Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 907: gentle trap

   "What does the owner of this theater think?"

  When Lou Ze was walking down, he heard the sound of a conversation. The other party was far away from him, and the sound of the conversation was a bit low, but it didn't affect his listening.

   "Grandpa, our theater building has been taken over by thieves. This theater building is a heritage passed down from our ancestors. I'm afraid it will be destroyed in our hands."

   "Preservation of life is the most important thing now, and the building can be rebuilt when it is gone."

   "Why did the thieves miss our theater building? Nothing in this theater building is priceless. I'm afraid they will break it."

   "Grandpa, do we just sit and wait?"

   "The thieves have unusual backgrounds. We are not opponents. If we act rashly, we will only die in vain and have no effect."


   Lou Ze's footsteps stopped.

  Listening to the other party's conversation, they knew that they were the real owners of the theater without asking. Now that the theater is occupied by people from the Yun organization, they have to hide here.

   Lou Ze turned around and looked back, he already knew what was going on, so there was no need to investigate anymore.

  Suddenly, two men in black appeared in the aisle and blocked Lou Ze's way, "Lou Ze, master told you to go."

   Lou Ze smiled slightly, "Let's go, I was also talking about looking for your master."

  Following the two men in black, Lou Ze came to a room covered with red silk, with red silk ribbons and shining candles, which felt like a new house.

  Lou Ze walked among them, gently tore off a piece of red silk, and with a "stab", all the red silk swept towards him.

  The other party's idea is really good. Using softness to overcome rigidity, and using red silk cloth to arrange formations, he can be caught directly without human action.

  If he hadn't changed his shell, he would definitely be caught...

  Lou Ze stepped back, stuck to the wall, then shrank to the ground, avoiding the formation attack, and threw a flame at the red silk cloth with his fingers.

   "Coax—" The fire spread to all the red silk cloth in an instant.

   "Ah—" There was a scream, and in the flames, a figure struggled frantically to escape, but countless red silk wrapped around him, and he couldn't escape, and was finally completely swallowed by the fire.

  The sound of dense footsteps outside came...

  Lou Ze fought in the shadows in the corner, using the darkness to hide his figure. As soon as he hid, the door was pushed open.

   Those were a few men in black. As soon as the door was pushed open, the smell of burnt meat rushed towards them. The smell made them want to vomit instinctively, so they ran out quickly.

   At this time, Lou Ze appeared behind them silently, raised his hand, and everyone returned to the west.

   Lou Ze threw them all into the house and fled.

   At the same time, Tang Jinghong was invited into the room by the maid, "General, the girl has been waiting for a long time, she is in the room, please come in."

  Tang Jinghong stood where he was, and waited for the maid to leave and close the door before he walked in.

   Just two steps away, "Chu Qingzhi" came out from behind the screen, looked at him with longing eyes, "General..."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyelids. Looking at it this way, the two looked more alike.

Tang Jinghong cooperated with the exercise. He knew that the other party wanted to kill him, and what he had to do was to get more information, "Qingzhi, I have been looking for you for so long, but I never thought you would live in the theater. Why didn't you send me a letter sooner?"

   "I'm also afraid of hurting you. There are so many people in Dongling who want to kill us, so we must be careful in everything." "Chu Qingzhi" approached Tang Jinghong as he spoke.

  Tang Jinghong followed the other party's words, "That's the truth."

   "Chu Qingzhi" said tenderly, "Jing Hong, can you bring someone here? Can you save me?"

   Tang Jinghong frowned slightly, "Save you?"

  "Chu Qingzhi" begged with eyes, "They clearly wanted to save me, but they actually put me under house arrest. I don't want to be controlled by them, Jing Hong, can you take me away?"

   As she spoke, she raised her palm up, and then quickly put it down again. There were two words "Help!" written in her palm.

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

   Isn't this man sent to kill him? What kind of trap is this?

  Tang Jinghong said to "Chu Qingzhi", "You may have misunderstood, I will take you out of here now, if anyone dares to stop, I will kill him."

   "Chu Qingzhi" was very grateful, "Jing Hong, let's go then."

  She ran to open the door, and then the person she was most afraid of stood at the door, she took a step back, her eyes were full of panic.

Hong Feiyun pulled out the sword in her hand and put it on the neck of "Chu Qingzhi", her eyes were full of murderous intent, she asked "Chu Qingzhi" to assassinate, but she took the opportunity to ask for help, "General Tang, now Your fiancée is in my hands, I don't know what you plan to do?"

  Tang Jinghong looked at the scene at the door calmly, his eyes were so deep that no one could guess what he was thinking. He asked back, "What do you want to do?"

  The red Feiyun sword was sent to "Chu Qingzhi"'s neck, and a bloodstain appeared on her white and tender neck, "I want her life, is that okay?"

  Tang Jinghong secretly thought that the killer in charge of the cloud organization was a woman, "Yes, as long as you can take it."

   Hong Feiyun was a little irritated, "Aren't you sure I won't dare to kill her?"

  Tang Jinghong said indifferently, "Kill if you want, don't worry about me."

  Hong Feiyun finally realized that "Chu Qingzhi" had already asked Tang Jinghong for help, she acted like a clown just now, "If that's the case, then..."

   "Kill!!" The sound of rushing to kill came, forcing Hong Feiyun to stop, and then hurriedly looked downstairs.

  She frowned instantly, why so many soldiers rushed in?

   Isn't Tang Jinghong the one who came just now?

  Yes, it must be that traitor Lou Ze!

  Hong Feiyun gave the order, "No matter how much you pay, I will arrest Tang Jinghong!"

  She turned her head and looked into the room, Tang Jinghong and "Chu Qingzhi" were gone in the room, her face changed drastically, "Catch me!"

  The killers spread out in all directions to chase and intercept Tang Jinghong.

  Tang Jinghong and "Chu Qingzhi" didn't leave the room at all, but hid behind the door one on the left and one on the right, and tricked Hong Feiyun, who had lost his square inch, into it.

  Seeing that there was no movement outside, Tang Jinghong walked out from behind the door, ready to find Lou Ze.

  As soon as he came out, Lou Ze came to him, "Let's go, leave this place to them."

  There are so many soldiers, no one here can escape.

   "Wait for me!" "Chu Qingzhi" chased after Tang Jinghong, clinging tightly to Tang Jinghong, for fear that the other party would abandon her and leave by herself.

  Lou Ze looked at "Chu Qingzhi", and felt like he was looking in the mirror. This girl really grew up like this, not fake like other paintings.

  "Chu Qingzhi" saw Lou Ze looking at him, and quickly hid beside Tang Jinghong. The other party's eyes seemed to be able to see everything, and she didn't dare to look directly.

  Lou Ze is inexplicable, how could there be two people who look so similar?

   "Stop!" A sword stabbed obliquely from the side.

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