Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 903: 903. The Smoke Begins

  The little girl responded obediently, "I see."

  Chu Qingzhi waved to the little girl, "Let's go, let's go to the warehouse, and after we find the warehouse, we'll go to the cellar. In such a big house, we probably didn't take all our things with us when we left."

  The little girl obeyed, "Yeah."

  Chu Qingzhi said again, "You can find the quilts elsewhere, as well as cloth clothes."

  The little girl said seriously, "I remember everything."

   After some searching, the two came to the warehouse.

  The warehouse was in the backyard, and it was locked with a lock. It looked like there were valuables, so Chu Qingzhi kicked the door open.

  The little girl was startled, but then admired again. She stared at Chu Qingzhi's legs. The fairy sister's legs looked thin, but she didn't expect them to be so strong.

  One big and one small walked into the warehouse. There were some boxes in the warehouse, but the rest of the place was empty with nothing.

  The two went straight to the box.

  Opening the box, the two were disappointed. The things in the box were indeed precious, but they were all porcelain, not a grain of rice, and not practical at all.

  The little girl wiped her face with the back of her hand, disappointed, "There is nothing."

  Chu Qingzhi took out a set of teacups, "You can take this back to drink water, isn't it pretty?"

  The little girl took the things over and smiled again, "Pretty."

  Chu Qingzhi touched the little girl's head, "Let's keep looking."


  The two came to the entrance of the cellar outside the kitchen. The little girl put down the teacup, put her hands together, and prayed, "God bless, there must be something to eat below."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, opened the entrance to the cellar, and then climbed down the ladder.

  The little girl also slowly climbed down.

  The cellars of rich families are relatively large, and there are many vegetable jars, baskets, cabinets and other items in them.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the vegetable jar, and there was a rotten smell of sauerkraut. The rim of the vegetable jar had long run out of water, and the air mixed in, so it naturally rotted.

  The little girl suddenly shouted, "Ah, I found a dried radish."

  Chu Qingzhi walked over, there were a lot of dried radishes in the cabinet, about five or six catties, "Take it back, cook it and eat it later."

   "Yeah." The dried radish is packed in a cloth bag, and you can carry it away. The little girl put the cloth bag in her hand and walked towards the exit.

  Chu Qingzhi opened all the cabinets, they were empty, and then searched around, but found nothing, "We can go out now."


  The two of them searched the place where things might be kept in the mansion, and found two things, a tea set, and a few catties of dried radishes.

  The little girl held the tea set in one hand and dried radish in the other. She was so precious, "Sister Fairy, shall we still look for something?"

   "Take the things back first and then continue to look for them."


   One large and one small searched three mansions in a row, and finally found ten catties of rice in a rice jar, but the rice had been almost eaten by worms, and there was not much left.

  Under such circumstances, something is better than nothing. The little girl found a cloth bag, put the rice and the rice worms inside into the bag, and took it home later.

  Chu Qingzhi helped her pack it together, and after packing it, she found a small pot of salt in the kitchen, took the salt pot away with her, and went home.

  The little girl was too hungry to walk, so she stopped searching, and at this time, Xue Gui arrived.

  At the gate of the city, Xue Gui cupped his fists and saluted, "I met Miss Chu."

  He is Tang Jinghong's confidant, Chu Qingzhi did not hide his identity, "Have all the medicinal materials been loaded into the car?"

   Xue Gui opened the curtain of the carriage, "It's installed, please look at it, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi climbed into the carriage to check, especially Tianzhu Huang. After seeing that there was no problem, she jumped out of the carriage, "Send it back."

   Xue Gui was puzzled, "Young lady, won't you come with me?"

   "I'm going to say goodbye to the little girl, and I'll chase you later."


  Chu Qingzhi returned to the county office, and gave the little girl the vegetable seeds she had collected, "I'm leaving, and you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

  The little girl knelt down and kowtowed, "Sister Fairy, I will remember you forever, and my kindness will never be forgotten."

  Grandma and the others came out of the house to see Chu Qingzhi off, "Girl, we will always remember your kindness in our hearts."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Everyone take care, I'm leaving."

  The little girl raised her head and asked with a strong will, "Sister Fairy, can you tell me your name?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Chu Qingzhi."

  The little girl deeply engraved the words "Chu Qingzhi" in her mind, "Sister Qingzhi, walk slowly."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, got on her horse and left.

  The sound of horseshoes is getting farther and farther away in the empty county town.

  The little girl kowtowed three more times in the direction Chu Qingzhi left, "Sister Qingzhi, I wish you a smooth journey, and hope to see you again in the future."


   Linzhang City, South Gate.

  It was still dark, and the riverside at the South Gate was already crowded with people. The people inside and outside the city almost surrounded the riverside. It was so dark that even the trees were covered with people.

  However, although there were many people, they were not noisy at all, but rather solemn and terrifying.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed on the big hole dug by the river, as if it was something beautiful and precious.

  After the sky lightened slightly, a group of soldiers walked through the crowd and came to the surrounding area of ​​the pit, and stood there, their bodies standing upright, full of mighty aura, like an invincible iron wall.

   Two groups of soldiers walked through the center of the crowd, and then separated the crowd, separating a two-meter-wide road.

   After waiting for a while, Tang Jinghong came slowly on a horse. He had a handsome and majestic face, and he was wearing a war robe. He was cold and domineering, making people dare not look directly at him.

  When he came to Dakeng, Tang Jinghong got off his horse and announced, "...the fairy ointment has been harmful to people for a long time, and it is all destroyed here today. The sky is a lesson and the people are witnesses. The smoke of gunpowder begins!"

  The people cheered, "Good! Good! Good!"

   Boxes of immortal ointment were carried to the big pit and dumped inside. The immortal ointment looked black and black, not very eye-catching, but it was the most harmful thing.

  Everyone looked at this scene and was very excited. This thing was finally going to be destroyed.

  Some of those whose wives and children were separated, and whose families were destroyed because of the immortal ointment, knelt down and cried loudly, saying that the heavens have eyes.

   A total of more than 5,000 catties of immortal ointment were seized, which is simply a shocking figure.

  Amidst the cheers, the silent danger slowly approached.

  Some people pretending to be killers mixed in the crowd and slowly approached Tang Jinghong. They had knives, sleeve arrows, and crossbows in their hands. They were fully equipped and determined to kill Tang Jinghong.

  Tang Jinghong issued the second order, "Pour in the limestone!"

   Mix the fairy ointment and limestone and pour it, and it will take a while to destroy it.

   "Yes, General!" Limestone has already been prepared, just open the bag and pour it into the pit. After the order, the soldiers moved quickly to untie the rope...

   "Stop!" A masked man in black descended from the sky and landed on a tree, "Kill Tang Jinghong, and take the immortal ointment!"

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