Mrs. Jing was a little embarrassed. She had just bought him. Before she could sign the deed of sale, she wanted to take him home first. She had a good talk with Cui Niang so that she could plan for the future.

It is not easy for a woman's family to raise children, let alone four daughters.

Mrs. Jing wanted to ask Cui Niang what she meant, so she didn't dare to say anything, "Madam, I have to take the person to Qingshui Village first and teach him some rules before I can send him to you."

"That's okay, the family needs help as soon as possible."

Li Haitang was not in a hurry to hire people, but found a way to go to Qingshui Village and continue to inquire about Zhuang Ke's life experience.

After Zhuang Mu's father separated, he rarely interacted with people. The whole family rented a house and moved around frequently. The neighbors were not very familiar with the family.

"Otherwise, I'll come to your door tomorrow and let's hand over the deed of betrayal first."

Mrs. Jing thought Li Haitang was a foreigner and didn't trust her. She took the deposit and didn't say anything, so she said this.

"I'm just going out to do some errands tomorrow, and I happen to pass by Qingshui Village. You don't have to make the trip in vain."

Li Haitang calculated that if he wanted to know about Zhuang Ke, he was afraid that he would have to get close to Mrs. Jing and ask something from the middle.

However, the two of them were not familiar with each other at all, so they suddenly asked about the banker's situation, which was a bit unexpected.

The two parties discussed that they would meet in Qingshui Village tomorrow. Mrs. Jing drove away in a donkey cart, but Li Haitang did not move.

She touched her chin, thoughtfully.

For some reason, she had a hunch that within two or three days, there would be a breakthrough in the case, and maybe something would happen suddenly, adding fuel to the flames and letting the truth come out.

She and the Lin family have already changed their shop and can start decorating it. Li Haitang has to ask someone to find a more reliable person in the family. It is best to be a smart and skillful craftsman who will not cut corners and understand her ideas.

With a buffet on the first floor and hot pot on the second floor, it will definitely be prosperous when it opens in the future.

With nothing to do, Li Haitang asked Uncle Chen to check out the shop in Songhe Academy. The pastry shop was closed. Lin Wan gave her a key and kept one for herself, saying that she would wait until the things in the shop were moved away. Make handover.

Li Duanzu was at the door of the wine shop, and there was a tall man standing next to him. The two of them pointed outside the shop and didn't even notice the carriage approaching.

"Madam, this is Craftsman Wang. He is well-known in Kyoto. He is very neat in his work."

Li Duanzu hangs out all day long and knows a lot of people from all walks of life. If he has a good job, his brother will come first.

Li Haitang was very relieved about the person he introduced. She took out a drawing from the carriage. The upstairs was temporarily closed, so she could slowly decorate it, mainly for the buffet. It was necessary to maximize the space and place more tables, chairs and benches.

Moreover, the paint on the tables and chairs would leave traces if something hot was put on it, so she planned to spend more money to add a layer of hot marble on top of the wood.

"It can be made in an offshore style. Above the dining table, we can use iron art and make some chandeliers."

Craftsman Wang does have a few brushes, and they are not just freebies. His suggestion is very pertinent.

The whole street has a very bookish atmosphere, but the restaurant shops, with calligraphy and paintings of flowers, birds, fish and insects pasted everywhere, don't look so down-to-earth.

He feels that only by coming up with new ideas and innovation can we continue to attract people.

"Songhe Restaurant has a special private room with a small knob, where you can peek and peek."

Speaking of the streets here, it’s not just the scholars, but also the rich ladies who come to look for their husbands. The ladies need a separate place to rest. After all, men and women have different seats for seven years, so everyone is sitting in the same place and can’t let go.

"Well, that's a good suggestion."

There is a place in front of the shop that is suddenly a little higher. Partitions can be built there to make it into a separate small building. A total of six or seven rooms can be made up and down. The view is good and it can be used as a private room. If a lady wants to come and have a meal. , please come in.

Li Haitang touched his chin and said that Kyoto's strict etiquette was just words. Those ladies were still crazy about finding a husband.

No, many scholars have come out of their caves today, carrying buckets and writing and drawing on the street. Some scholars passed by the wine shop and sighed when they saw that it was still closed.

"Excuse me, when will the wine shop open?"

This is the person who asked. There are several places selling Baihua Liquor in Kyoto, but they are far apart. It is not easy for them to go down the mountain, and they don't want to go back and forth.

"In half a month."

When Li Haitang saw someone asking, he hurriedly advertised his new shop to promote the concept of eating at will, and asked the scholar, "How much does your lunch meal cost?"

Those who can come to Songhe Academy have loose and quick hands. After hearing this, the scholar smiled and said, "If we are on the mountain and eat with everyone, twenty cents is enough."

A stack of vegetarian dishes and a big steamed bun cost 20 yuan.

Li Haitang clicked his tongue. If you put this configuration in a border town, you can get it for two cents, but it is ten times more expensive in Kyoto.

She thought for a while and then said, "Then if there is a restaurant with delicious food and many varieties, including fish, vegetables, fruits, cakes, etc., with no limit, how much do you think is appropriate?"

"Is there such a place? Where is it?"

The scholar was excited. He had never heard of a place to eat casually. He is not a big eater and cannot eat much, but eating casually represents free choice, which is something he would never have imagined.

"Far away, yet so close."

Li Haitang pointed to his own shop and revealed that it will open in half a month. The time limit for each meal is one hour. You can eat as much as you like without wasting it.

The price is set at 66 cents for lunch and 88 cents for dinner.

The price is very reasonable and a scholar can afford it. The rest is just the taste of the food. She said that if she is too lazy to go down the mountain, they can have someone deliver it to her.

"Is this true? You're not tricking me, are you?"

The scholar was very surprised, feeling like pie in the sky.

Li Haitang saw his expression and knew that the other party didn't take the money seriously, and it was completely within the acceptable range.

She wanted to raise the price, but after thinking about it, it would do more harm than good. After all, she was starting to gain a foothold in Kyoto, so she couldn't make too much money, and it would easily cause dissatisfaction among her colleagues on the street.

Songhe Restaurant takes a high-end route, while she takes a down-to-earth approach to the common people.

Since the buffet is open, the dishes, chickens and ducks, etc. need to be supplied by someone. There is only half a month, and the cowhide is blown out. Craftsman Wang has to lead his people to work overtime, and Li Duanjie also has something to do, and he is looking for the source of supplies non-stop.

"Madam, in Chunmei's village, there are people who raise chickens and ducks, and there are a lot of vegetables, and the family can't finish them all." It has the advantage that the fertilizer does not flow to other people's fields, and it costs money to buy anyone else's, so it is better to go to Chunmei's In the village, maybe the future father-in-law would gain face and get excited and immediately agree to his marriage to Chunmei.

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