Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 914: 914. White salary

  Rong Shenning was still confused at first, so he looked back, and the three souls were frightened, "There is a black bear, why don't you tell me!"

  Yi Chuanchuan yelled, "Do we have a chance to talk about it? When you came, you cried and howled like ghosts and wolves. It was okay, but because of you, we were forced to run for our lives. Even if you were eaten by a black bear, you deserve it!"

  The black bear trotted and chased after the crowd, uttering an "Aw—" from time to time, which scared people to death.

  The three of them ran madly, but climbing the mountain was really tiring, and they were chasing a black bear behind them. The three of them were exhausted soon.

  Yi Chuanchuan looked back at the black bear who was only five or six meters away from them, and shouted, "Help!"

  Jiang Zhanglin suddenly said, "Aren't you good at martial arts?"

   Yi Chuanchuan said, "I can, but I don't have a weapon."

  Jiang Zhanglin said, "Where's your weapon?"

  Yi Chuanchuan said helplessly, "I fell on the carriage, and I don't often use force. I often don't carry weapons with me, so I didn't take them just now."

Several people,"…"

   Yi Chuanchuan picked up a stone, turned around and threw it at the black bear, "Stop chasing us."

  The black bear was hit on the head, and the pain stimulated the black bear. Instead of slowing down, its speed accelerated.

  Yi Chuanchuan screamed, "Ahhh—"

  Rong Shenning yelled in a panic, "Run, the black bear is catching up."

After all, Jiang Zhanglin was a scholar, his physical strength was gradually exhausted, and he fell behind others, "I thought I survived, but I didn't expect to encounter greater danger. If I was bitten to death by a black bear, don't say that I died in this way. Say I fell off a cliff to my death, save me some face."

  Yi Chuanchuan stopped, took a step back, grabbed Jiang Zhanglin and ran together, "We're going to die together!"

  A friend in adversity sees the truth, Jiang Zhanglin was surprised that Yi Chuanchuan would come back to bring him, "No need, one death will solve the problem."

  He broke free from Yi Chuanchuan's hand, and he really couldn't run anymore.

  Yi Chuanchuan dragged Jiang Zhanglin to move up, "Don't give up until the last moment."

  At this time, Rong Shenning, who was running at the front, ran over and helped Yi Chuanchuan pull Jiang Zhanglin together.

  Yi Chuanchuan was taken aback, "Why did you come back?"

  Rong Shenning said unhappily, "If I don't come back, will I see you being eaten?"

  The three escaped like this and ran for another distance. At this time, the black bear was only one meter away from them.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhanglin's ankle was grabbed by the black bear, and he dragged him back. Yi Chuanchuan and Rong Shenning were not on guard, and their bodies leaned back, about to roll down the hillside. Save yourself from falling down the mountain.

  Rong Shenning shouted, "Help! Help!"

  At this time, an arrow shot over and hit the black bear's head. The black bear suffered pain and let go of Jiang Zhanglin's ankle.

  Yi Chuanchuan looked around gratefully, "Who? Who shot the arrow just now?"

  No movement.

  Rong Shenning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "It should be the secret guard sent by General Tang to protect us, don't worry."

  Yi Chuanchuan was still terrified, "Why didn't they come out earlier?"

   "I guess I got some order." Jiang Zhanglin thought clearly, and suddenly thought of the reason. If they knew that someone was secretly protecting them, they would never see the quality hidden in their hearts.

  Another arrow shot over and hit the black bear in the heart. The black bear slowly lost its strength and rolled down the mountain.

  Du Zhaolin heard the cries of several people, and followed up with a sword. Unexpectedly, the black bear rolled down halfway, so he hurriedly stepped aside, otherwise he was afraid that he would be rolled down with him.

   "Are you alright?" Du Zhaolin shouted up the mountain.

  Rong Shenning replied, "It's all right."

  Du Zhaolin breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine, it's fine..." As he spoke, he slowly climbed up the mountain.

   After being chased by the black bear, the three of them had already climbed halfway up the mountain. At this time, they were sitting there resting, already exhausted and weak.

  Du Zhaolin climbed up and sat next to the three of them, "It's so dangerous!"

   "It's very dangerous." Yi Chuanchuan took his sword in his hand and pointed at the black bear, "Sell that bear in a while, and go eat a good meal!"

  Du Zhaolin rarely agreed with Yi Chuanchuan, "Can Xiong exchange a lot of silver taels?"

  Rong Shenning said, "Well, at least dozens of taels."

  Everyone discussed with the bear for a while, and after recovering a bit, they climbed up to the summit together.

  Climbing to the mountain with difficulty, Jiang Zhanglin took out the map from his jacket, compared it with the mountains and rivers, and checked their positions.

   I didn't expect to be lucky. Going down from the other side of the mountain is the first village of the mall.

  The first village means that this village is the wealthiest village around the county seat. Looking at the situation of this village, you can almost see the situation of all the villages, of course not absolutely.

  Jiang Zhanglin looked around at his companions, "Can you go down the mountain?"

   "Why don't we split into two groups?" Rong Shenning said tentatively, "Go and see the village. Du Zhaolin and I took the bears to the county town and sold them. We will come to you when the time comes."

  Jiang Zhanglin's mouth twitched. How much does Du Zhaolin like money?

  Yi Chuanchuan said, "Would you like to agree? It would be a pity if someone took the bear there, and it might attract other animals."

  Jiang Zhanglin thought for a while, and it wouldn’t be of much use for them to follow. The soldiers should be divided into two groups, so they should be divided into two groups.


  Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning happily ran away to check the situation in the village. It was not as exciting as selling money.

  Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan looked at each other, then went down to the other side of the mountain.

  Yi Chuanchuan looked at the village, and suddenly stopped, "Zhang Lin, something seems wrong!"

  Jiang Zhanglin also found out, "At this time, the villagers should be working in the farmland. Why is there no one? Is it an empty village again?"

  Yi Chuanchuan said, "Be careful, if something goes wrong in a while, we will withdraw immediately."

  Jiang Zhanglin nodded, "OK."


  Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning carried the black bear to the carriage, and then tacitly stepped forward to take the reins of the horse and walked towards the county town. They dared not sit in the carriage.

  Their location is not far from the county seat, and they arrived within a short walk.

   The two stood at the gate of the county seat, looking at the mottled walls and dilapidated city gates, Rong Shenning asked, "Is this the county seat?"

  Du Zhaolin couldn't believe it, "It's the first time I've seen such a dilapidated county town, let's go in and have a look."

  The two mentally ill guards at the gate, skipping the routine checks, stood there and allowed anyone to pass by.

  Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning led the carriage and passed through the city gate slowly. When they passed, they looked at the guards. Are they sleeping standing up?

  Why is the management of this county so loose?

  What does the county magistrate do?

   The salary is simply for nothing!

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