Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 902: 902. Settled in the county seat

  The parrot flapped its wings and flew away, and then Chu Qingzhi returned to the little girl's house.

  At this time, the old lady gathered all the rest of the village to her home. There were more than twenty people in total, all of whom were in their fifties.

  Fortunately, they are old, otherwise they may be hard to escape.

  The old lady said to Chu Qingzhi, "Girl, everyone is here and things have been packed, when shall we leave?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Eat something first and replenish your strength, otherwise you might not be able to walk."

  Grandma obeyed, "Well, well, I'll listen to you."

  She turned around and beckoned everyone to enter the house, "Come, come, my house has water and lotus root, come in and have some food."

   "Your house actually has something to eat, isn't it great?"

   "The girl found it for my family. If it wasn't for the girl, we would be as hungry as you."

   "We met a kind person."

  The old lady smiled and said, "No, so you should be kind, otherwise you won't know when you lose your life."

  Everyone thought it was true, and thinking of the dead men in the village, everyone felt that they should be kinder.

  In the evening, when everyone was full, Chu Qingzhi took a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to the county seat.

   It takes half an hour to walk from the village to the county seat. The road is bumpy and there are mountains to climb, which is not easy.

  Chu Qingzhi said to everyone, "If you are tired from walking, you can tell me, and we can rest for a while before leaving."


  The little girl took the lead and led the way. When she was a child, she often went to the medical center in the county town to play. She was most familiar with the mountain roads. Chu Qingzhi used to fly directly before, so she was not familiar with the route.

   When walking halfway, Chu Qingzhi said, "Wait for me, I'll see if the wolf is still there, if it is, I'll bring it back to watch over the nursing home for you."

  Everyone is happy but also a little scared. That is a wolf, will it bite?

  Chu Qingzhi flew in the direction of feeding the wolves. She was not sure if the wolves were still there. When she was feeding the wolves, she simply fed some food and did nothing else.

  The surrounding area of ​​the broken earthen jar was empty, Chu Qingzhi looked around, but didn't see any wolf, "Looks like he's gone!"

  Chu Qingzhi stood there and waited for a while, then flew back...

  As soon as she flew over the mountain, she heard a howl of a wolf. Looking back, she saw a wolf that was so skinny that it was chasing her.

  Chu Qingzhi curled her lips into a smile, and fell to the ground, "You didn't leave?"

  Wolf seemed to be relieved when he saw Chu Qingzhi return, he was too tired to stand upright, lying on the ground only panting heavily.

  Chu Qingzhi reached out and touched the wolf's head. It was getting dark, and she hugged the wolf, "Take a break, I'll take you to meet everyone."

   This wolf is in the prime of his wolf life.

  Everyone took a step back in shock when they saw that Chu Qingzhi really brought back a wolf. Only the little girl walked towards Chu Qingzhi, "Sister Fairy, can you leave this wolf to me?"

   "Then you have to be nice to it, you know?" Chu Qingzhi put the wolf on the ground, and after the wolf stood still, it rubbed against Chu Qingzhi, as if expressing gratitude.

  The little girl nodded heavily, "I will."

  After resting for a while, the wolf also recovered, followed the little girl, and moved to the county together.

  On the way, the little girl asked Chu Qingzhi, "Sister Fairy, I want to name the little wolf, what do you think is good?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You can take whatever you like, and you will be its master from now on."

  The little girl looked at the red sun on the top of the mountain, reflecting the red color, hope rose in her eyes, "Then shall I name it the sun?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "That's a good name."

  The little girl touched the little wolf's head, and said happily, "Little wolf, from now on you will be called Sun, don't worry, I will take good care of you."

   "Aww—" the little wolf barked in response to the little girl's kindness.

   There is a mountain to be climbed ahead, and after climbing the mountain, walk a flat road to the county seat.

  A group of old, weak, sick and disabled climbed up the mountain road with difficulty...

   "Ah—" Suddenly, an old woman slipped on her foot and rolled down the mountain.

  Everyone was terrified when they saw this scene, and the little girl shouted, "Grandma Xu."

  Chu Qingzhi flew over quickly, grabbed the person, and helped him up, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

  Grandma Xu trembled instinctively, but life and death were already indifferent, "I am so old, and I am in such a world. If I die, I will die. Next time, the girl will not save me."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't answer the words, "Let's go up and meet them."

  Grandma Xu nodded, "Let's go."

  As soon as she returned to the team, two younger women beside her hurriedly supported her, and one of them said, "We came out together, and we also want to go to the destination together."

  Grandma Xu smiled at the two of them, "It's an old bone, and you can't die, it's a drag on everyone."

  Another human said, "Say no delay, we are dependent on each other now, and no one is allowed to say death."

  Grandma Xu smiled, "Okay."

  The little girl came to Chu Qingzhi's side, "Sister Fairy, thank you for saving Grandma Xu just now, her three sons were all forced to serve as soldiers, and her daughter-in-law and grandson were eaten by those people, it's very pitiful."

   A simple sentence, it is an indescribable sorrow, Chu Qing Zhian secretly thought, it is better in the cultivation world, whoever is stronger will listen to him, and the fate is all in his own hands.

   Supporting each other, they climbed over the mountain with difficulty and came to the flat ground.

  Everyone looked around and finally saw hope. After staring ahead for a while, a group of people quickened their pace and walked to the county government office. They can live in a big house in the future.

   When he arrived at the county government office, Chu Qing Zhifei took down the plaque in mid-air, shattered it with his palm, then went to another mansion to find a plaque and hung it on it.

  When everyone saw the brand-new plaque, it was as if they had been reborn, and their eyes slowly glowed.

  Chu Qingzhi clapped her hands, "It's done, let's go in."

  The little girl pushed the door open, "This will be our home from now on." As she spoke, she hopped inside with the little wolf.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Everyone choose the room by themselves, put down the bags, drink some water, I'll go and find out what to eat."

  The little girl ran over, "Sister Fairy, I'll go with you, I'll learn, next time I'll know I'll go find it myself."

  Sister Fairy is going to leave after all, I have to learn some skills myself.

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi took the little girl to the big family next door, "Search for things first in the backyard, it is unlikely to store things in the front..."

  While walking, Chu Qingzhi told the little girl the common rules for searching things.

  The little girl had starry eyes, "Sister Fairy, you know a lot."

"The more you have experienced, the more you understand." Chu Qingzhi opened the door and walked into a firewood room, saying, "In the future, there will be no firewood to burn, so I will come to these places to get it, but now you are fine, take it back and store it for more good."

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