Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 898: 898. Gunpowder at the South Gate

   Chapter 898 898. South Gate Smoke

  In the woods, three kitchen soldiers had fallen to the ground and died. There was a bloodstain on their necks, and the blood flowed to the ground. It was obvious that their throats were sealed with a knife.

  "Qi Kaiming" checked the wounds of the three people, and found that they were killed by the person they were facing who suddenly turned around and swiped his sword.

  This kind of situation shows that the other party they know, maybe they are still very familiar with people, so they are not a little defensive.

  The thread is broken here.

   "Take away their corpses."


  "Qi Kaiming" returned to the barracks and changed back to Chu Qingzhi, "Jing Hong, I have to go."

  Tang Jinghong walked towards Chu Qingzhi, kissed her, his eyes were as gentle as water, "Be careful, send me a message if you have anything."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi smiled at Tang Jinghong, "I'm leaving, remember to eat on time."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, "I will."

   "Keep in touch at any time." Chu Qingzhi hugged Tang Jinghong, turned and left the barracks.

  Tang Jinghong looked at the entrance and exit of the camp, and did not return to his senses for a long time.


  Two fast horses galloped on the official road, heading towards Chen'an Country.

  I once or suddenly remembered something, "Hong Feiyun is looking around for the mysterious person who killed several killer leaders, and wants to recruit him into the organization."

   Lou Ze, “…”

   "Shouldn't it be killing this person?"

  Zeng or glanced at Lou Ze, "He wants to kill him, but he must be able to kill him!"

   Lou Ze was noncommittal.

   Ever asked, "What's next?"

  Lou Ze raised his whip and slapped it on the horse's ass, "I'm going to find medicine, and I can't deal with Hong Feiyun for the time being. Let's talk about it when I come back."

  Indeed, once or not speaking, the horse also stopped slowly and watched Lou Ze off.

  Lou Ze abandoned the horse when traveling alone, and used the technique of shrinking the ground to make an inch to travel, otherwise it would take a month to reach Tianlanfeng, and she didn't have that much time.


   In the blink of an eye, five days later.

  The magistrate came to the barracks to report, "General, all the smoking halls in the city have been sealed up, and the obtained immortal ointment is more than two thousand catties. What should I do next?"

  Tang Jinghong tapped lightly on the table a few times, "Issuing a notice that my general will ban smoking at the south gate of Linzhang City tomorrow!"

  The magistrate cupped his hands, "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong led a group of soldiers to the south gate of Linzhang City. Now that all the spies in the barracks have been captured, there is no need to pretend anymore.

  When they came to the south gate, Tang Jinghong ordered, "First battalion, second battalion, you dig a hole three feet long, two feet wide, and two feet deep by the river."

   "Third Battalion, Fourth Battalion, go prepare ten loads of limestone."

   "Yes, General."

  The order was issued, and the soldiers went their own way and got busy.

   This scene attracted many people in the city and passers-by to watch...

   "What is General Tang doing?"

   "I heard that smoking is prohibited."

   "Huh? Is smoking really going to be banned? Great, great, it's finally the day."

   "Yes, really, the notice has been posted, and it will be tomorrow."

   "So soon? Tomorrow is fine, I will definitely watch it again tomorrow, I must see those disgusting and harmful things destroyed!"

  Shenxian ointment has only been popular for more than a year, but it has ruined countless families. People who haven't smoked hate these things to death.

  Tang Jinghong presided over the riverside for an hour, and then went to the prison in the government office.

  Here, no, there are many people who are very addicted to smoking.

   "Give me the fairy ointment!"

   "I beg of you, give me fairy ointment."

   "I want fairy cream!"

  Some people hit their heads against the wall, some knelt down and begged, some cried bitterly...

  After walking around the sky prison, Tang Jinghong asked the military doctor, "Did you give them medicine?"

  The military doctor said, "Drinking, some people have controlled it, but the addiction still exists. Others who are addicted to smoking, after taking the medicine, the degree of relief is not great, and they still want to smoke the fairy ointment."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Continue to take the medicine, and these problems can be completely solved after the introduction of the medicine is found."

   "Yes, General."

  Wen Shaoyuan stepped in front of Tang Jinghong, "General, your letter."

  Who will let Shaoyuan deliver the letter? With doubts, Tang Jinghong unfolded the letter, which stated that there were three drug planting sites and five drug manufacturing sites near Linzhang City.

  Tang Jinghong put away the letter, hurried back to the barracks, and sent thirteen teams of soldiers to leave the barracks to destroy these places!

  He personally led a team to one of the drug production sites.

  At the same time, Chu Qingzhi came to the foot of Tianlanfeng Mountain.

   There used to be a small county with tens of thousands of people here, but smallpox was rampant, and all the people in the small county were missing. Now the entire county is empty, and depression and emptiness permeate the entire county, which is scary.

  Chu Qingzhi went straight to the medicinal material shop, but the medicinal material shop didn't have any herbs, it was empty.

   "It seems that I have to go up the mountain."

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the medicine shop and walked towards the foot of the mountain. There were no traces of people or animals along the way, desolate and desolate, as if the whole world was left to her.

  Ordinary people walking here would be scared to death.

   "Swish..." The bushes trembled, as if something was about to emerge.

  Chu Qingzhi directly hit with a wave of spiritual power, a burst of leaves flew, a scrawny white wolf was shaken out, fell to the ground, looking at Chu Qingzhi pitifully.

  The white wolf was also infected with smallpox, his skin was festered, and his stomach became a piece of skin from hunger. Chu Qingzhi stepped forward to use spiritual power to restore the white wolf's wound, and help it relieve its hunger by the way.

He picked up a broken crock pot, took out the water bag from his bag, poured some water into the crock pot, and put it in front of the white wolf, "You drink here, I'll go up to collect herbs, and I'll come down later to pick you up to eat. "

  White Wolf could no longer care about what Chu Qingzhi said, gulping down water, wagging his tail slightly, telling how happy he was at the moment.

  The smallpox in Chen'an country spread during the heavy rain, but after the abnormal heavy rain, it began to dry up.

   It's no wonder Dong Dengyu is unwilling to return to China, it's really terrible to stay in this place.

Chu Qingzhi walked up the mountain, the further she walked, the closer she frowned, the natural disasters in Chen'an Kingdom were really serious, many plants on the surface were withered, some trees were dead, yellow and yellow, now it is spring, but there is a kind of autumn sense of bleakness.

  If this continues, Chen Anguo may really destroy the country.

   This is none of her business. What she cares about is that if she does this, the herbal medicine she is looking for will probably be dried up, and it may be a waste of time.

  The leaves on the ground were scorched and would shatter when stepped on. The sound of "rustling" could be heard constantly under Chu Qingzhi's feet, echoing in this mountain, making it even more lonely and empty.

  The further you go up the mountain, the more severe the drought is, and there are scorched sounds everywhere.

  Seeing this, Chu Qingzhi simply flew directly to the top of the mountain, unleashed her consciousness, covered the mountain from top to bottom, and searched for herbs.

  (end of this chapter)

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