Li Haitang estimated the price after careful consideration. Scholars do not engage in manual labor and do not eat much. As long as the dishes are richer, they can still make a profit.

The first buffet does not seek to make huge profits, but building a good name is more important.

"Madam, do you know that with more than sixty pennies, you can only buy a roast chicken in Kyoto."

Although the scholars are not popular, they are not stupid. A meal including meat, vegetables, fruits, and wine costs sixty-six cents. They occasionally go to Songhe Tower, and they can't get out of it with just a few taels of silver. The gap is not that big!

If one person eats a roast chicken and something else, the shop will be ruined.

When the scholar heard about this model, he was very interested. He didn't want to find a good restaurant and close it within a few months. He hoped that Li Haitang would reconsider.

"I know this."

If one penny is worth about the same as one dollar in later generations, then sixty-six penny would be about the same price in a cafeteria.

But one thing is that modern people are not short of food and clothing, and have a lot of oil and water. They feel tired of the big fish and meat that they eat casually, and prefer to eat seafood and some light dishes.

Modern seafood is so expensive. That's it. I haven't heard of a few cafeterias losing money. They are taking a down-to-earth route, making a lot of money, and opening chain stores like crazy.

If the shop was located in a place where common people lived, Li Haitang would have to think carefully, but here, she didn't have much scruples.

Kyoto is not far from the seaside, and there are docks for transporting seafood on the outskirts of Beijing. Those oysters, scallops, clams, and conches that the common people don't like are almost all priced at cabbage prices.

Garlic oysters, scallop vermicelli, spicy fried clams, steamed conch, all are hard dishes.

There are many types of seafood including fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, as well as jellyfish and sea cabbage. These alone can fill a dining table.

As for pork, chicken, duck, and mutton, Li Haitang also has his own plans.

First, cut the mutton into small dices, skewer them all into mutton skewers, grill them in a ventilated place, and serve them at limited times every day.

There is no limit, but if people eat it with open stomach, there is no guarantee that they will actually lose money.

Prepare more chicken, which can be divided into chicken wings, chicken legs, etc. Especially the chicken wishbone, which is wrapped in a little flour and deep-fried. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. With a layer of sauce, you won't be afraid that these scholars won't like it.

French fries, pizza, sausages, and garlic meat slices, although they are advertised as unlimited, they have to be cooked freshly after eating and cannot be served immediately. The meal time is only one hour, and there is enough time to do a lot of work.

It is the season when fruits are ripe. There are many fruit trees in the countryside of Kyoto, including peaches, plums, apricots, watermelons, apples, various fruit platters, or canned fruits, which can be eaten in summer. They are not greasy or greasy, and are great tools for cooling off the heat.

"Madam, can we match the cost?"

It sounded very high-end. Li Duanji thought about it. If according to what his wife said, the dishes need to be partitioned and at least dozens of things need to be prepared, then hiring someone to do the work would mean a lot of work in one day. There will be people willing to come.

“A little adds up to a lot.”

Li Haitang only has a theoretical foundation, so the shop is still in the trial operation stage. As long as the income and expenses can be kept equal, it will be fine.

As for the kitchen, at least a few people should be hired to divide the work and cooperate.

Those responsible for seafood, fruits and vegetables, including fruit slicing, making canned fruits, vegetable platters, etc. There are also dedicated ones responsible for stir-frying, steaming, grilling, smoked sauce and cakes, each completing their own work.

In case someone is lazy, there is a lack of food in front, everyone is pushing and pushing, and no one does the work.

In the shop, there are also waiters, both men and women. The female waiters will wait in the private room. If there are female relatives coming and it is not convenient to go out to pick up food, the female waiters will be responsible for introducing them and then help run errands.

"The bullshit has been blown out. It only takes half a month to complete the calculation. We can't delay it."

Li Haitang passed over Li Duanjie and went directly to Craftsman Wang. She explained to the drawings that if there was no shortage of money, it would be best to complete the renovation of the shop within twelve days, and then leave two days for her to decorate the shop.

Dining tables, tables, chairs and benches are easy to do if you have money. You can find someone to customize them and wait for the delivery.

"I'll ask Mrs. Jing about recruiting people. I'll leave the rest of the trivial matters to you."

Uncle Chen has a narrow path and is not as flexible as Li Duanjie, so Li Haitang is responsible for explaining the matter. As for money, let him make the decision himself. If it is not enough, he can find Ginkgo to pay for it.

"It seems like it's serious."

The scholar stood around watching and never left. He began to think that the other party was just talking casually, but who would have expected that the business would be opened in half a month.

"You think I'm kidding you?"

Li Haitang was speechless. She was sweating profusely. Next, she needed a chef with good cooking skills to work out the matter down to every detail. Mrs. Wang alone had to work hard inside and outside, which was very tiring.

"For example, on a rainy and cloudy day, you are in the academy and don't want to go down the mountain, so you can still have hot meals."

Li Haitang said that at noon every day, he would send a waiter to the mountain gate. If you want to order food, they will deliver it to your door.

Similar to modern takeout, recruiting riders. She originally had this plan, but then she thought about it and realized it wouldn't work.

You can only find food delivery services from poor families, and since the riders are not fixed and you are paid per piece, you are likely to steal food on the road, which will affect your own image.

It’s not that she is a villain, but there are too many examples like this. The poor have a hard life and no fat in their stomachs. But when they see delicious food, they can surely endure it?

It would be better if the clerk in the shop had some restrictions.

Just after they separated from Mrs. Jing, Li Haitang found another reason to go to Qingshui Village. She bought some dried fruit preserves and various kinds of rulers, and headed straight to Qingshui Village.

"Wufu, is there linoleum on the car?"

Sitting in the carriage, Li Haitang felt that the light was getting darker and darker. She lifted the window screen and looked out.

It was a sunny day just now, but now, dark clouds are rolling in from the distance, blowing a moist wind, indicating that a heavy rain is coming.

Although Uncle Chen's leg was cured, it was still so painful that he couldn't walk due to the cloudy rain and cold air.

"Yes, there are a few spare sets of clothes just under the stool."

Wufu squatted down and opened the small door under the stool on his side. There was a partition on the top. The upper layer was filled with clothes and clothes, and the lower layer was the purse, handkerchief, and menstrual belt that he needed to carry with him. Tang Pozi, Under the cabinet door on the other side, there are two pairs of embroidered shoes.

This was reminded by Grandma Fang who was beside Fang Shaoyao. When going out to be a guest, you must bring not only clothes but also shoes and socks.

If it is a rainy day and your feet are stained with water and are prone to cold, your shoes must be replaced as soon as possible.

In the past, in border towns, there was not a lot of care when going out. It didn't matter if you got caught in the rain occasionally. However, it was different in Kyoto. If you were rude, you would be looked down upon by others.

"Take out the linoleum cloth. It's going to rain soon. Let's give it to Uncle Chen first. Let's find a place to take shelter from the rain." Li Haitang said, opening the oil paper bag, which contained roasted chicken legs. She planned to take advantage of it before the rain came. Let the group eat something to fill their bellies.

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