Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 896: 896. The Assassination Success

  Chapter 896 896. Successful assassination

  Hong Feiyun, "..."

  Hong Feiyun scolded angrily, "Why are you becoming more and more incompetent!"

  Zeng or lowered his head, did not speak.

  Hong Feiyun softened his words, "Recently, I have lost a lot of people in my hands, and now no one is sending them to you. You can find a way by yourself. If you kill this mysterious person, I will definitely reward you."

   Zeng or pretending to respond, "Thank you, master, I will try my best."

   "Go down." Hong Feiyun rubbed the center of his brows, feeling really headache.

   "Yes." Zeng You slightly raised his eyes to look at Hong Feiyun, and left.

  Hong Feiyu walked in, hugged her arms, leaned against the door frame, and said with a strange air, "A mysterious person makes my sister so busy, it really makes people think you are incompetent!"

  Hong Feiyun's face darkened, "You have the ability to kill this person?"

  Hong Feiyu smiled, and said calmly, "Sister, don't provoke me, I like to do what I can, and I won't do things beyond my ability, so this kind of thing, I'll let my sister solve it by herself."

  Hong Feiyun looked sharply, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

   "Hey, my sister is becoming more and more impatient, so I, a good younger sister, worry about it." Hong Feiyu turned around, sighed in a mixed manner and left.

  Hong Feiyun had a grim face, and slapped the table with a slap, smashing the table into pieces, "Damn it all!"

   After a while, a middle-aged man in a cloak walked in, "Now that the immortal ointment in the three major warehouses has been destroyed, how do you explain it?"

  Hong Feiyun restrained his anger in an instant, and saluted respectfully, "I have seen Mr. Zuo Shi."

  The left envoy glanced at the mess on the ground, did not enter the house, and stood at the door, "Master asked me to tell you, as long as you can find the person who destroyed our immortal ointment, and bring this person into the organization, you can make up for it."

  Hong Feiyun was overjoyed, "Yes, Master Zuoshi."

  The leftist turned and left.

  Hong Feiyun took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "Come here."

   One confidant on the left and one on the right entered the room, "Make arrangements to search for the "mysterious person" with all your strength, and notify me immediately after you find it."

   "Yes, master."



  In the main tent, Dong Dengyu came to look for Tang Jinghong again, "General Tang, Chu Qingzhi is dead, who can save Chen Anguo now?"

  Tang Jinghong sat on the chair and leaned back slightly, "Can't you go back and do your part?"

  Dong Dengyu patted his hands on the table, "If I have that ability, why don't I still stay in your barracks?"

  He will not go back alone. Tang Jinghong's destination is Liangcheng. When he arrives in Liangcheng, he will go back to Dongchen Kingdom after finding out the situation. His life is important now.

  Tang Jinghong said, "Since you know this is my barracks, shouldn't you abide by the rules of my barracks?"

  Dong Dengyu said, "Tang Jinghong, I'm a prince, I show you some respect, don't push yourself too hard!"

   "The prince is so powerful, why bother to find me a small person?" Tang Jinghong lowered his head and continued to deal with official business, not wanting to talk to another idiot.

  Dong Dengyu wanted to say something more, but there was an urgent cry, "It's on fire, it's flooded!"

   "Quickly put out the fire, it's on fire!"

  The noisy voice spread, and the entire barracks seemed to be in chaos in an instant.

   Tang Jinghong's face was gloomy, and he got up and walked out. Dong Dengyu also left the barracks. After he came out, Tang Jinghong whispered a few words to the guards, and then went to the place where the water was walking.

  Qi Kaiming saw Tang Jinghong and hurried over, "General, the medicinal materials have been burned."

  Tang Jinghong's face darkened completely, "Rescue first, and save as much as you can."

   "Yes, General."

  Both tents were on fire. Soldiers carrying water and carrying basins came to put out the fire. Although it sounded chaotic, it was actually orderly.

  Chu Qingning walked over from one side, "Brother Jing Hong, there are traces of drug burning and the smell of kerosene over there, someone did it on purpose."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the fire, his deep eyes reflected the jumping flames, and looked extremely dangerous, "It seems that the other party is deliberately planning."

   "Brother Jing Hong, what should we do now?" Chu Qingning frowned, the medicinal materials might be hopeless, and what is most lacking now are medicinal materials.

  Tang Jinghong said, "First put out the fire."

   Not long after, the guard ran towards Tang Jinghong at a trot, "General, the man has been let in."

  Tang Jinghong turned around immediately and blocked the people in the tent, "What are you looking for, can I get it for you?"

  The person whose back was facing Tang Jinghong froze, "General, general, let me clean up."

  Tang Jinghong stared at the other party sharply, "Isn't this the time for cleaning?"

  The soldier turned around slowly, knelt down in front of Tang Jinghong on one knee, and said in trepidation, "General, please be aware, this subordinate really just wants to help the general with some trivial matters, and has no other meaning."

   After finishing speaking, he pulled out the dagger from his boots and cut it horizontally.

  Tang Jinghong stepped back and kicked the knife in the soldier's hand at the same time, then stabilized his body and slapped the soldier's chest with his palm.

  The soldier's martial arts skills are not low, he leaned back, dodged the attack, drew a soft sword from his waist, and stabbed Tang Jinghong again.

  Tang Jinghong leaped over and came to the desk, took his saber, and drew it to resist the soft sword of the soldier.


  The weapons of the two collided, and there was a crisp sound, and the soldier's tiger's mouth was shaken so that blood flowed out.

  Qi Kaiming rushed in with his soldiers, "Protect the general."

   "Stand back!" Tang Jinghong shouted in a low voice, since he hasn't used force for a long time, it's better to loosen his muscles and bones.

  The second time the weapons of the two men collided, the soldier's sword was directly shaken off, and he lost consciousness below the arms.

  Tang Jinghong kicked the soldier aside, "Tie him up, keep his mouth shut, and tell the outside world that he succeeded in the assassination!"

   "Yes, General." Qi Kaiming waved to the soldiers who came in with him, stepped forward and **** the assassin, put a cloth on his mouth, and escorted him out.

   After coming out, Qi Kaiming said to the guard, "Go and call the military doctor, the general was stabbed in the chest, and his life is dying, let the military doctor come and rescue the general."

  He originally said it in a secretive way, but he said it very loudly, and his half-covered appearance is more convincing.

   I don't know if the news of Tang Jinghong's successful assassination will spread, what kind of disturbance will it cause?

  The military doctor who came was Fang Zerong, and he looked worried, "General, let me see, your body was finally repaired by Miss Qing Zhi, why did you get injured again?"

  He saw at a glance that Tang Jinghong was not injured, and these words were said on purpose.

   "General, your injury is too serious. I'm afraid it can't be handled by one person. I'll send someone to find some more military doctors."

   Tang Jinghong responded weakly, "Yes."

  Fang Zerong came outside the tent and said anxiously, "Go get two more military doctors over, the general's injuries are too serious, I can't handle it alone."

  As he spoke, two soldiers came out of the tent carrying basins full of blood.

   The credibility of this scene instantly increased.

  (end of this chapter)

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