Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 908: 908. Beheading in public

  Lou Ze raised his hand to block, and swept Tang Jinghong and "Chu Qingzhi" aside at the same time.

  Tang Jinghong drew his sword and stabbed Hong Feiyun. The opponent staggered his body and missed the stab. Lou Ze next to him slapped Hong Feiyun with a slap, and Hong Feiyun threw himself on the tip of the sword.

   "噗嗤—" The sound of the weapon sinking into the body made one's teeth ache.

  Hong Feiyun looked at the sword on her lower abdomen in disbelief. Why didn't she have the strength to resist when she was pushed back just now?

Tang Jinghong pulled out the sword, "Chu Qingzhi" who was standing far away rushed over excitedly, raised the dagger and cut Hong Feiyun's neck with a knife, blood splashed all over her, "I finally killed you, for my family I have revenge, and I will finally kill you!"

  Hong Feiyun's eyes were astonished and somewhat clear, and finally he gave up unwillingly.

   Lou Ze looked confused, "What's the situation? Internal strife?"

  Tang Jinghong whispered in Lou Ze's ear, "I don't know either. When I went to see her in the room just now, she asked me to save her and write the words in her palm."

  Lou Ze thought to himself, this matter is weird, "Let's deal with these killers first."

   After that, the two separated and started to fight back.

   At this moment, "Chu Qingzhi" shouted, "Your leader has been killed by us, and those who resist will be killed!"

  Lou Ze, Tang Jinghong, "…"

  The two ignored her and continued to kill the enemy. Now it was a matter of life and death, and her shouting like that would have no effect.

  The army was overwhelming, Lou Ze and Tang Jinghong had strong fighting power, and it didn't take long to finish off all the killers, and the whole theater building was filled with **** smell.

  Lou Ze and Tang Jinghongfei fell to the first floor.

  Tang Jinghong ordered, "Check out the victims and seal up the finances."

   This is everyone’s favorite time. After killing all the enemies to get the spoils, Meng Shengdong replied, “Yes, General.”

   Next, someone will take charge. Lou Ze and Tang Jinghong don't need to do anything, they came to the street.

  Zeng or came out from one side, and clasped his fists at the two of them, "I didn't expect Hong Feiyun to go out in person, but he was still wiped out by your group."

  Lou Ze looked at Zeng He, "I delivered them to the door personally, how can I not?"

  There are hundreds of people, but Hong Feiyun has put all the money on his family, Zeng may only feel thrilled, "What should I do next?"

  Lou Ze said, "I'm pretending to be Hong Feiyun, and you assist me to meet this Zuo Envoy."

  I was a little worried, "Lord Zuo Shi is one of the top ten servants around Lord Yun. He has high martial arts skills, a smart head, and is especially sharp. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

   Lou Ze said simply and rudely, "If that's the case, then just deal with this person directly."

  Zeng or terrified, "You have to be careful, they have an accident, once Master Yun finds out, you may never see Master Yun in your life."

  Lou Ze secretly said, it is the most important to find out which earthworm in the mud this Master Yun is, "I know, I won't act rashly."

  At least before killing Lord Zuo Shi, she had to learn the other party's words, deeds, demeanor and tone.

   Zeng or nod.

  Lou Ze turned to Tang Jinghong and said, "I'm leaving first, you should be careful and keep in touch."

  Tang Jinghong shook Chu Qingzhi's hand secretly, "Be careful, let me know in advance next time you come back, and I will prepare meals for you."

   Lou Ze bent his eyes and smiled, "Okay."

  The two separated, "Chu Qingzhi" ran out from the theater building, looked around, "Jing Hong, where's that little brother?"

  Tang Jinghong looked over with sharp eyes, and his voice was stern and majestic, "This general's name is not something you can call, please be careful in your words and deeds!"

   "Chu Qingzhi" suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and tremblingly said, "General, general, do you recognize me?"

  Tang Jinghong looked at her with "you are an idiot" eyes, "The general knew from the beginning that you were not her, tell me, who are you?"

"Chu Qingzhi" knelt down, "Forgive me, General, the little girl Lan Qiongzhen is the daughter of a theater troupe owner in the mall. A year ago, a group of men in black broke into my house, killed the entire theater troupe, and beat me kidnapped."

   "I was taken to a mysterious place, and they tried their best to make me learn Chu Qingzhi's words and deeds."

   "I don't want to learn from Chu Qingzhi at all, but if I don't learn, they will beat me and threaten to sell me into a brothel. There is no other way, so I learned."

  "I've been trying to escape, but the defense is so tight that I can't escape at all."

   "I just came to the theater two days ago. They asked me to seduce you and then take the opportunity to kill you, but I didn't do that."

   Lan Qiongzhen said eagerly, "General, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can go to the mall to check me. Can you let me go?"

  Tang Jinghong stared down at Lan Qiongzhen, "If I let you go, you will be killed. Do you want to go?"

  Lan Qiongzhen didn't understand, "Why?"

   "Because you look like her!" Tang Jinghong looked Lan Qiongzhen left and right, looking for the difference between her and Chu Qingzhi, and finally let him see that there was a small mark on the tip of Lan Qiongzhen's eyebrows.

   Lan Qiongzhen said excitedly, "It's not that I want to look like her, I can't help it."

"Tell this to the killer, maybe they will listen." This person put on Chu Qingzhi's face, if he was caught by someone who cared about him and made some fuss, it might affect Chu Qingzhi's career in the army or It is the reputation in the eyes of the people.

  Lan Qiongzhen's expression froze, probably when she spoke, her decapitated body was already in a different place, "General, please save me."

Tang Jinghong said, "Put on the veil and follow me to the barracks. Without this general's order, you must not take off the veil in front of others, you must not go out, you must not see anyone, and keep yourself safe. When the Dongling matter is resolved, you will be free. If you disobey the order, you will be dealt with according to military regulations."

  Lan Qiongzhen asked with some fear, "What are the military regulations?"

  Tang Jinghong said slowly, "Behead in public!"

  Lan Qiongzhen, "…"

  She doesn't want to die, she still wants to find her younger brother, and also wants the cloud organization to be destroyed, she must see it all end with her own eyes before she can die.

   Lan Qiongzheng said solemnly, "You must obey the general's order."

  Tang Jinghong ignored her and returned to the barracks after the army scavenged the spoils.

  He took Lan Qiongzhen to Chu Qingning's tent, stood at the door, "Qingning, come out."

  Chu Qingning immediately came out of the tent, her gaze skipped over the veiled Lan Qiongzhen, and landed on Tang Jinghong, "Brother Jinghong, what happened?"

  Tang Jinghong held the back with one hand, "I will leave this person to you to watch over, and I will follow you as a maid and assistant from now on."

  Chu Qingning looked puzzled, "Who is she?"

  Tang Jinghong said to Lan Qiongzhen, "Take off the veil and show her. She will be your master from now on. In addition to hiding her identity, there is also a duty to protect her."

   "Yes, General." Lan Qiongzhen took off the veil.

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