Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 923: 923. Prince Tanglin

  Chu Qingzhi shifted her eyes to Master Bliss on the lotus platform, so deceiving, it seems that they are not a small gang.

  Chu Qingzhi locked her consciousness on Yan Zihao, and then walked to the temple behind Master Bliss. What the **** are these scammers doing?

  In the temple, there is a monster body five or six meters high, which looks a bit like a monkey, but it has three arms, two heads, and the lower body looks like human legs. It is so weird that it cannot be described.

  Someone came next to him, and Chu Qingzhi jumped onto the statue.

   "Hurry up and arrange things, and don't delay Master Bliss casting spells for a while."

   "By the way, Master Bliss is also very powerful. He can earn more than 10,000 taels of silver for our temple in one day, which is very enviable."

   "If you are envious, practice spells quickly, and you will have such a beautiful time in the future."

   "That's right, okay, let's not talk, let's arrange it quickly, or you will mess up things and die."

  While the two were talking, they hurriedly arranged props behind Master Bliss.

  Chu Qingzhi had a panoramic view of this scene, and listening to the conversation between the two, this Master of Bliss is probably just a small person.

  Don't act rashly for now, let's see the situation.

  She flew down from the other side, ready to look at other people, but unexpectedly met a person's eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi raised her hand to knock the opponent unconscious, dragged her to a dark place, then pretended to be the opponent, and walked in the temple openly.

  After walking a certain distance, an old lady in a monk's robe came over ferociously, "Little Hoof, have you cleaned the floor yet?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the location of the lobby, "It's finished, is there anything else?"

  The aunt still had a vicious look, and cursed, "After you wipe it, go to the back kitchen to help cook, wait for me to serve you?"

  Chu Qingzhi didn't bother with the aunt, and if she couldn't bear it, she would make a big conspiracy. She walked obediently to the back kitchen.

  The back kitchen directly occupied a yard. Several slaughtered pigs were placed in the yard, and there were also many slaughtered chickens, ducks and fish. This is not like a temple, this is obviously a big family.

  A girl wearing half-new and half-worn monk clothes came over and urged, "Xiaoyun, what are you still doing, hurry up and work."

  Chu Qingzhi tapped her head, pretending to be confused, "I've already wiped the floor, what should I do next?"

  The girl looked at Chu Qingzhi puzzledly, "You are chopping firewood, isn't it always you who chops firewood?"

  A weak girl was actually assigned to chop firewood, Chu Qingzhi asked, "Where is the firewood?"

  The girl pointed to the left direction, "Over there, you are really stupid in learning magic, and you don't know what to do."

  Chu Qingzhi turned and walked to the left.

   On the left is an aisle outside the courtyard wall, where a lot of firewood has been piled up.

  Chu Qingzhi naturally couldn't really chop firewood. She looked around and walked forward along the aisle.

  There is a slight conversation coming from the next room...

   "Brother, what should we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

   "The three hundred thousand taels of silver we were going to donate yesterday disappeared this morning."

"What did you say?"

   "Brother, if I hadn't been desperate, I wouldn't have come to you. Three hundred thousand taels of silver, what should I do?"

   "That's 300,000 taels, didn't you send someone to handle it?"

   "Sent, but all were killed."

   "Are we being targeted by someone? Besides the silver, is there anything else missing?"

   "No more, there is nothing valuable other than silver. Brother, I have to hand over the silver tonight. Now that the silver is gone, what should I do?"

   "Go to the master and confess, and seek leniency. Don't wait for the night, go right away."

   "Brother, once I go, I may not be able to come back."

  Listening to the conversation between the two, Chu Qingzhi secretly thought it was interesting, and all the things were stolen again, wait, did the little thief do it?

   It should not be him. He is now looking for the planting site and drug production site of Afulan, and he has no time to do this.

Who is the one?

  Thinking like this, Chu Qingzhi decided to follow the person who was about to sue her master.

  It was a young man in black. After he left the temple, he rode on a fast horse and went out of the city. Chu Qingzhi followed him all the time...

   "Drive! Drive!" The young man in black twitched his whip and galloped away.

  Suddenly, an arrow came from the sky, shot into the temple of the young man in black, and passed through.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  She hurriedly chased the archer, "Stop!"

  The other party covered his face, obviously he didn't expect anyone to see this scene, his exposed eyes flashed with astonishment, and then an arrow shot towards Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi turned to dodge, and the other party ran away immediately, as if she didn't want to get entangled with her, but how could Chu Qingzhi let go of the fat sheep, and immediately chased after her.

  Arrows flew past Chu Qingzhi's cheeks, making a sharp sound of piercing through the air, which made people shudder.

  Chu Qingzhi reached out and grabbed an arrow, and threw it at the masked man, hitting the opponent's back, and the masked man threw himself forward.

  Chu Qingzhi hurried forward and kicked the opponent, but there was no movement, "Dead!"

  She just wanted the other party to stop, she didn't mean to kill him, why did she die?

  Chu Qingzhi squatted down to check, and understood that the other party had taken poison.

  So loyal to those above you?

  She saw a badge on the man's waist, and she tore it off. She should be able to find out the identity of the man based on this badge.

  Chu Qingzhi put away the badge, returned to the city, and went to a teahouse, "Treasurer, two taels of tea, three taels of sugar."

   When the shopkeeper heard this, he immediately greeted, "Miss, please come upstairs to the private room."

  The two came to the private room together, and the shopkeeper said respectfully, "What's the matter, Miss?"

  Chu Qingzhi put the badge on the table, "Shopkeeper, check this badge."

The shopkeeper took the waist card in his hand and looked at it, "I know this, the pattern on this belt card is the family crest of the eldest prince's uncle of Dongling Palace, the person you are asking is called Xiao Xiwen, who belongs to it needs to be clarified." Check it out."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, she didn't expect people from Dongling Palace to be involved, "Trouble shopkeeper."

  The shopkeeper said politely, "It's okay, there should be news in the future, if the girl wants to know, you can come to the store and look for me."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi returned to the temple.

  At this time, the master was casting a spell, and wisps of "immortal energy" emerged around the lotus platform where he was sitting, and he slowly ascended into the sky in the wisps of immortal energy, as if a real immortal descended to earth.

  The believers below knelt down to the ground and shouted, "Master of Bliss, Master of Bliss..."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Yan Zihao was still in the crowd, kneeling like everyone else.

  Chu Qingzhi became more and more confused, what exactly is Yan Zihao going to do?

   "Why don't you kneel?" The monk who came to ask for money before saw Chu Qingzhi standing there, so he couldn't help coming over to remind her.

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