Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 921: 921. Careful

  Chu Tang returned to his easy-going demeanor, "It's reciprocal, so hurry up and talk."

  Hong Feiyu looked around, "Can you find a place that is a little more secluded and say, this place says, are you afraid that we will not be killed by Master Zuoshi?"

   "There's no one around here, so go ahead." If there was someone, how could he possibly speak out? !

  Hong Feiyu doesn't know how the other party judged, but she has a feeling that the person in front of her is not easy to mess with, "There is a warehouse in the stronghold, let me show you."

  Chutang jelly beans collected, clapped his hands, "Let's go."

  Led by Hong Feiyu, Chu Tang turned around and walked through the houses, and they came to the firewood room.

  Hong Feiyu turned to face Chu Tang, "What is your purpose for coming here?"

  Chu Tang said very frankly, "Look for the second batch of military rations."

  Hong Feiyu stared at Chu Tang, trying to see something, "What would you do if you found the rations?"

  Chu Tang said casually, "It goes without saying, of course it is to take back the army rations."

  Hong Feiyu narrowed her eyes slightly, "Are you from Tang Jinghong?"

  Chu Tang looked calm, but in fact the coercion was released, which made people very uncomfortable, "This has nothing to do with you, you just complete the transaction between us."

  Hong Feiyu dissatisfied, "But you only said one word to me, and you asked me to pay so much, don't you think it's unfair?"

  Chu Tang asked back, "You want fairness?"

  Hong Feiyu said, "Who doesn't want fairness?"

  Chu Tang curled his lips and sneered mockingly, "With me, speak with strength, otherwise you can only be a lamb at the mercy of others."

  Hong Feiyu was speechless angrily, "You..."

  Chu Tang said lightly, "I don't have that much time to deal with you. If you go back on your word, you will never be able to get out here again."

  If it wasn’t for the red flying jade that was still useful, it would have been removed long ago.

  Hong Feiyu instantly felt a layer of actual murderous aura enveloped her, and bursts of heart palpitations spread, making her unable to arouse her heart to resist.

   Trembling, she pushed the firewood away and pressed against a floor tile three times, and then a door on the wall in the front direction opened, "Enter from there is the warehouse of the stronghold."

  Chu Tang's spiritual sense penetrated into it, it was a real warehouse, he walked in.

  Hong Feiyu hesitated for a moment, bit her lip, and walked in.

   After entering, there was a huge unremarkable stone room. There were many boxes piled up in the stone room. Chu Tang opened a few randomly, some were filled with food, and some were filled with medicinal materials.

   But these things are not military rations.

  Chu Tang frowned slightly, "Do you know where you can put a lot of supplies near the mall?"

  Hong Feiyu said, "It can only be in the mall."

  Chu Tang frowned, "Go to the mall tomorrow."

  Hong Feiyu said, "Aren't you going to have your leg treated with Master Zuo Shi's son?"

  Chu Tang glanced at Hong Feiyu, "Go for a while, there will be no delay."

  Hong Feiyu suddenly said, "I have one condition."

  Chu Tang said indifferently, "Just now you have put forward the conditions."

  Hong Feiyu took out the dagger and put it across her neck, "I want to change it. If you don't agree, I won't go to the mall tomorrow."

  Chutang folded his arms and looked at Hong Feiyu playfully, "Tell me, what will you replace it with?"

  Hong Feiyu unexpectedly said, "Make Mu Xiao no longer like my sister."

  Chu Tang looked at Hong Feiyu, "What kind of hatred do you have with your sister?"

  Hong Feiyu shook her head, as if she had been misunderstood, "No, I did it for my sister's benefit. Mu Xiao is a man with deep plans and is not a good match. I hate them, but I don't want anything to happen to my sister."

  This is the needle in the bottom of a woman's heart? What was Hong Feiyu thinking in her mind, Chu Tang was speechless, "Then kill Mu Xiao?"

  Hong Feiyu hurriedly said, "No, Mu Xiao saved our sister's life, so we can't kill him."

  Chu Tang, “…”

  Chu Tang said, "Let's exchange with the original conditions, I can't handle this."

  Hong Feiyu's first reaction was that Chu Tang was evasive, "You are so powerful, how could you not do it?"

  Chu Tang shrugged, feeling helpless, "I'm just a doctor with limited abilities." She thought it was troublesome and didn't want to do it.

  Red Feiyu, "..."

  Chu Tang thought for a while, "Well, if you help me find the second batch of military rations, I will promise you this condition, so that the two of them will never communicate with each other."

  When Hong Feiyu heard this, she became excited, "Are you sure?"

  Chu Tang said patiently, "Sure."

   "Deal!" Hong Feiyu said excitedly, "I'll take you to the mall every morning, so prepare yourself."


  In the morning, red clouds appeared in the sky.

  Jiang Zhanglin and Yi Chuanchuan woke up one after another, and then went to the county seat. After waking up in the morning, they climbed mountains and ridges. They were really exhausted.

   Arriving in the county seat, the two were so hungry that they hurriedly found a breakfast shop for breakfast.

  Yi Chuanchuan approached Jiang Zhanglin and whispered, "Do you find it strange?"

  Jiang Zhanglin looked around and nodded, "Yes, this county is so cold that there are so few people, it feels desolate."

  Yi Chuanchuan agreed, "Yes, I also have the same feeling. A county town should have been bustling with the morning market at this point, but this county town seems to be deserted."

  Jiang Zhanglin had a bad premonition in his heart, "Let's eat quickly, go find them after eating, and go back as soon as we find them."

  Yi Chuanchuan felt heavy in his heart, "Yes."

  The boss gave two bowls of noodles to the two, "use it slowly."

   The two had a quick meal. After eating, they went straight to the casino, but the casino was closed.

  Yi Chuanchuan's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but panicked, "Zhang Lin, something must have happened."

  Jiang Zhanglin remained calm and led Yi Chuanchuan out of the city, "Let's go back and find the general."



  Chu Tang, Hong Feiyun, Hong Feiyu, and Mu Xiao walked together at the joint, and the atmosphere was awkward and weird.

  In the morning, Chu Tang and Hong Feiyu wanted to go out, Hong Feiyun had to follow, and Mu Xiao insisted on following Hong Feiyun, if the four of them would leave together.

  Chu Tang said, "Find a place to eat first."

  Hong Feiyun hurriedly said, "I know a delicious breakfast restaurant, Chu Tang, shall I take you there?"

  Mu Xiao saw Hong Feiyun flattering Chu Tang so much, he felt uncomfortable for a moment, "Feiyun, you have never taken me to have any delicious breakfast food, why did you take him when you came here?"

  Hong Feiyun's body was covered with goosebumps, he was really about to collapse, "Why are you so narrow-minded?"

  Hong Feiyu deliberately separated Hong Feiyun and Mu Xiao, "My sister never even brought me there."

  Hong Feiyun couldn't take it anymore, and after telling Chu Tang the address, he flew away.

  Mu Xiao hurriedly followed.

  A ray of spiritual power from Chu Tang shot over, hitting Mu Xiao's spine, his whole body went numb, and he fell to the ground. It was a bit embarrassing to be on the street.

  Hong Feiyu looked at Chu Tang, this...

  She hurried forward to help him up, "Mu Xiao, are you alright?"

   "I'm fine." Feeling ashamed, Mu Xiao hurriedly straightened his clothes and walked forward quickly.

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