Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 925: 925. Mixed into a cult

  The monk led ten people to the door of a room on the highest floor, turned his head and said to several people, "Wait a moment, I will ask Master Kagura for instructions."

   After finishing speaking, he opened the door and entered the room.

   No sound was heard, and after a while, he came out again, "Master Kagura let you in, and kept quiet for a while, and you can do whatever you want, understand?"

  The gods in front nodded excitedly.

  The monk pushed open the door, "Come in?"

  Line up in a line and follow the monks into the room. There are ten futons in the center of the room, one for each person.

  The monk said, "Wait, Master Kagura is taking a bath and changing clothes, and I will ask God for you later."

  Everyone sat quietly on the futon, Chu Qingzhi looked at Yan Zihao, this guy had a calm expression, he couldn't see anything, what did he do here? Could it be some secret mission?

  Chu Qingzhi thought about it carefully, and it might indeed be a mission, so wait and see first, if he really came for the mission, then cooperate with him later.

  Thinking like this, Master Kagura came out from the room. This is a middle-aged man with a bald head and cassock, dressed like an eminent monk. He sat on the seat surrounded by ten futons.

   "Congratulations to the few who have obtained the status of sons of gods. Next, I will ask God for everyone."

  Everyone immediately sat upright.

  Master Kagura closed his eyes and muttered something, but he couldn't hear what he was saying, but he looked very profound.

   At the same time, the monk lit the incense.

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the incense, and understood that it turned out that hallucinogens were used to make everyone see what they wanted to see.

  A monk came over and asked Chu Qingzhi, "Why don't you close your eyes?"

   "Close it immediately." Chu Qingzhi immediately closed her eyes, and before she closed her eyes, she glanced at the other gods. They all had expressions of looking up, worshiping, and admiring, as if they had seen a god.

  The monk Chu Qingzhi closed his eyes and stepped back.

Yan Zihao closed his eyes, and he was surprised to find that there was a **** descending from the sky. It was an extraordinarily luxurious and holy man, dressed in a holy white fairy clothes, looking down at him, just the look in his eyes made him feel ashamed .

  There really is a **** in this world!

  He secretly prayed to the other party, "God, I want to obtain the supreme right so that no one can look down on me, especially my father. I want him to kneel before me and submit to me."

   God said, "Work hard and you will succeed!"

  Yan Zihao was secretly delighted, "Thank God."

   With a flash of divine light, he returned to reality.

  Master Kagura smiled and asked everyone, "Have you seen God?"

  A young man next to him said excitedly, "I see, God has granted my wish. I think I will be able to live the life I want after a while."

   Master Kagura smiled and said, "Congratulations."

   A few more people expressed their feelings, and then the monk added some other things to the incense burner, wisps of smoke spread into the air, and the sons of gods fainted one by one.

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought, she just said that the matter is not that simple, she never thought it would happen again.

  Everyone was divided into men and women and carried into the two side rooms of the main hall, and then a few fat men with big ears came out from one room, smiling obscenely with obscene expressions.

   Those who like men go to the left side room, and those who like girls go to the right side room, speaking obscene language.

  Chu Qingzhi dragged the monk who was about to leave over, quickly switched their identities, and then calmly left the ear room pretending to be a monk.

After    came out, she waited for those people to enter the ear room, then quickly dodged into Master Kagura's room, and knocked Master Kagura unconscious.

   Come out of the room and get rid of all the monks.

  Finally, he entered the ear room and knocked out those wretched men, dragged Yan Zihao out, tapped the man's eyebrows, and woke them up.

  Yan Zihao looked at the scene in front of him, shocked and panicked. He almost lost his innocence, so he might as well kill him.

   "Miss Chu, thank you for saving me."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Yan Zihao playfully, "I didn't expect you to come to such a place!"

  Yan Zihao saw that Chu Qingzhi had misunderstood, and quickly clarified, "I was trying to infiltrate this cult and find out the leader. I didn't expect that I would be so careful. Thank you Miss Chu for saving me."

   As he said that, he shuddered. If it weren't for Chu Qingzhi today, he would be worse off than dead.

  Chu Qingzhi was a little surprised, "Are you going to join a cult?"

  Yan Zihao nodded, "The task given to me by the general is to find out the leader of this cult."

  Chu Qingzhi crossed her arms and thought for a while, "Since this is the case, then let's not kill these people. From now on, you will be the master of bliss, can you handle this well?"

   She has no time to deal with the second batch of military rations.

  Yan Zihao was a little confused, "How do I become a master of bliss?"

   "Come here." Chu Qingzhi took Yan Zihao into Master Bliss's room, took out some rouge and gouache from the bag, "Sit down, I will transform you into Master Bliss."

  Yan Zihao felt as if a **** had helped him, so he quickly sat down on the chair, closed his eyes and accepted the makeup.

  After a while, Chu Qingzhi snapped her fingers, "Yes, open your eyes."

  Yan Zihao looked at himself in the mirror, and then touched his face, which turned out to be exactly the same as Master Kagura, "Miss Chu, thank you."

  Chu Qingzhi put away the things, "This cult has something to do with the eldest prince's uncle's family in Dongling, dig it hard and see what else you can find."

  Yan Zihao felt serious when he heard it, but he also had a feeling that God was about to send a big responsibility to everyone, "Miss Chu, I know what to do."

   "Okay, then I won't say more." Chu Qingzhi grabbed Master Bliss into the room, tied him up, and hid him in the dark room.

  Yan Zihao looked at the things in the darkroom and felt sick for a while. They turned out to be some tools used to abuse girls.

  Chu Qingzhi pointed out, "If you dig these people carefully, you will surely find a lot of things. You have to hurry, because the army cannot stay here for a long time."

  Yan Zihao was very grateful, "Thank you, Ms. Chu, for your reminder, I understand."

   "Okay, I'll leave everything to you, and I'm leaving." Chu Qingzhi left as soon as she said it, without delaying anything.

  Yan Zihao cupped his fists and bowed, "Miss Chu, go slowly."

  Withdrawing his hand, Yan Zihao looked at everything in the hall, puffed out his chest, picked up the teacup and splashed each of them awake, and shouted angrily, "I got up, I asked you to do something, not to sleep."

  The monks woke up one by one and saw the Master of Blissful Bliss standing in front of them, each of them looked panic-stricken, and quickly knelt down and begged for forgiveness, "Master Kagura, please forgive me!"

  Yan Zihao looked around, "Go and bring me the list. Someone told me just now that we have spies mixed in here."

  The monk replied, "Yes, Master Bliss, I will go get it right away."

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