Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 919: 919. In and out

The door was quickly opened, and a man with a broken leg came over and opened the door with a cane. The man with a broken leg looked depressed at first, but when he saw Lou Ze, he suddenly became excited, "Lou Ze, you are not dead, that's great I've been looking forward to seeing you every day, and you're finally here."

  Tan Xia is a good friend of Lou Ze and the four leaders. He had an accident during a mission and broke a leg. The organization gave him some money. He built a yard here and has been living here.

   Lou Ze apologized, "I'm sorry, too many things have happened recently, I haven't had time to see you, are you okay?"

   Tan Xia didn't mind at all, but was very enthusiastic and happy, "It's okay, it's okay, come in and sit down."

   Lou Ze said, "You don't need to sit down, it's late, I came to ask you, where is the place he and I often go to?" While speaking, a ray of spiritual light entered Tan Xia's body.

   Tan Xia blurted out, "Isn't it the waterfall behind the organization? You two often go there."

  It turns out that the place is so close, Lou Ze said, "Thank you very much."

  Tan Xia felt that something was wrong, but she hadn't realized it yet, "It's okay, you too, I don't care about the four chiefs, but I can't blame you, acting is too tiring after all."

   Lou Ze, “…”

what's the situation? Is there something inside the matter?

  Lou Ze pretended not to remember, and said, "Why did you say that?"

  Tan Xia looked at Lou Ze the way he looked at his younger brother, "Have you forgotten? You were rescued by the four chiefs on purpose at the beginning, with the purpose of infiltrating into the cloud organization. You don't like men, so how could you really fall in love with the four chiefs?"

  Lou Ze secretly thought, could it be that "he" is from the Xuan family? That would be so interesting, "It's okay, I'm going to the waterfall behind."

   Tan Xia nodded, "Go ahead, be careful."

  Lou Ze left the small house, and Zeng or came to the waterfall, "Do you feel that everyone around you has a secret feeling?"

  Zeng or glanced at Lou Ze, and said, "I didn't have it before, but now I have it, and I won't trust people casually anymore."

   Lou Ze persuaded, "It's not necessary. What's the fun in life in case of anyone? People, look away."

   Zeng said, "Let's find something."

   "The waterfall is so big, where will the four chiefs put their things?" Lou Ze looked around and asked Zeng He, "Do the four chiefs have any special habits or hobbies?"

  Zeng or thought about it, "He likes to wipe the knife."

  Lou Ze embraces his arms, likes to wipe knives, is a more patient person, likes knives, and is rough and careless. If he hides things, he should hide them in...

  He took two steps back, and then walked to the left, where there are several stones stacked together, things should be under here.

  He moved the stone away, and there was a box under the stone.

  He took the wooden box in his hand, "Zeng or, withdraw."

  The two left quickly and returned to the room. Lou Ze put the box on the table, "Guess what's inside?"

  Zeng or shook his head, "How can I guess."

  At the beginning, the four leaders said that Lou Ze had always wanted something. What did Lou Ze want? With doubts, Lou Ze opened the box.

   Zeng or neck stretched over to see.

  There is a map in the box. Lou Ze took out the map to look at it, but he didn't understand it. "Where is this map?"

   Zeng looked at it for a long time, then shook his head, "I can't see it."

  Lou Ze thought for a while, and his expression became serious, "I have to go out for a while, and I will leave it to you to deal with it here."

  Ever or don’t want to face Mr. Zuo Shi alone, it’s too scary, “I’ll go with you, anyway, Hong Feiyun and Chu Tang are also acting together.”

   "Let's go." If Master Zuo Shi kills Zeng Yu, it will not be so convenient for her to obtain information in the organization.

   The two left the bamboo house again, and after leaving, they went straight to the barracks.

  Tang Jinghong was still in the tent handling official business, and several lieutenants were also there. It was difficult for Chu Qingzhi to go in, so she approached Meng Shengdong, "Go and ask Jing Hong to come out, and tell him that I have something important to see him."

   "Okay." Meng Shengdong immediately walked into the tent and whispered the news.

  Tang Jinghong didn't show any abnormality after hearing this, and got up and left his seat.

  There was a huge pine tree outside the barracks, Chu Qingzhi crossed her arms, leaned against the pine tree, and looked at the moon in the sky.

  Tang Jinghong walked towards Chu Qingzhi with jelly beans in his hand, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled at Tang Jinghong, then gave the map to Tang Jinghong, Tangdou took it into his hands, "This is the map I got just now, I don't know where it is, you can take a look."

  Tang Jinghong understood at a glance, "This is the defense map of King Dongling's palace."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  She told the ins and outs of getting this map, "Jing Hong, I think Lou Ze's identity can be dug deeper."

  Tang Jinghong said softly, "Protect yourself and send me a message at any time."

  Chu Qingzhi hugged Tang Jinghong, "Okay."

  Tang Jinghong touched Chu Qingzhi's head, his eyes doting, "You have made great achievements again."

  Chu Qingzhi asked jokingly, "Then how much military merit are you going to record for me?"

  Tang Jinghong thought for a while, "Remember the third class, otherwise you won't be able to remember it in the end."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "By the way, after I stabilize Mr. Zuo Envoy, I will immediately investigate the second batch of military rations, and you will be ready to respond at any time."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, "I see."

   After talking about some things, Chu Qingzhi and Zeng or left.

  Tang Jinghong returned to the barracks with the map of the Dongling Palace. This Lou Ze was probably a secret agent of the Xuan family, but what did he want the map of the Dongling Palace for? Attack the palace?

  Then it is better to make a border defense map first, which is completely meaningless.

   Another possibility is to enter the palace to steal things.

  Is there any peerless treasure in Dongling Palace?

   It doesn't seem to be there either, maybe he doesn't know.

  Holding the defense map of Tangling Palace, Tang Jinghong felt that things were getting more and more complicated.

   "Shaoyuan, you send someone to inquire about the latest news of the Dongling Palace, and if there is anything unusual, come back and report it immediately."

   "Yes, General."


  Chu Tang and Hong Feiyun returned to the bamboo house, Mr. Zuoshi stood in the courtyard and waited for them, "I don't know what's going on with you two coming in and out late at night?"

  Other things can be tolerated, but when it comes to his son, he has to be careful.

  Chu Tang took out a handful of medicines, "Let's go gather medicines."

  A surprise flashed in Hong Feiyun's eyes, where did the medicine in Chu Tang's hand come from? I didn't see him picking medicine just now.

  Zuo confused adults, "This medicine is..."

  Chu Tang said, "Treat your son's legs. These medicines need to be collected in the middle of the night to be effective. Are we disturbing Mr. Zuoshi's rest by going in and out?"

  Master Zuo Shi stared at Chu Tang, but no matter how tired his eyes were, he couldn't see any flaws, "You have a heart, and when I cure my son's leg in the future, I will definitely reward you."

   Chu Tang was flattered and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zuo Envoy, we will definitely do our best."

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