of the street, followed by three killers with swords.

  Lou Ze’s secret strategy was not good, and he fell for it. He sneaked into the street from the darkness, and without saying a word, he went straight to killing.

   After a while, three corpses lay on the street.

  Lou Ze walked towards the soldiers, "What happened?"

"Someone exposed our whereabouts. After the people from the Yun Organization found out, they sent three groups of people to kill us. Brother, please go to Junyi Bridge Street in the west of the city. They are still there..." After finishing speaking, the soldiers said Passed out due to excessive blood loss.

  Lou Ze injected some spiritual energy into the soldier's wound to temporarily save his life, and then flew to Junyi Bridge Street in the west of the city with the soldier.

  The location of the warehouse, swords and swords.

  Chu Qingzhi put the soldiers in a dark place and joined the fight.

  Meng Shengdong and the others were unprepared and were beaten, but after Chu Qingzhi joined, the situation turned around in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)

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