Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 895: 895. Cut to pieces

  Chapter 895 895. Cut to pieces

  Here are the three leaders, who are known for their fierceness. When they killed Meng Shengdong and the others, they used ultimate moves. Meng Shengdong and the others were all injured. Fortunately, Chu Qingzhi arrived in time, otherwise the entire army would be wiped out.

  Chu Qingzhi killed none of them.

  Meng Shengdong and the others couldn't hold on any longer, so they found a place to sit down.

  Chu Qingzhi took out the medicine and gave it to several people, both for external use and pills, "Can I take the medicine myself?"

  Meng Shengdong took the medicine bottle with both hands, and said with force, "We're fine."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, went to fetch some water, "Everyone who wants to drink water, come and drink water, and tell me in time if you feel unwell."

  Meng Shengdong said, "Miss Chu, we are all fine, we have rough skin and thick flesh, this injury on our body will be fine after a rest."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then I'll deal with the fairy ointment in the warehouse, and you guys rest here." After saying that, she walked to the warehouse on the side.

  The warehouse is huge and filled with boxes.

  Chu Qingzhi opened all the boxes with a flick of her hand, and swept away her spiritual sense, and found that they were all filled with fairy ointment, which probably weighed a thousand catties. These people are too crazy.

  She turned her head and closed the door of the warehouse, and then cast the fire control technique, turning all the fairy ointment into ashes.

  Meng Shengdong and the others were shocked when they saw the warehouse was on fire, "Miss Chu, Miss Chu, come out soon, what happened?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's okay, I set fire to burn the fairy ointment, the smoke can't spread out, otherwise it will make you addicted, you step back ten steps, I'll come out right away."

   "Yes." No one dared to delay, and immediately dragged his seriously injured body back.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the door and walked out of the room.

  Meng Shengdong hurriedly asked with concern, "Miss Chu, are you okay?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's okay, you guys take care of your injuries, I'll go to the other two warehouses to have a look."

  Meng Shengdong said worriedly, "Miss Chu, you must be careful, the people in the Yun organization have gone crazy, now kill whoever you see."

  Chu Qingzhi ordered, "I know, after you heal your injuries, go back to the barracks immediately. Jinghong needs help."

   "Yes." Mission accomplished, they can leave.

  Chu Qingzhi changed into Lou Ze's appearance after leaving the warehouse, and headed for Yanglou Street in the north of the city.

   There is also a warehouse here.

   Unexpectedly, there was an ambush here. As soon as Lou Ze walked into the gate of the warehouse, a burst of arrows shot at her like raindrops.


  Lou Ze spun back and then stretched out his hand to catch the void. All the arrows were blocked by a transparent arc-shaped light screen, unable to move forward any further.

  At this time, the arrows outside the curved light screen looked like hedgehogs, one after another, very dense.

   Lou Ze shook his hand, and all the arrows shattered into **** and fell to the ground.

   Immediately afterwards, the second wave of arrows shot over again.


  Lou Ze flew high into the sky with a leap, turned and waved his hand, all the arrows retreated, and the tails of the arrows pierced into the chests of those who were shooting arrows.

   "Bang bang bang—"

   Killers come out from hidden places one by one.

  Lou Ze slowly fell to the ground, ink danced, and his clothes fluttered. Even though Chu Qingzhi didn't have the original appearance, this appearance was as powerful as a **** descending.

  The surviving killers came out of the darkness one by one and surrounded Lou Ze. The four leaders knew Lou Ze, stared at him, and said in a complicated tone, "I didn't expect you to hide so deeply?"

   Lou Ze was full of doubts in his heart, "We don't have a good relationship, why do I have to tell you everything?"

  The eyes of the four leaders flashed with injury, "Is our relationship still good?"

   Lou Ze, “…”

what's the situation?

  Is there any dark secret between these two people?

  It can't be that kind of relationship, can it?

  The four chiefs took a step towards Lou Ze, with greedy eyes, "Lou Ze, why have you been avoiding me all this time?"

  How does he know why?

   Lou Ze has goosebumps all over his body, no need to ask, there must be that kind of relationship between these two people, it's too bad, I didn't expect that Lou Ze, a handsome young man, would have a broken sleeve.

   "Forget everything in the past, now we are enemies!"

   One of the subordinates shouted urgently, "Fourth leader, kill him, we can go back to deal with business, he should not be confused by him!"

  The four leaders sucked the subordinates into their hands with internal force, choked their necks, and as soon as they exerted force, there was a "click" and killed the subordinates.

  Although he killed people, he kept staring at Lou Ze, "Go, I won't kill you today, as long as you don't touch the things in this warehouse."

  Lou Ze folded his arms, "What if I have to move?"

  The four leaders raised their necks slightly, revealing the position of the lifeline, "Then you kill me."

  If it were the real Lou Ze, maybe he would not kill the four chiefs, but not now, so naturally he would kill them.

   Lou Ze took out the dagger and held it horizontally in his hand, "Let's fight."

  The four leaders did not move, but the men behind him moved, and they all rushed over, "Kill!"

  The four leaders killed their own people just now, and no one listens to him anymore.

  The four leaders stood in place, looked at the besieged Lou Ze, and suddenly yelled, "Stop, all of you!"

  As soon as his voice fell, the scene seemed to be frozen.

  The four leaders joined the battle and stood on Lou Ze's side, "Lou Ze, I'll put the things you want in the place we often go together, you can get them yourself?"

   Lou Ze, “…”

what is this? This fight is full of doubts!

   While he was thinking, the four leaders were stabbed in the chest by a sword from his hand, and fell to the ground and died.

   Lou Ze stepped up his offensive, turned around, swept across, stabbed obliquely, and easily eliminated all the killers, and then walked to the warehouse.

  After entering the warehouse, Lou Ze immediately checked the contents of the warehouse, and after confirming that they were correct, he used the fire control technique to burn them down.

  Lou Ze returned to the yard, came to the side of the four chiefs, searched the latter, found something, maybe a clue, he took it and left.

  Finally, he came to the warehouse on Baihua Street in the south of the city, and a fire also turned the fairy ointment into ashes.

  Chu Qingzhi told Tang Jinghong about the destruction of the three warehouses of immortal ointment, and then disappeared.


  Hong Feiyun was furious, "The second leader, the third leader, and the fourth leader, are they all broken?"

  Cultivating such a killer does not know how much energy is needed. All of them were killed overnight.

  Who is this person?

  Hong Feiyun asked angrily, "Zeng Or, do you know who killed them?"

  Of course he knew, but he wouldn't say, "Master, it should be a hidden chess game buried by Tang Jinghong!"

   "It's Tang Jinghong again!" Hong Feiyun brushed all the teacups on the table to the ground, still puzzled, "Find this man for me, I'll cut him to pieces!"

   Zeng might be wondering, "Master, this person's whereabouts are a mystery, and I'm afraid no one can find him."

  Hong Feiyun glared at Zeng or, "You don't know how to set a trap, so think of a way?"

  Zeng or said helplessly, "Master, I don't have anyone in my hands."

  (end of this chapter)

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