Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 922: 922. Master of Bliss

  Chu Tang raised his eyebrows, hey, this person's psychological endurance is quite strong, he doesn't leave now, he still has to catch up!

  Hong Feiyu stopped at the same spot and waited for Chu Tang, and asked, "You did it just now?"

  Chu Tang didn’t talk to Hong Feiyu, this woman thinks one way but another way, sometimes like this, sometimes like that, not sure, very annoying.

  Hong Feiyu stomped her feet and followed.

   Several people met at the breakfast shop that Hong Feiyun said, sat on the chairs, and each ordered a breakfast.

  Chu Tang was sitting in a vertical position on the street. While eating breakfast, a person suddenly caught his attention, Yan Zihao.

  Yan Zihao put on his beard and hurried to the front of the street, looking abnormal.

  Why is he dressed like this? Where are you going?

   After thinking for a while, Chu Tang speeded up his meal and followed.

  Tang Jinghong didn't tell Chu Qingzhi about their missions, she didn't know.

  As soon as Chu Tang left, Hong Feiyun quickly followed, then Mu Xiao, and finally Hong Feiyu.

  Looking at this scene, Chu Tang twitched the corner of his mouth, and threw Hong Feiyun away. He didn't want to have three little tails, which was really annoying.

  Following Yan Zihao, he walked through one street after another and came to a temple.

A temple built in troubled times. The name of the temple is "Jianshan Temple". There are two luxurious stone lions at the entrance. The plaque is inlaid with gold. people.

  Chu and Tang frowned, wondering why someone built a temple in such a busy city? Still acting like you're not afraid of people knowing you're rich?

  The point is that there are many believers, and just the few times he looked at it, several groups of people have already entered.

  Yan Zihao also walked in.

  Looking at this scene, Chu Tang also followed in, it was so weird.

  Walking around the alley, when he came out again, Chu Tang turned into a little girl dressed in ordinary clothes.

   After looking at herself, Chu Qingzhi walked in.

As soon as she entered, she found that the inside was even more luxurious. Here was a square surrounded by houses dedicated to Bodhisattvas. The floors were all covered with marble and the walls were painted. The temples were better built than the houses of rich families. Upstart feeling.

  The believers knelt in front of the house, put their hands together, and chanted something.

  Chu Qingzhi searched for Yan Zihao's figure, but he actually went to the back of the temple, what did he do here? He can't be meticulous, can he?

  Holding such doubts, Chu Qingzhi continued to follow.

  Chu Qingzhi was startled by the back of the temple. This is a small square. At this time, the square was full of people kneeling. On the high platform sat an old man who looked at the immortal.

  The old man sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, with a snow-white floating dust on his arm, with his eyes closed, as if he was meditating.

  Beside him stood a young man in a monk's robe, "Believers who come to pay homage to Master Bliss, please find an empty seat, and the master will start preaching in a while, so don't miss it."

  When the believers who came from behind heard this, they immediately pushed Chu Qingzhi away to grab an empty seat.

  Chu Qingzhi moved away, and after a while, a young man in a monk's robe came over, "Little girl, this is not the place for you, please leave?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "They can all come, why can't I come?"

  The young man in monk clothes smiled and said in a normal way, "You have to pay to come here to listen to the master's preaching. Do you have money?"

  Chu Qingzhi sighed in her heart, "How much is it per person?"

  The young man in monk clothes smiled slightly, "Ten taels of silver, one day."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  It is really admirable that she is better at stealing money than her.

  Take out a twelve taels of silver ingot from his clothes, "Can I stay now?"

  The young man in monk clothes is the model for changing his face, "It's a small one who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, miss please."

  Just now I couldn’t enter, but now I’m a young lady, this young lady only cost ten taels of silver, which is really cheap, complaining in my heart, Chu Qingzhi found a seat and sat down.

   There are already no less than a thousand people sitting in the square, one person is ten taels, and this has earned 10,000 taels of silver for nothing, and this large sum of money is so easy to just listen to the liar's nonsense.

  After Chu Qingzhi sat down, there were people coming from behind, some were mother and son, some were father and son, some were husband and wife...

   Are they all so rich?

  She asked the girl next to her, "How many times have you been here?"

  The girl smiled and said, "I come every day."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Ten taels of silver a day, don't you think it's expensive?"

  The girl has delicate skin and tender flesh, so it can be seen that she is someone who doesn’t have to worry about money, “My father is a member of the outside world, and my family is very rich, so don’t worry about the ten taels of silver.”

  Chu Qingzhi appropriately showed some envy, to satisfy the little girl's vanity, and conveniently said, "Who asked you to come?"

  The girl showed a somewhat shy and expectant expression, "My mother asked me to come. She said that after listening to the master's preaching, I can not get sick and become beautiful. The key is that I can marry a perfect husband in the future."

  Does anyone believe this? Chu Qingzhi asked, "Has anyone achieved it?"

  The girl nodded straightly, "Yes, after my cousin heard the preaching, she married a champion. The champion was good-looking and had a good family background. He married her cousin back home. I am no worse than my cousin, and I can do it."

  Have you got hallucinations? Chu Qingzhi said, "But there is only one champion in three years, how can there be so many champions for you to marry?"

  The girl smiled shyly, "Then it's fine to marry a role model or to be a flower, as long as it's good."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Chu Qingzhi asked curiously, "Then what does your mother ask for?"

  The girl didn't have any intentions, so she said what she asked, "She wants to be more and more beautiful, so I let my father dote on her alone. There are many concubines in my family, and my father often dotes on the concubines and ignores my mother. My mother has nothing to do."

  Chu Qingzhi wanted to know the result, "Did your father spoil your mother?"

  The girl nodded excitedly, "I love you, now my father sleeps in my mother's room every day and doesn't go anywhere."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Is it so magical? Chu Qingzhi asked the blue-clothed boy on the other side, "Brother, what are you begging for?"

  The young man looked sad, "My grandpa is sick, I'm here to ask him to get well soon."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "See a doctor if you're sick."

  The boy shook his head, "The doctor can't see it well, only Master Bliss can see it." The boy looked convinced.

  Chu Qingzhi was puzzled, "Why do you trust that Bliss master so much?"

  The young man turned his body slightly towards Chu Qingzhi, and said, "Our maid was dying of illness, but she came to listen to the sermon, and she recovered miraculously."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Why is preaching so powerful?

   She was thinking about searching for Yan Zihao in the crowd. He sat five rows away from her with his head slightly lowered, looking like a devout believer.

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