Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 915: strange village

   Unexpectedly, one day, Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning would scold the officials for being loose and incompetent.

  In the county town, the streets are empty, with few pedestrians coming and going. The shops on both sides are almost closed. There are dilapidated lanterns hanging under the eaves, swaying gently with the breeze, like an old man in his dying years.

  Du Zhaolin squeezed the dice in his hand, touched Rong Shenning, and said nervously, "Shenning, something is wrong with this county!"

   A gust of cold wind blew by, Rong Shenning shrank his neck, "I also feel something is wrong, let's sell the bear and leave quickly."

  This county is too weird and creepy.

  Du Zhaolin looked around vigilantly, nodded, "Hurry up."

  The two stepped forward at a faster pace.

   "There is a restaurant over there!" Rong Shenning pointed ahead, before he finished speaking, he was disappointed, the restaurant was closed, and there were many dead leaves piled up at the door, swirling with the wind, extremely depressed.

   The two had no choice but to move on.

   I passed two restaurants in a row, both of which were closed, and when I reached the third one, it finally opened.

   The two hurried forward to inquire.

  It was the first time that Rong Shenning was so polite to someone, "Shopkeeper, we have a bear that we just killed and it's selling cheap, do you want to buy it?"

  The shopkeeper chased the two of them out like flies, "I think you are here to make trouble, I have no business here, and you are still here to sell bears, are you trying to make things difficult for me?"

If such a thing happened in the capital, the two dudes would have ordered someone to smash the store. Rong Shenning took a deep breath, suppressed the discomfort caused by the gap, and said, "We didn't mean to make things difficult for you, we wanted to sell bears." , if you don’t believe me, you can take a look.”

  The shopkeeper paused, and suddenly remembered something, "Then let me see."

  Rong Shenning walked out with the shopkeeper, "The bear is in the carriage, it was shot to death with an arrow, it is very complete."

  After looking at the black bear, the shopkeeper sighed with regret, "If my restaurant was at its peak, it would be no problem to buy a bear like this, but now, I can't even eat."

  Du Zhaolin squeezed the dice, "According to the shopkeeper, the county town was not like this before, so why did it become like this?"

  The shopkeeper became frightened, "Don't ask too many questions, or you will be killed. You should leave quickly."

  Du Zhaolin was not reconciled, "The shopkeeper..."

   "If you really want to sell black bears, you might as well go to Luofu to try." The shopkeeper pointed the way, "Go along this street, turn right and then left, and you will come to Luofu."

  Du Zhaolin was helpless, and said to Rong Shenning, "Let's try our luck in the past."

  The two looked at each other, pulled the carriage, and followed the route the shopkeeper said, and they arrived at Luofu smoothly.

  The gates of other mansions are closed, and it feels like no one is there. Only the gate of Luo Mansion has two more big stone lions, and there are two guards, and the gate is wide open.

  The porter saw the two people pulling the carriage, and hurried forward, "What are you here for?"

  Rong Shenning said calmly, "Come sell black bears."

  The concierge gave the two of them a strange look, "Wait a moment, I will report."

  Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin felt more and more uneasy, but they have already arrived, let's see if they can get any news.

  Thinking of this, Rong Shenning couldn't help but glanced at the mansion, which frightened him to death.

  He hurriedly pulled Du Zhaolin aside, "This mansion is full of drugs."

   "No, can't it?" Du Zhaolin reflexively looked into the mansion, Rong Shenning quickly snapped his head back, "I saw it with my own eyes just now, there is nothing wrong with it."

  Rong Shenning asked nervously, "Then what shall we do?"

   "Withdraw, let's withdraw..." This is the territory of the cloud organization. If they don't leave, they are afraid that they will fall.

   The two of them were nervous, they pulled the carriage and turned back.

   At this moment, the butler came out of the mansion, "Where are you going?"

  Rong Shenning quickly found an excuse, "I want to go for convenience."

  The housekeeper smiled and said, like a human trafficker who abducted children, "If you want it convenient, there is a hut in the mansion, you can use it as you like."

  Du Zhaolin waved his hand and said with an embarrassed smile, "No, I'm sorry to bother you, we can just choose a place to solve it."

  The butler didn't mind and said, "You're welcome, you are a guest, please come in." As soon as he finished speaking, a group of men in black ran out of the mansion.

  Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning hugged together, Du Zhaolin asked nervously, "What does the housekeeper mean?"

  The housekeeper still maintained a smile, now he looked like a gentle grandfather next door, "I invite the two young masters to come to the house as guests."

  Du Zhaolin went all out, and said anxiously and quickly, "What kind of business are you? We are here to sell black bears. If you like it, take it at a cheap price. If you don't like it, we will find another seller."

  The butler looked slightly astonished. Could it be that he misunderstood, "Are you really here to sell black bears?"

  Du Zhaolin asked back, "What else?"

  Rong Shenning lifted the curtain of the carriage, "This is the black bear we killed, it's still hot, do you want it?"

  The butler's expression relaxed. He thought he was here to inquire about the news, "Will you sell it for fifty taels of silver?"

  Du Zhaolin nodded hastily, "Yes, we are going to have a meal."

  The steward asked his servants to fetch the silver, "You two young masters, here it is."

  Du Zhaolin quickly brought the money over, his heart was jumping out of his throat nervously, "The butler is very polite, thank you for your patronage."

  The butler waved his hand, "You're welcome, come and take the black bear down."

   "Yes." The black bear easily fell to the ground under the pull of the man in black, and then Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin left in a panic.

  The butler watched them leave with a deep expression and searching eyes.



  Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan came carefully to the gate of the first village. The village was quiet, and every house was closed, as if there was no one there.

  The two stood at the entrance of the village and looked around...

Yi Chuanchuan patted Jiang Zhanglin's arm, and looked into the village, "Zhang Lin, you are smarter than me, this village doesn't look like no one lives there, but don't you find it strange that no one cooks at ten o'clock at noon? "

   "There is only one explanation for this phenomenon." Jiang Zhanglin looked at the village, "The villagers have all gone to other places."

  Yi Chuanchuan felt weird, "What can the villagers of the whole village do without leaving a housekeeper?"

  Jiang Zhanglin shook his head, he couldn't guess, "Anyway, it must be something special."

  The two were talking, when a loud voice came, the two reacted quickly and found a place to hide.

  A group of villagers came from a distance, each carrying a sickle and hoe, their faces were tired, as if they had worked all morning.

  Although they knew what the villagers were doing, they still felt that something was wrong.

  They have never lived in the village and they know that the elderly and children in the family do not need to work. The current situation is that all of them do it, and there is not a single dog left in the village. This is too strange.

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