Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 916: 916. Not bad this time

  After the villagers returned to the village, they went back to their homes one after another, lit a fire to cook, and prepared lunch.

  Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan came out of the haystack, and then entered the village pretending to be people asking for directions.

  People in the village panicked when they saw them.

  The village head walked towards the two of them and pushed them away, "Don't say anything, leave quickly, otherwise they will come, and you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

  Jiang Zhanglin quickly asked, "Old man, who are you talking about?"

   "Where did you go just now?"

   "You told us the problem, and we'll leave right away."

  The village chief said, "It's not that I didn't say anything, but it's too late. Go away. If you have to ask us something, come at night. Don't show up again during the day. Go away."

  Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan were on the verge of crying when they saw the village head, suppressed their doubts, and hurriedly went to hide in the woods.

  Jiang Zhanglin pressed Yi Chuanchuan's shoulder, "Don't make any noise, let's see what's going on."

  Yi Chuanchuan nodded, "OK."

  The village chief returned home with a sigh of relief when he saw that they were nowhere to be seen. This place is hell, no one should come in again.

   About an hour later, a group of men in black rode over and rang the gong, "It's work, it's work..."

  The villagers all came out of the house, lined up in several rows, and then left the village with the man in black.

  Yi Chuanchuan wanted to follow, but Jiang Zhanglin grabbed his wrist, "We'll wait here, we'll ask about the situation at night before we act."

  Yi Chuanchuan thought about it, his brain is not as good as Jiang Zhanglin, so he listened to him, "Okay."

  The two hid back.

  After a while, Yi Chuanchuan frowned deeply, and said, "Why didn't Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin come to see us? It's been two hours?"

  Jiang Zhanglin knew it right away, "Don't worry, with their character, they probably go to the casino to play."

  Yi Chuanchuan suddenly realized, "Yeah, Du Zhaolin's hands were so itchy that he was about to bite and eat it. It's no wonder he can hold back when he encounters a casino now!"

  When the two of them said this, they ignored them and waited patiently.


  Zeng or disguised as Hong Feiyun entered the room and said, "Master Zuoshi, please come back."

  Master Zuo Shi immediately raised his eyes, "Bring it in."

  Hong Feiyun said, "Yes." Then she went out and brought in a fair-skinned boy played by Chu Qingzhi.

  Master Zuoshi saw that the young man was under twenty years old, his face changed instantly, "Master Hong, are you teasing me?"

  His voice spread at this moment, the temperature in the room dropped sharply, and it went straight back to the cold winter months.

  Hong Feiyun was under high pressure, and hurriedly said, "Master Zuoshi, this is Mr. Chu and Tang, with unparalleled medical skills, he will definitely heal the young master's leg."

  Master Zuo Shi's voice was cold, "What if he can't be cured?"

  Hong Feiyun said loudly, "Let Master Zuoshi dispose of it!"

  Master Zuo Shi looked at Hong Feiyun, "You said that." He got up and walked towards Chu Tang, "My lord, please follow me."

  Chu Tang arched his hands, "Please."

  Following Lord Zuo Shi, Chu Tang came to a quiet and beautiful bamboo courtyard, "My son is in this room, you go in and treat him."

   He had invited too many doctors, but they were all disappointed in the end. He couldn't bear to hear it again.

   "Yes." Chu Tang entered the room, where the decoration is simple and comfortable, with a hint of medicinal smell, which smells a bit bitter.

  Master Zuoshi’s son is Tao Qingxiang, who is twenty-five years old today and has been paralyzed for ten years.

  In the room, Tao Qingxiang was sitting on a chair practicing calligraphy. There were many calligraphy hanging around the room, which were written by him.

  He raised his head and glanced at Chu Tang, "I don't need medical treatment, you can go out."

  The voice is very strong, and it contains a long-suppressed irritability. Chu Tang has a premonition that he will get angry the second time he speaks.

  Chu Tang glanced at the calligraphy on the table, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to the people, and you must first work hard..." "If I said I could cure you, would you still drive me away?"

Tao Qingxiang didn't believe a word, "You didn't take my pulse and saw my legs, you said you can cure me, you are too confident, and you are young, not as old as me, how can you help me? I treat?"

  Chu Tang asked unhurriedly, "Does diagnosis and treatment depend on age? Then some doctors in their seventies and eighties are no better than young doctors."

  Tao Qingxiang was speechless, "Okay, anyway, I don't need you, you go out."

  Chu Tang folded his arms, "I can really heal your leg, why don't you give it a try, anyway, I've tried so many times, it's not bad this time, is it?"

  Tao Qingxiang exerted force on his hand, and a brush was broken by him, "Do you want to expose my scar once?"

  Chu Tang said calmly, "I am here to cure you."

  Tao Qingxiang threw the brush in his hand, "Crackling", "Okay, you do it, I'll see how you do it!"

  Chu Tang took Tao Qingxiang's pulse, and then pressed his leg. His leg was caused by cutting off the meridian on his leg, "Who did it?"

  Tao Qingxiang froze for a moment, then realized, "It's too long ago, I don't remember."

  Chu Tang said, "I'm afraid that such a thing will be remembered for a lifetime?"

  Tao Qingxiang stopped talking, his eyes slightly lowered, as if caught in some kind of memory.

  Chu Tang said, "I can heal your leg, but you need to apply acupuncture during the period. After seven days, I will reconnect the broken meridians for you."

  Tao Qingxiang, "..."

   Did he hear wrongly? The young man in front of him said that he would reconnect his meridians.

  Tao Qingxiang couldn't believe it at all, "Are you kidding me?"

  Chu Tang spread his hands, "Do I seem to be joking?"

  Tao Qingxiang clenched his fists and stared at Chu Tang, "How can the broken meridians be connected?"

  Chu Tang said without any pressure, "Others can't, but I can. It depends on whether the young master believes me or not."

  Tao Qingxiang swallowed, and asked nervously and expectantly, "Are you really sure?"

  Chu Tang said, "I'm sure."

  Tao Qingxiang trembled slightly excitedly, his leg can be cured, it can be cured, "Then, then try again."

  Chu Tang said, "I'll go get ready and give you an injection right away."

  Tao Qingxiang stopped Chu Tang, "What do you need to prepare? I have all the medical equipment here, you can choose whatever you want."

  Chu Tang was a little curious, "Show me."

  Tao Qingxiang rolled the wheelchair and walked towards a wall. After stopping, he patted the armrest of the wheelchair three times with his hand. The door on the wall opened in response to the sound, revealing a secret room where various medical tools were stored.

   Chu Tang looked at it, "The medical tools you collected?"

  Tao Qingxiang nodded, "Yes."

   "Are you a doctor?" Chu Tang walked into the room and looked around.

  Tao Qingxiang has regained his composure, "No, but my ideal is to be a doctor. These are my hobbies. The silver needle is the second row and the third on the wooden frame on the left."

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