Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 913: 913. A black bear

  When Mu Xiao saw Hong Feiyun, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I came to you, did Mr. Zuo make things difficult for you?"

  Hong Feiyun said, "No, I promised to help him find someone to cure his son. As long as his son is cured, he will forget the past."

   Mu Xiao was concerned, "Where are you going to find someone? I'll go with you."

  Hong Feiyun refused, "No, I'll go by myself, I can't delay your business."

  Mu Xiao's heart warmed up, only Feiyun would think of him everywhere, "It's okay, my affairs have been arranged."

  Hongfei Yufei landed behind the two of them, seeing them standing so close, couldn't help being jealous, "What are you talking about looking for someone, I didn't expect to come here for a tryst!"

  Hong Feiyun secretly said, if this Hong Feiyu is not sensible, she can only get rid of it, "Feiyu, you misunderstood, I have nothing with him."

  Hong Feiyu's eyes were red, looking at the two, her face was full of injuries, "What misunderstanding? I can see clearly, sister, you really hurt my heart."

   Clear what? Hong Feiyun was very speechless, "He came after him himself, and I didn't let him come, and you saw it too, we just talked and didn't do anything else."

  Hong Feiyu looked hurt, "You guys are clearly here for a date, and you said you would give him up to me, did you deliberately humiliate me?"

   "I swear to God, I am absolutely sincere." Hong Feiyun pushed Mu Xiao towards Hong Feiyu, "Go and love each other."

   After finishing speaking, Hong Feiyun flew away directly, the woman with love brain is too scary.

   What Mu Xiao cared about was Hong Feiyun. After standing still, he immediately chased Hong Feiyun again, "Feiyun, wait for me."

  Hong Feiyu stomped her feet, looked at the two of them, and gritted her teeth fiercely, "You hurt me so much, I won't let you go."

   All of a sudden, love turned into hate.

   Hong Feiyun saw that Mu Xiao was chasing after him, so he had to stop, "What are you going to do?"

  Mu Xiao's eyes locked on Hong Feiyun tightly, he almost lost her before, this time he will not be careless again, "I will go find someone with you."

  Hong Feiyun said, "I want to go alone."

  Mu Xiao insisted, "I'm not at ease."

   Hong Feiyun was annoyed by being entangled, so he dodged around behind Mu Xiao, knocked him out, and threw him aside, "I'm so annoyed! You're rational!"

   Zeng or came back, saw Mu Xiao fainted, and was startled, "What are you doing?"

  Hong Feiyun glanced at Mu Xiao, "He came to pester me, and I knocked him out."

   Zeng or, “…”

  He handed the peanut candy to Hong Feiyun, and asked cautiously, "Is it enough? Is it enough to buy again tomorrow?"

   "Enough." Hong Feiyun threw a piece of peanut candy into his mouth, chewed it, it was his own taste, "Let's go."

   Zeng was taken aback, "Where are you going?"

   "Look for someone." Hong Feiyun flew aside.

   Zeng hurried to catch up, and when he left, he looked at Yanmu Xiao sympathetically, hey, don't pester Hong Feiyun anymore, otherwise you will be looking for abuse.


  Du Zhaolin opened the carriage and asked the driver, "Why haven't you arrived yet?"

  The groom didn’t dare to offend Du Zhaolin, so he hurriedly said, “Hurry up, there’s still time for a stick of incense.”

   "There is still a stick of incense, will you drive the carriage?" Du Zhaolin became impatient, grabbed the horse's whip from the carriage, and slapped the horse's ass.

  The horse suffered from pain and started to gallop in an instant. The groom was frightened, and jumped out of the carriage.

   "Ahh—" Du Zhaolin screamed in fright, his body kept hitting the carriage, and the pain made him teary. He didn't expect this to happen, and he just wanted to walk faster.

   Several people in the carriage were knocked upside down, and the whole thing was in a mess, screams kept coming out.

  Jiang Zhanglin wanted to kill Du Zhaolin, but he died before he was able to take revenge. He was so unwilling!

   When he was in the dark, his only thought was, if only someone could save them.

   I don't know how long it has passed, the carriage stopped, and the people who passed out slowly woke up, all of them were covered in bruises, their bodies were bruised and purple, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

   Yi Chuanchuan kicked Du Zhaolin on the body, "Do you want to die? If you want to die, don't you want to drag us as backs?"

  Du Zhaolin didn't dare to fight back. Just now he really had the feeling that his soul was about to die, "I, I didn't do it on purpose."

  Almost died young, Yi Chuanchuan was completely angry, "You idiot, what else do you do after eating, drinking, and having fun all day long? The success is not enough to fail!"

  Jiang Zhanglin climbed down from the carriage with difficulty, "What did you do outside?"

  Du Zhaolin shrank his neck, "I just whipped the horse, I didn't expect it to be like this."

  Jiang Zhanglin had nothing to defend him, "You are really an idiot, you have nothing to say!"

  Rong Shenning jumped out of the carriage, then sat on the ground and rubbed his feet, "I was almost killed by you. You said you were free to whip the horse. You want to go faster, so you need to find a groom!"

   As he spoke, he looked around, "Where's the groom?"

  Du Zhaolin said weakly, "When the carriage lost control, the groom jumped out of the carriage."

  Jiang Zhanglin twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's really foresight."

  Yi Chuanchuan looked at the dense forest around him, as if he was besieged, he gradually became uneasy, and then interrupted everyone, "Where are we now?"

   "I'll go to the top of the mountain to have a look, you wait for me here." Jiang Zhanglin went back to the carriage to take out the map, and then climbed to the mountain.

   Only when you know where you are, can you know how to go.

   "I'll go with you." Yi Chuanchuan had the best impression of Jiang Zhanglin, and besides, he didn't want to stay with that hapless idiot Du Zhaolin, he couldn't help but want to beat him up.

  The two climbed to the mountain together.

  Yi Chuanchuan suddenly blocked Jiang Zhanglin's way, "Be quiet, there is a bear ahead."

  Jiang Zhang Lin's heart tightened, "Why are there bears?"

  Yi Chuanchuan pressed his hand down, signaling to squat down, Jiang Zhanglin understood, and the two slowly squatted down together, hiding in the grass, blocking the bear's sight.

   If you don’t pay attention, they will become the rations of black bears. Jiang Zhanglin slipped in cold sweat and said, "What should we do now?"

  Yi Chuanchuan whispered, "Don't worry, wait for a while, maybe the black bear will leave by itself."

  Jiang Zhanglin was nervous. It was the first time he had seen such a large animal when he grew up so big, and he felt oppressed when he saw it.

  At this time, Rong Shenning followed and asked loudly, "I said, what are you doing hiding here?"

  His sound scared Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan out of their wits.

   Then the sound of heavy footsteps came over, without asking, I knew it was the footsteps of the black bear just now.

  Jiang Zhanglin reacted quickly, pulled Yi Chuanchuan and ran towards Rong Shenning, and then ran up the mountain together.

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