Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 899: 899. A Strange Village

   Chapter 899 899. A Strange Village

  Chu Qingzhi didn't find the medicinal materials, but saw a refugee village.

   There is a lot of hay **** in the village of the refugee village, and the surroundings are now bare. Why don't you go and have a look, in case you are lucky?

  This village was originally called Shuixiu Village. It has beautiful mountains and clear waters inside and outside the village. The villagers in the village are quite wealthy, and many of them are green brick and tile houses, but now it can be changed to a dilapidated village.

  The ground is cracked and the farmland is deserted. The palm-sized cracks in the field are like wrinkles on the face of an old man. It is extremely desolate and lifeless.

  The green brick and tile house is still the blue brick and tile house, but the roof is broken, the wall skin is peeling off, the gate is cracked, the yard is messy, and there is only depression and withering.

  The villagers have messy hair, ragged clothes, rough and old skin, and they look like old people at a young age.

  The most terrifying thing is that everyone's eyes are extremely silent, without any light.

  The arrival of Chu Qingzhi instantly attracted the attention of all the villagers, and they all surrounded Chu Qingzhi.

  In the eyes of these villagers, Chu Qingzhi saw a desire that made her sick.

  She took a sweeping glance, there seemed to be no children in the village, and there were few women. Judging by the situation, it seems that something unexpected happened.

  In this case, needless to say, just strike directly, Chu Qingzhi raised his hand, and the attack with concentrated spiritual power knocked all the villagers away in an instant.

  She didn't kill her. After all, this is a refugee, a refugee who is so hungry that he has lost his mind.

  The refugees realized that they had encountered a hard stubble, and their eyes became awed and frightened.

   Sure enough, strength is the most important thing at any time.

   "Help me find a medicine. After I find it, I'll find something for you to eat." Chu Qingzhi took out a piece of paper from her arms and unfolded it. The paper looked like Tianzhuhuang.

   "Whoever finds it first, I will reward a piece of meat!"

  At this time, eating is the most attractive. After hearing what Chu Qingzhi said, all the refugees became excited, dispersed, and started looking around.

  Chu Qingzhi flew up to the roof, looked around the village for a week, and then flew to the farmer with the most grass, "I want to dig through the grass here to find a medicine. If I find the medicine I need, I will thank you very much, how about it?"

  The farmer is an old woman with a rickety body and trembling when she walks. "Turn it over, and tie it up for me after you turn it over. The old woman is not in good health and can't do it."

   "Thank you." Chu Qingzhi looked around, went to pick up a wooden bucket, and then flew away.

  A pair of eyes in the room watched this scene, and rushed out, "Grandma, she stole our wooden barrel!"

  When the old grandma saw the village rushing out, her face changed drastically, and she pushed the child into the house, "Go back to the house, go back to the house, the villagers will come to arrest you when they see it."

  The child is a little girl, about ten years old, but she is thin and skinny, looks like seven or eight years old.

  After listening to what the old woman said, she came to her senses and ran back into the house in panic.

  All the children and women in the village met with accidents. As for the accidents, it goes without saying that the old grandma said that she escaped the catastrophe only after she died, and she never showed her face for more than a year.

  Chu Qingzhi saw the little girl, but she planned to fetch some water for the old woman before going back to dig hay, so she ignored it.

  Flying a long way, Chu Qingzhi didn't see any water.

  After seeing a big river whose bed was dry and cracked, Chu Qingzhi frowned slightly and stopped.

   Such a river has dried up, where can there still be water?

  After thinking about it, Chu Qingzhi had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of a place where there might be water.

  She carried the bucket and flew to the county seat.

   There are some hundred-year-old wells, no matter if there is a drought, there will be water. If you look for them, she should not be disappointed.

  Come to the county seat, Chu Qingzhi searched house after house, but found no water for five houses in a row, Chu Qingzhi sat by the well, intending to rest for a while.

   Although she has a strong mind, the constant disappointment will still affect her mood.

  She opened the water bag in her bag, took a sip of water, and after a short rest, she continued to search.

   After looking for a few families, she came to the backyard of the government office.

  As soon as she flew into the backyard, a cool breeze came over her face. There must be water here.

  Spiritual consciousness was released, and then came to the well.

   There is really water!

  Chu Qingzhi brought over the wooden bucket next to her, fetched two buckets of water, and they all came, and it didn’t hurt to take an extra bucket.

   After fetching water, Chu Qingzhi noticed that there were many dried lotus leaves on the surface of the nearby lake, and there were no traces of mining. There should be lotus roots underneath.

  After thinking about it, Chu Qingzhi came to the lake with the bucket in hand, and dipped her spiritual power into the mud. There really were lotus roots, but they were not big, but for now, having them is the most important thing.

  The spiritual power wrapped the lotus root under the mud and ingested it. Repeatedly, she dug out more than ten catties of lotus root.

  Find a piece of cloth, wrap the lotus root on the back, carry the bucket, and return to the grandmother's house.


  Shuixiu Village.

   "Just now I saw a little girl running out of that old godmother's house!"

"you sure?"

   "I'm sure, what I saw with my own eyes is definitely not fake."

   "Let's go, call the villagers, go to the old godmother's house, and arrest her granddaughter. It's too well hidden. We don't even know a single village."

   This was almost unanimous. When the villagers heard about it, they stopped looking for herbs, and all gathered in front of the old woman's house.

  Xu Er was carrying a **** on his shoulder, his eyes gleamed with cruel light, and he yelled confidently, "Old godly woman, hand over your granddaughter."

  The grandmother was frightened to death, and hurriedly asked her granddaughter to hide, and she went out to deal with it.

  The little girl was also obedient, and immediately ran to hide in a dark cell under a cabinet in the cellar, trembling, hugged herself, and curled up.

  The grandmother walked out of the house, "Everyone misunderstood, misunderstood, my granddaughter is dead, where is my granddaughter?"

   "Don't pretend to be an old thing. Someone saw it with your own eyes just now. Hurry up and hand him over, or we will kill you today!"

  The old grandma was sweating coldly, her body was shaking, and she was terribly frightened, but for the sake of her granddaughter, she insisted on blocking the door, "Old women have lived enough at their age, so kill them if you want."

   "I didn't expect that you, old woman, are not afraid of death..."

   "Don't talk nonsense with her, let's go in and find someone!"

   "Go, go in and search!"

  Xu Er pushed the old lady aside, and led someone into the house recklessly, "Little girl, we saw you, did you come out by yourself, or did we catch you?"

   "I tell you, if you don't come out, we will kill your grandma."

   "You don't want your grandma to die for you, do you?"

   A group of hungry people were looking for someone in the house like robbers. The little girl in the cellar burst into tears. She didn't want grandma to die, she didn't want grandma to die...

  Grandma climbed into the house despite the pain all over her body, and shouted in the direction of the cellar, "Don't look for it, no one, no one."

  The old woman cried loudly, "Don't bully me, an old woman, I don't have anything in my house, so don't turn it over!"

  (end of this chapter)

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