Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 920: 920. It's not fair

  Master Zuo Shi gave up after he could not see through Chu and Tang, as long as he can cure his son, everything is easy to say, "Go to rest early."

  Chu Tang responded, "Yes, Master Zuoshi."

  Master Zuo Shi glanced at Chu Tang inquiringly, then turned and left.

  Chu Tang looked at the grass in his hand, took it back to the house, Hong Feiyun followed in, endured it, couldn't help it, and asked, "What's the matter with this medicine?"

  Chu Tang casually put the grass on the table, "It's just an excuse, don't take it to heart."

  Hong Feiyun was about to be crushed by Chu Tang's unexpected behavior, "What I care about is not what it is, but why it appeared in your hands?"

  Chu Tang poured himself a cup of tea, "I just picked it on the side of the road, just in case."

  Hong Feiyun took a deep breath, people like Chu Qingzhi were beyond his comprehension, "Forget it, rest early, I'm going back."

  Chu Tang waved his hand, "Go slowly."

  Chu Tang got up and went to lie down on the bed, looking up at the sky, thinking...

  Where is the second batch of military rations?


  Hong Feiyun returned to his residence, a person came out from the darkness at the door, and asked concerned, "Feiyun, are you back?"

  Hong Feiyun felt dizzy for a while, and took a step back in disgust, "Mu Xiao, why haven't you slept yet?"

  Mu Xiao looked at Hong Feiyun eagerly, "I'll wait for you here."

  Hong Feiyun really wanted to disappear in place, "What are you waiting for me?"

"I want to talk to you." Mu Xiao endured to the limit in his heart, but the look on his face darkened, "You have been together in Chu Tang, right?" , he was very irritable.

  Hong Feiyun nodded, the whole base knew about it, "Is there any problem?"

  Mu Xiao took a step towards Hong Feiyun, stared into her eyes, and asked nervously, "Do you like him?"

Hong Feiyun shuddered, no one dared to like her if he liked her, "No, absolutely not, don't talk nonsense, the reason why I stayed with him for a long time is because I brought him in, and Mr. You can’t make any mistakes and don’t dare to slack off.”

  Mu Xiao was a little happier, "You really have no other intentions for him?"

   Hong Feiyun nodded and nodded.

  Mu Xiao stepped forward and hugged Hong Feiyun tightly, "Feiyun, don't reject me, okay?"

  Hong Feiyun is not feeling well, and secretly cursed, I am a man, don’t you refuse to wait for the broken sleeve? He pushed Mu Xiao away forcefully, "Don't do this, it's not good to be looked at by others."

  Mu Xiao said in a startling way, "Feiyun, shall we get married?"

  Hong Feiyun, "..."

  Hong Feiyu flew down from the tree and shouted unacceptably, "I don't agree."

   Both Hong Feiyun and Mu Xiao turned to look at her.

Mu Xiao looked at Hong Feiyu with a stern look in his eyes, if it wasn't for the fact that she was Feiyun's younger sister, he would have dealt with her long ago, "This matter has nothing to do with you, it's where you come from. "

  Hong Feiyu pointed to Hong Feiyun, "She is my sister, do you think she has something to do with me?"

  Mu Xiao's eyes turned cold, "You don't need to get involved in this matter, you should go back to sleep, otherwise I will be very angry."

  Hong Feiyu felt a chill for no reason, but still did not give up, "Mu Xiao, I am the one who likes you. My sister doesn't like you, so why do you insist on marrying my sister?"

  Mu Xiao looked at Hong Feiyun, his eyes were extremely gentle, "How do you know that your sister doesn't like me?"

  Hong Feiyu pointed at Hong Feiyun and said emotionally, "She told me herself, if you don't believe me, you can ask her."

  Hong Feiyun nodded, "Mu Xiao, I really don't like you, Feiyu likes you so much, why don't you marry Feiyu?"

  Mu Xiao couldn't believe it, "Feiyun, that's not what you told me."

  Hong Feiyun followed the good advice, "Then this time shall prevail."

  Mu Xiao couldn’t accept Hong Feiyun’s sudden change of heart, and roared, “Feiyun, have you fallen in love with Chu Tang?”

   "You guys go make trouble on your own, I'm going to sleep." Hong Feiyun didn't want to go crazy with Mu Xiao, so he pushed Mu Xiao and went back to the room. After entering the room, he slammed the door shut, separating the two of them.

  Mu Xiao stared at the door for a while, his face turned cold, "Hong Feiyu, you are really shameless."

  Hong Feiyu's face turned pale, she actually heard such shameless words from the man she liked, "Mu Xiao, I..."

   "Shut up! Don't call me, I will just pretend that I don't know you from now on, if you bother us again, don't blame me for being rude." Mu Xiao flicked his sleeves and left here.

  Hong Feiyu stared at Mu Xiao's back, grasped her fingers tightly, her eyes slowly turned red, and she was extremely sad, "Hong Feiyun, Mu Xiao, you are all my closest relatives, why did you treat me like this?"

  Chu Tang lay on the top of the tree, his voice fell from the sky, "Why do you insist on making someone who doesn't like you like you?"

  Hong Feiyu looked up and said unhappily, "You have only been here for a day, and my sister follows you around. You are not short of love, so you can say such a thing."

  Chu Tang fed himself a jelly bean, "Looking for trouble."

  Hong Feiyu pointed at Chu Tang and said angrily, "You have no right to say such things."

   Chu Tang asked as if talking to himself, "Do you want to be liked by many people like me?"

  Hong Feiyu was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Tang made a condition, "Help me with one thing, I will make people like you, how about it?"

   Let's see what medicine the other party sells in the gourd for a while, Hong Feiyu said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

   "I want to know..." Chu Tang leaped and landed in front of Hong Feiyu, leaned closer and whispered, "The whereabouts of the second batch of rations."

  Hong Feiyu's expression changed, "Who are you?"

   "I'm Chu Tang." Chu Tang said nonchalantly, "How about it? Do you want to exchange? I think you hated them just now. You can't just talk empty words, right?"

  Hong Feiyu hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll exchange."

  Chu Tang smiled, "First, don't put on a face of bitterness and hatred all day long, and be easy-going like me, understand?"

  Hong Feiyu understands that her personality is not likable, but she has always been like this, how can she change easily, "I, I can't do it."

  Chu Tang hugged his arms, looked at Hong Feiyun and said, "You think that if you do this, Mu Xiao will like you, can you do it?"

  Hong Feiyu imagined for a while, then nodded, "I think I can do it."

  Chu Tang grabbed a handful of jelly beans and gave them to Hong Feiyu, "Okay, I've given you the method, now it's time for you to tell me the news."

  Hong Feiyu looked Chu Tang up and down, and said in disbelief, "You want to exchange my information so easily?"

  Chu Tang's face darkened slightly, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

  Hong Feiyu felt as though Mount Tai was overwhelmed, swallowed her saliva, and said hastily, "Don't dare." Chu Tang was terrified just now, ten times, no, a hundred times more terrified than what Mu Xiao gave her, it was too scary.

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