Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 924: 924. It's none of your business

  How could Chu Qingzhi kneel like a liar, "Do I have to kneel?"

  The monk said anxiously, "If you don't kneel, it won't work."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the monks standing around, "Then why don't you beg?"

  The monk proudly said, "We have become God's servants, and God has blessed us, so we don't need to kneel at all."

  Chu Qingzhi was speechless, "Who told you this?"

  The monk showed a confident expression, "The **** told us in the dream. When we entered the temple to become monks, the **** gave us the dream."

  Chu Qingzhi folded her arms, "Let me ask you, if you keep talking about God, is God a vegetarian or a meat eater?"

  The monk's face changed, he looked around, afraid of being heard, his eyes showed hostility, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked jokingly, "I saw a few big fat pigs in your backyard, are you going to sacrifice to heaven?"

  The monk's face was stiff for a moment, but he returned to normal in the next second, "The little girl guessed really accurately, it is used to worship the heavens."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Your reaction speed is quite fast, it's a pity to be a **** servant, you should be a god."

  The monk looked satisfied, "Don't talk nonsense, it is already very good to be a servant of the gods."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   She was really poisoned!

  Master Bliss slowly landed on the lotus platform, opened his eyes, and shook the floating dust, "Now I will start to solve difficult and miscellaneous diseases for everyone, starting from the first one in the first row..."

  It was an aunt. She said happily, "I want to ask God to let me have a son. Now that my daughter has grown up, she can help me raise my son."

  Master Bliss took out a medicine bag from the lotus platform and handed it to the aunt, "Brew it three times and take it. After you take it, you can get a man in one fell swoop."

  Chu Qingzhi stared at the medicine bag, what magic elixir is so powerful?

  The aunt received the medicine bag with both hands, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Master Bliss."

  Master of Bliss nodded, "Go back."

   "Yes." The aunt left contentedly holding the medicine bag.

  The second one is an old man, he is a little embarrassed to say, "I have taken in a new concubine, but every critical moment I can't do what I want. I want to restore my youthful body."

  Master Bliss took out another pack of medicine from the lotus platform, "Take this medicine, it will definitely make you alive."

  The old man thanked him endlessly, "Thank you Master Bliss, thank you Master Bliss."

  The third one is a girl...

  Chu Qingzhi followed the aunt in a flash, passed by a deserted place, knocked the aunt unconscious, and took out the medicine to see.

  The medicine is just a very common herbal medicine, it doesn’t have any effect of assisting in pregnancy, this pack of medicine is only a penny, so many people believe in such a deception, the method is really high.

  Chu Qingzhi put the medicine bag back into the aunt's hand, woke her up, and quickly retreated.

  The monk saw Chu Qingzhi suddenly appear, and was very curious, "Where did you go just now?"

  Chu Qingzhi deliberately teased the other party, "I did something bad."

  The monk cooperated and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Chu Qingzhi sneered, "Since it's a bad thing, why would I tell you?"

  Monk, "…"

  The monk was a little angry, "So you're kidding me?"

  Chu Qingzhi asked back, "What will happen if I trick you?"

  The monk said angrily, "When the Son of God is selected later, if you are selected, I will say you are unqualified."

  Chu Qingzhi was puzzled, "What is the Son of God?"

  The monk kept his eyes straight, "I won't tell you."

  A ray of spiritual light from Chu Qingzhi entered the monk's body, and she asked again, "What is the Son of God?"

  The monk said, "After the intractable diseases of the first row of believers are solved, Master Bliss will randomly select ten sons of God to meet Master Kagura. Master Kagura can consecrate people so that they can see God."

  Chu Qingzhi was speechless, and there was one more person, "Where is Master Kagura?"

  The monk pointed to the seven-story tower on the right, "On that tower, Master Kagura will not come down easily. Every day, the purest virgin girl serves, and she is the person with the highest treatment."

  Chu Qingzhi felt a little disgusted to deceive the girl's family like this, "Who has the most power in your temple?"

  The monk said, "It is the Master of Ultimate Bliss."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the tower, "Are you sure?"

  The monk shook his head, "I'm not sure, because I haven't met Master Bliss, I heard it from others."

  The Bliss Master hadn’t figured it out yet, and another divine master appeared, "By the way, is this temple of yours opened by the princes of King Dongling?"

  The monk shook his head again, "I don't know."

   Also, these young monks have no access to such a confidential matter, it seems that they have to ask some higher-level people.

  Chu Qingzhi waited patiently, she wanted to see what was going on.

  The intractable diseases of the people in the first row have all been contacted.

   "The next step is to choose the son of God." Master Bliss took out the lotus platform and turned his back to everyone, and threw a small ball. Whoever the ball hits, will be selected as the son of God.

  The first ball hits a boy, the second hits Yan Zihao, the third hits Chu Qingzhi...

  A total of ten sons of God were selected.

  The monk next to Master Bliss shouted loudly, "Son of God, please come out and follow me."

  Ten people lined up and followed the monk to the bathing room, "Please take a bath and change clothes, and then go to the tower to meet Master Kagura, and consecrate you."

  Except for Chu Qingzhi and Yan Zihao, the other eight people all looked excited, "I can see God, I can finally see God..."

   "I didn't expect to be so lucky this time, I failed several times."

   "I don't know what God looks like, but it must be pretty."

  The eight people are full of longing for God.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Ten servant girls came in with clothes in their hands, and helped the Son of God to bathe and change clothes.

  The bathroom is separated by a wooden door. When the maid came into the bathroom, Chu Qingzhi used a bell to confuse the other party and asked her to wash it. Then Chu Qingzhi changed into Shenzi's clothes and waited for the next step.

  After half an hour, the monk's voice sounded, "Ten sons of God please line up and follow me."

  Everyone was very obedient, Yan Zihao was the last one, Chu Qingzhi came out of the bathroom last, and was behind him.

  Yan Zihao turned his head to look at Chu Qingzhi, with a bit of inquiry in his eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi lowered her head slightly, pretending to know nothing.

   Seeing that everyone was lined up, the monk said, "Don't whisper to each other, keep quiet and follow me."

  The first eight people were very excited, and they would see God soon.

  The two people behind were very calm, as if it had nothing to do with them.

   After walking a long way before reaching the bottom of the high tower, the monk warned again, "Don't talk, everyone, otherwise it will be a blasphemy against God, and God will punish you, please remember."

   "We remember."

   "Let's go." The monk turned and continued to lead the way.

  As they stepped into the tower, the emotions of the eight people in front reached the peak of excitement. Yan Zihao's expression became tense, and his heart became tense.

  Chu Qingzhi was very calm all the way, but she was looking forward to what she was about to see.

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