Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 912: 912. The Taste of Home

  Zeng or just came to tell Hong Feiyun the news, "I'm back, I guess I'll let you see him in a while."

   Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, a man flew over and landed in front of the two of them, "Master Hong, Sir Zuo Envoy, please."

  Hall Master is Hong Feiyun's position in the cloud organization, known as Hong Hall Master.

  Hong Feiyun nodded, "Lead the way."

  In the room, Mr. Zuo Shi took the seat, exuding air-conditioning all over his body, his eyes were cold and dark, more terrifying than the eyes of a poisonous snake, "Hong Feiyun, how do you explain this time?"

Hong Feiyun covered his chest, showing a serious injury, and coughed twice, "Master Zuoshi, I didn't expect that Tang Jinghong would use herself as a bait to set a trap, and Lan Qiongzhen pretended to surrender, but in fact she didn't Assassinated Tang Jinghong, but turned to him for help."

   Didn't expect this woman to be so forbearing, Zuo Shi looked at Hong Feiyu, "You said, you will commit suicide and apologize for failing this time."

Hong Feiyu hurriedly said, "I said that, but I died once before, and now I don't want to die, Mr. Zuoshi, I have something here that I want to trade with you to save my life, Mr. Zuoshi Would you like to listen, sir?"

   "Tell me." Master Zuo Shi's eyes were cold, the person looking at Hong Feiyu was already looking at a dead person, and someone must be responsible for this matter.

  Hong Feiyunyi, "Master Zuoshi told me about the person I was looking for, and he has unparalleled medical skills, he can help Young Master Ling cure his paralysis..."

  Hearing the words "cure paralysis", Mr. Zuo Shi's eyes sharpened instantly, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

  Hong Feiyun said calmly, "I know, so I don't know if Master Zuo is willing to give me a chance."

  The matter of his son is simply his heart disease. If there is a chance to solve this matter, he can pay any price. Mr. Zuo Shi promised, "If you can really recruit people into the organization, then this matter will be forgotten."

  Hong Feiyun simply said, "Deal!"

  Master Zuo Shi was not so easy to fool, and asked sternly, "How much time?"

  Hong Feiyun showed a few embarrassed expressions, "I'll talk to him tomorrow."

  Master Zuo Shi stared at Hong Feiyun, "Waiting for your news."

   "Yes." Hong Feiyun cupped his hands, turned and left.

  After going out, Hong Feiyun looked back slightly, she understood Zeng Yu's feeling, this left an adult like a piece of dangerous ice, feeling like it could hit you on the head at any time.

   Returning to the residence, Zeng or greeted him, "How is it?"

  Hong Feiyun glanced at Zeng Or, and his eyes stayed on a daffodil next to him, "Is there anything I can't fix?"

   He might have secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became worried again, "Then where are we going to find this mysterious man?"

  Hong Feiyun pointed to himself, "Isn't I ready-made?"

   Zeng was stunned, "What about Hong Feiyun?"

  Hong Feiyun pointed to Zeng Or, and asked with a playful smile on his face, "Is there anyone more suitable than you?"

   Ever or awkwardly, "I'm a man."

  Hong Feiyun folded his arms and looked at Zeng He, "It's not about gender to change your appearance, so don't think too much about it."

   Zeng or a little bit unbearable, "Can you find someone else? I don't want to do this..."

  Hong Feiyun interrupted him, "Okay, stop complaining, don't you want to leave here earlier?"

  Zeng or have nothing to say, he now dreams of wanting the cloud organization to collapse, and then completely stay away from these **** and dangerous lives.

  Hong Feiyun whispered, "If you want to leave, just listen to my instructions, otherwise you and your daughter-in-law may be separated forever."

   Zeng knew very well that what Hong Feiyun said was true, he struggled for a while, "Okay, I agree."

  Hong Feiyun said loudly on purpose, "Now that we are ready, let's go over and invite someone right away." The person who came to watch them just now was behind a nearby house.

   Zeng or vaguely looked around, "Okay, I'll go get ready."


  Hong Feiyun took Zeng or flying around in the dense forest. She was so fast that she disappeared in the blink of an eye. After the followers lost their tracks, they came out of their hiding place.

  Hong Feiyun appeared behind him and knocked him out with a palm.

  Zeng or inexplicably, "We all avoided him, why are you coming back to knock him out?"

Hong Feiyun said, "If this person can't see our traces, he will immediately go back and report to the Zuo Envoy, and the Zuo Envoy will become suspicious and knock him out. The people brought back will only be believed by Zuo Shi."

  Everyone only believes what they believe. Once preconceived, you have to work a hundredfold to reverse it.

  Hong Feiyun pointed to the man, "Hide him, he will wake up when it gets dark, and then we will go back first, and everything will be logical."

  Zeng or secretly said, or Chu Qingzhi is smart, "Okay."

  Find a dense grass, Zeng or drag people there, and hide.

  Hiding the person well, Zeng or came out of the grass and asked Hong Feiyun, "What shall we do next?"

   "Follow me." Hong Feiyun took Zeng or to the peak, then sat cross-legged on top, waiting for the sunset.

  Zeng or looked at Hong Feiyun, "Shall I go buy something to eat?"

  Hong Feiyun waved his hand, "Go, bring me some peanut candy, bring more." The peanut candy is sold here by the merchant, and she misses the Chu family village a bit.

   "Good." Zeng or Yifei left the peak.


  Mu Xiao came to look for Hong Feiyun, but found that he was not in the room, "Where is Hong Feiyun?"

  The maid guarding the door said, "She went to help Mr. Zuo Shi find someone."

  Mu Xiao frowned. Feiyun was seriously injured and should rest now. Going out this time might make his injuries worse. Thinking of this, he asked eagerly, "Who are you looking for? When did you go?"

  The servant girl said, "I've been away for half an hour, and I said I was looking for someone to treat Master Zuo Shi's son."

   "Who are you looking for?" Mr. Zuoshi's son is paralyzed. He went to see him several times, but there is nothing he can do. Who can cure him?

  The servant girl lowered her head, "I don't know, only Hall Master Hong knows."

  Mu Xiao felt something was wrong, "Which direction are they going?"

  The servant girl pointed, "To the northwest."

  Mu Xiao chased after him without hesitation.

  He walked for a while, Hong Feiyu came over again, said a few words to the maid, and chased Mu Xiao away.

  On the mountain peak, Hong Feiyun saw Mu Xiao flying towards him, and secretly said annoyance, why did Mu Xiao get involved again? Wait, Hong Feiyu also came?

  Hong Feiyun raised his forehead, what are they going to do?

  Hong Feiyun raised his head suddenly, Mu Xiao was about to go to their hiding place, this person was thoughtful and thoughtful, if he found the man in black who was knocked out, he might doubt her.

   As a last resort, Hong Feiyun flew down, preventing Mu Xiao from approaching, "Why are you here?"

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