Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 900: 900. Difficult times

  Chapter 900 900. Difficult world

  Xu Er kicked the old lady, "If you want to die, we can help you, but we will not let your granddaughter go!"

  The old woman screamed, the pain made her dizzy, and she almost didn't recover, "Xu Er, they are all from the same village..."

  Xu Er slammed down the door of the room, slamming it with a loud "bang", "It used to be a village, but now...everyone is seeking self-protection, who cares whether you belong to a village or not!"

  The old lady looked at Xu Er, "Can't you keep a little bit of humanity?"

  Xu Er sneered, "People are going to die, and you still talk about human nature to me, aren't you ridiculous? It's a good thing you have lived so long."

  The accomplice came over and told Xu Er, with a vicious expression on his face and a hoarse voice, "I didn't find anyone, but I'm sure there is someone in this room."

  Xu Er said viciously, "In that case, let the other party come out by himself." He pointed at the old woman on the ground, "Tie him up and roast him later."

  He turned his head, "Little girl, if you don't come out again, your grandma will be burned alive."

  The old grandma said with all her strength, "Grandma is old and should die, but a child's life is still long, and it cannot be ruined in vain. If you persevere, you will see hope tomorrow."

  The little girl in the dark cell burst into tears, "Grandma, if you want to die and die together, if you want to live together, if you die, what's the point of your granddaughter living alone?"

  The little girl opened the door of the secret compartment and came to the ground from the cellar, "I am here, you catch me and let my grandma go."

   When a group of hungry people saw the little girl, their eyes glowed green, so he said there was a little girl!

  When the grandma saw her granddaughter come out, she cried and beat the ground, "When will this cannibalism end!!"

  The little girl stepped forward to help the old grandma up, "Grandma, in the next life I will be a grandma, and you will be a granddaughter, and I will protect you." After speaking, she calmly accepted her fate, "Can you kill me before..."

  Xu Er was full of excitement, "For your own sake, this request has been agreed to you."

  The little girl nodded, "Then let's go."

  The grandma grabbed her granddaughter's hand, "I'm sorry Xiaozhen, it's grandma who didn't protect you well."

  The little girl shook her head. She blamed no one but her own bad luck, "Grandma doesn't blame you, it's because I forgot to tell you, otherwise I wouldn't have caused these disasters."

  Xu Er waved his hand impatiently, "Take it away!"

  A group of people escorted the little girl to the home of the pig butcher in the village. Xu Er yelled, "I have the greatest credit. I will choose first, and I will choose you after I choose you."

  Everyone said in unison, excited, "Yes, I will let you choose first."

  Xu Er raised his chin, "Pig butcher, get the knife..."

  The pig butcher should simply say, "Okay."

  The people around were so excited that they lost all humanity.

  On the other side, Chu Qingzhi returned to the grandmother's yard with the bucket and lotus root on her back, and put the things down, "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law..."

  In the middle of the main room, the old lady hanged herself.

  Chu Qingzhi hurriedly put her down, but luckily she came back in time, the old grandma was still alive.

  The old lady was very surprised, "You, why are you back?"

   "I just went out to find water and food for you, what happened?" Chu Qingzhi wondered.

  The old grandma burst into tears, and said anxiously, "I beg the girl to save my granddaughter. She was taken away by the villagers to kill her. Quickly, I beg the girl to save her."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi felt nauseous for a while, she put the old grandma to sit against the wall, and flew out...

  The pig butcher raised his knife and walked towards the little girl, licking his mouth with his tongue, with an indescribably obscene and disgusting expression, "Little girl, my knife is very fast, once you cut it down, you will die soon."

  The little girl closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

   "Clang—" The pig butcher fell to the ground in response, and the knife flew over and cut Xu Er's neck.

  Xu Er felt a chill on his neck, reached out to touch it, and felt the warmth and stickiness in his hand, "Blood, blood..." The light in front of him slowly darkened, and he fell into darkness forever.

  The little girl opened her eyes strangely, and saw Chu Qingzhi descending from the sky, like a fairy descending to earth, "Sister Fairy!"

  Chu Qingzhi took the knife into her hand, waved it casually a few times, and everyone fell to the ground. These people can no longer be called, so let's purify the air by dying.

  The little girl's eyes widened.

  Chu Qingzhi stepped forward to untie the rope that bound the little girl, "It's okay, your grandma is still waiting for you to go home."

  The little girl knelt down and kowtowed to Chu Qingzhi, then ran home quickly, "Grandma, grandma..."

  The old grandma was still sitting on the ground, staring blankly at the door in a daze, feeling empty for a while. When she heard the little girl's voice, the old grandma's eyes lit up like a lit candle.

   "Xiaozhen, Xiaozhen..."

  The little girl rushed over and hugged the old grandma, "Grandma, my sister saved me, she killed all the bad guys."

   "You have met a nobleman." The grandmother was overjoyed, patting her granddaughter on the back, very happy.

  Chu Qingzhi came in behind and brought the bag of lotus root over, "Shall I eat something?"

  The little girl looked at the cloth bag in surprise, "Is there anything?"

   "Open it and have a look." Chu Qingzhi put the things in front of the gate, then turned around and went to the grass place, picked up a bundle, and untied the grass rope...

  There are many useful medicinal materials in the grass, and she decided to come to look for them after seeing these.

   All the medicinal materials were picked out and taken away. A lot of medicinal materials in the military camp were burned, and it was also a time when there was a shortage.

  The little girl walked towards Chu Qingzhi eating lotus root, "Sister Fairy, what are you looking for, may I find it for you?"

  Chu Qingzhi didn't raise her head, "No, you just need to eat, and I brought two buckets of water, why don't you go and drink?"

  The little girl looked around, full of surprises, "Water? Is there really water?"


   "You took my bucket just to find water for us?"


   "Sister Fairy, I misunderstood you, I'm sorry."

   "It's okay, I should have said in advance, otherwise you shouldn't have encountered this catastrophe."

   "It's none of my sister's business, and you have completely eliminated the hidden danger now, I should thank you."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't expect the little girl to be so sensible, "It's okay, let's go drink some water."


  The little girl brought two bowls from the house, one for the grandmother and one for Chu Qingzhi, "Sister Fairy, here it is."

   "I'll drink it later." Chu Qingzhi put the bowl aside, she wasn't thirsty yet.

   "Yeah." The little girl ran to the barrel, hugged the barrel, and drank her fill.

  Since the outbreak of smallpox, she hasn't had a good drink of water.

  The people in this refugee village are all survivors of the smallpox epidemic. Their smallpox is self-healing. Now smallpox is mainly spreading in the capital. These no-man's lands are gone.

  (end of this chapter)

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