Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 917: 917. Exploitation of life

  Chu Tang followed the location and saw that there was really a silver needle, "Remember so clearly?"

  Tao Qingxiang said, "I have a very good memory, and I put these things by myself, and I go in and look at them every day."

  Chu Tang came out with a silver needle, "Go and lie down on the bed. I, Ma Shan, will give you the needle."

  Tao Qingxiang glanced at Chu Tang, slid the wheelchair to the window, and then pressed the mechanism on the wheelchair, and the wheelchair became a reclining chair.

   "This chair is not bad." Chu Tang thought to himself, he hadn't thought about using mechanism techniques in these places.

  Tao Qingxiang didn’t believe that the boy in front of him could cure his leg, but he couldn’t help but look forward to it, “If you cure my leg, you can have as many chairs like this as you want, and other things are also fine.”

  Chu Tang hooked his lips, "OK."

  Chu Tang lifted Tao Qingxiang's clothes and hugged his knees, then lit a candle, tested the silver needle for a while, and then dropped the needle.

  Tao Qingxiang suddenly said, "It's not the first time for me to give acupuncture, and I don't feel anything every time, but why do you feel a little pain when you give acupuncture?"

  Chu Tang said, "The pain means there is help, aren't you happy?"

  Tao Qingxiang reacted, "I feel pain, my leg can be healed, but they all said there is no cure, those quack doctors."

  Chu Tang did not speak, and concentrated on performing acupuncture.

  Seeing that Chu Tang hadn’t come out yet, Master Zuo Shi finally couldn’t help but walked in, “What are you doing?”

  Chu Tang didn't raise his head, "I'm giving him an injection, isn't it obvious?"

  Master Zuoshi looked at the densely packed silver needles on his son's legs and felt very distressed, "If you stick needles like this, his legs will be healed?"

  Chu Tang said, "No, this is to stimulate the growth of tendons, so that I can connect his tendons."

  Master Zuo Shi was slightly taken aback, "Can you connect tendons?"

  Chu Tang said, "Yes, if I don't have such medical skills, your Red Hall Master will not invite me, don't worry."

  Master Zuoshi felt a little complicated, "I have something to ask you, Young Master."

  Chu Tang said, "My lord, please tell me."

  Master Zuo Shi gave generous conditions, "Can you stay in the cloud organization, young master? Our organization is willing to treat each other as an elder."

  How many leaders are the elders?

Of course, Chu Tang couldn't agree now, it's too cheap, and he won't join the cloud organization, otherwise Zeng should be crazy, "Master Zuo, don't worry, it won't be too late to talk about it after I heal Young Master Ling's leg." .”

  Master Zuo Envoy nodded, the cold air on his body disappeared without a trace, "What can I do?"

   Chu Tang looked up, "Is there a pharmacy here?"

  Master Zuo Shi asked in confusion, "No."

   "Go and get the medicine back, grab some more, and use it tomorrow." Chu Tang wrote down the prescription, including some of his own personal work.

  Master Zuoshi took a look at the prescription, "I'll send someone there right away."

  Chu Tang continued to administer acupuncture to Tao Qingxiang.

   It took two hours before the acupuncture was finished. Chu Tang was a little tired, "Is there a room for me?"

   "Yes, please follow me." Master Zuo Shi heard that Tao Qingxiang was in pain, he couldn't help being very happy, and took him to the room himself.

  The room is next door, which is also a bamboo house, with an elegant setting, apart from other things, staying here is very relaxing and comfortable.

  In addition to good living, there are also delicious food. A bunch of precious dishes were brought in for Chu Tang to enjoy.

  Looking at the table full of dishes, Chu Tang thought to himself, this is just a little pain, and the treatment is so good, if he is cured, Master Zuo Shi will go crazy with joy.

  Chu Tang asked Hong Feiyun to eat with him. This guy was dressed as a woman. He was shocked when he saw himself in the mirror, and he probably hasn't recovered yet.

  Hong Feiyun glanced at Chu Tang, sat down on the stool, and began to eat.

  Chu Tang couldn't help but said, "In fact, sometimes things can't be resisted. It's better to obey and show the best side."

   Hong Feiyun glared over, "Can I not talk while eating?"

  Chu Tang raised his hand and surrendered, "All right, all right, stop talking."

  The servant girl came in and told, "My lord, the medicine is back."

  Chu Tang said, "Bring it to a big iron pot and boil it for half an hour. If the water is low, add more water. I will give your young master a bath in a while. Remember to keep an eye on the time when you soak in a stick of incense."

  The servant girl blessed her body, "Yes, my lord."

  Hong Feiyun asked, "What shall we do next?"

  He knew what the other party meant, Chu Tang smiled and said, "I'll stay, you continue to play Hong Feiyun."

  Hong Feiyun was about to go crazy, and said, "Kill me."

  Chu Tang said, "Renren, it will be fine in a few days."

  Hong Feiyun said expressionlessly, "I can't bear it any longer. You actually asked me to endure it for a few days. Are you serious?"

  Chu Tang took a few mouthfuls of food before answering her, "I'm not joking with you anyway."

  Hong Feiyun, "..."

  I feel like I've been cheated miserably, the **** man disguised himself as a woman!


  The bright moon is in the sky.

   "I'm so hungry." Yi Chuanchuan sat cross-legged on the ground, not wanting to move.

  Jiang Zhanglin got up, and then pulled Yi Chuanchuan up, "Get up, let's go to the village chief's house to see, if there is food, buy some from him later."

  Yi Chuanchuan finally saw hope, "Good idea."

  The two walked towards the village head's house in the dark. The village head heard footsteps and looked around, then opened the door to let the two come in, "Don't speak loudly, keep your voice down."

  The village chief was very hospitable. When he learned that the two of them hadn't had dinner, he said, "There's nothing to eat at home. How about cooking a bowl of noodles for you?"

  Jiang Zhanglin thanked politely, "Thank you, old man, let's talk about the village first."

  The village head became serious, "I tell you, knowing these things will definitely bring you death, aren't you afraid?"

  Jiang Zhanglin shook his head, "Don't be afraid, please tell me, old man."

  The village chief looked at the two admiringly, "Alright then, I'll tell you."

  The head of the village recalled, "It happened more than a year or two years ago. Suddenly, a group of men in black broke into the village and arrested a group of people. At that time, everyone panicked, so we went to the county to report the case."

   "After a few days, those who were arrested were released again, and we went to close the case."

   “We have been exploiting for two years since then.”

   "We don't know where those people you saw came from, but he took all of our village to do one thing, which is to open up wasteland."

  Jiang Zhanglin was very puzzled, "open up wasteland?"

  The village chief nodded, "Well, those places are very remote, but the land is fertile. If it weren't for the inaccessibility of people, people would have opened them up to grow food."

  Yi Chuanchuan asked, "Is it just land reclamation?"

  The village head said, "It's just land reclamation. Go in the morning, come back at noon, have dinner, and go again in the afternoon. Land reclamation is very difficult. We have been working for so long, and we haven't finished it yet."

  Jiang Zhanglin asked, "Do you remember the location?"

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