2. CC Entertainment

Translator: Nina Mel

“The sweet ground!” Ruby exclaimed as she fell out of the passenger’s door landing on the pavement shakily, outside CC Entertainment’s entrance.


“Ruby! Are you okay?” I asked exiting the car and helped her up.


She nodded, “A little bit, Shan Shan. Don’t worry I’ll be fine once I shake off the dizziness. Whoa…”


She stumbled a bit as Aya and Elena laughed as they held her by the waist.


“We told you not to eat too much cake,” I said picking up her purse.


“Don’t mention it please,” Ruby whined as we laughed.


“You should have listened,” Aya and Elena reminded as she groaned.


Walking inside the building, Elena and I went to talk to the front desk receptionist, Ellie Lin.


“Hi, there! I’m Shani Milton, the designer. I’ve made an appointment with Mr. Chang for 12:00 this afternoon,” I spoke.


Ellie realized I was the popular designer seen on CGTN news.


“Miss Milton? I’ll inform Mr. Chang, right away. Hold on please,” Ellie smiled.


“Thank you,” I answered.


Instantly, Ellie called Mr. Chang Li Kai and informed him about my presence along with my friends.


“Miss Milton, Mr. Chang will see you now,” she smiled.


“Okay, thanks,” I replied.


She called an employee named, Huang Nara.


“Nara! Could you escort Ms. Milton and her friends to Mr. Chang’s office please?” Ellie asked.


“Yeah,” Nara said.


Nara is a talent scout that worked in the company for six years. She looked quite young and strict.


“Hello,” she greeted us politely and gestured with her hand, that we should follow her.


We headed into the elevator, she pressed the seventh floor. When we arrived, we exited it walking into the hallway. Staff and idols were walking back and forth with documents, their chattering and laughter fill their air. We took the right corner, where we saw a white door name tagged, Chairman Office/ CEO.


“Here we are,” Nara said and knocked on the door.


“Come in!” an older man’s voice answered.


Nara opened the door, she announced, “Mr. Chang, Miss Milton, and her friends are here to see you.”


Mr. Chang, who wore a black suit and tie stood up from his chair and smiled, “Miss Milton, ladies welcome to CC Entertainment.”


“Thank you, Mr. Chang,” I answered smiling as we bowed respectively.


He spotted Elena and added, “Ms. Zhang, good to see you again?”


“Likewise, Mr. Chang. Remember, Miss Milton is the one you’ll be discussing all the details with,” Elena mentioned.


“Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Milton. I’m so grateful that you’ve agreed to allow my artists to be in your fashion show for Beijing Fashion Week 2022. This will boost their popularity in the overseas market as well,” Mr. Chang said before inviting me to sit down in the client chair.


The moment I sat down, joined by Elena on the other chair meanwhile, Aya and Ruby sat down on the sofa behind us.


“Me too, Mr. Chang. I’m happy to have them showcase my work. I’m sure they’ll be well received by the world, Mr. Chang because their music is brilliant,” I answered.


Before he could speak, Aya’s phone rang with INSANE’s Thunder as her ringtone.


“Sorry,” she apologized and excused herself.


Mr. Chang giggled, “Why not Overdoes as her ringtone?”


“She loves Thunder because of its dubstep and EDM quality it as too it,” I replied.


“Ahh…that’s true,” Mr. Chang smiled. After he finished packing up his folders into his desk’s draw, he suggested, “Why don’t you come with me to the dance studio? I’ll introduce you to INSANE members.”


“Okay,” I answered.


“Yeah,” Elena and Ruby spoke.


As we were about to step out, Aya opened the door.


“You’re done already?” She asked.


Aya watched us as Elena explained, “No, we are going to meet INSANE members.”


“Oh okay,” she replied.


Mr. Chang Li Kai led the way, we boarded the elevator again. He pressed the third floor and it took us down and the doors went open as soon as it stopped. We exited it and went straight to the white door written, Choreography Room.


“Good afternoon, boys! I would like to introduce to my friend,” Mr. Chang announced. “Come in girls, don’t be shy, they won’t bite.”


The guys laughed and greeted him bowing, “Good afternoon, sir!”


The girls and I smiled as we entered the dance studio and we saw eleven handsome guys lined up before us.


“Hi!” we greeted them bowing politely as they returned it respectfully.


“Sei, Lau, ZT, and Donny Li, come. Everyone else continue your practice,” Mr. Chang said.


“Yes, sir,” the rest of the members answered and went off to do their task.


“What is it, Mr. Chang?” Donny Li asked.


“Donny Li, ZT, Sei, and Lau, this is Miss Shani Nina Milton and her friends, Elena, Aya, and Ruby. Miss Milton is the top fashion designer in the world. She came here today to speak to you guys about your duties as her models for her show. Consider your practice session over for today. You’ll be having your final fitting done now as I’ve told you before,” Mr. Chang said. “I’ll leave you guys with her.”


“Yes, Mr. Chang,” they replied.


“Take good care of them, Shani,” Mr. Chang smiled.


“I will, Mr. Chang,” I chuckled with a smile before he left.


Ruby broke the awkward silence between us.


“Sei ge ge, what do you want to do cause I’m free, you know,” she flirted.


“Ruby!” I yelled smacking her behind the head.


“Ow, Shan Shan, why did you hit me?” She whined rubbing her head as the guys giggled.


“There was a mosquito. Besides we didn’t come here to flirt. I came here to work, Ruby,” I glared as she frowned.


Sei, ZT, Lau, and Donny Li chuckled before I raised an eyebrow at them. Immediately, they paused as Aya tried to calm me down. Elena took Ruby on aside to talk and made her realized how important this contract was for me. Out of the blue, the guys decided to change the subject.


“Miss Milton….” one of them started.


I cut him off and instructed, “Please called me, Shani.” I crossed my arms giving them my full attention.


Donny Li asked, “Shani, so where are we going to do our fitting?”


They watched me curiously.


“Oh yeah, Mr. Chang has given us permission to used the Costume Room. I’ve placed your outfits there so let’s get going,” Elena informed.


“Great job, Elena,” I poked her cheeks as she blushed.


“Stop it, Shani,” she laughed.


Elena might be my assistant but she’s a little sister to me. She always does the job right. Suddenly, Ruby’s phone rang as soon as she answered it she seems shocked and replied, “I’ll right there.”


“Is something wrong, Ruby?” I asked.


She looked at me worriedly and faked a smile.


“I have to go. The owner’s wedding cake has been tilted. My crazy assistant, Ling can’t fix it. I better get going before it gets worse,” she explained about to leave.


“Okay, we’ll see you later,” I smiled.


“Yeah,” Ruby answered and left the building quickly.


The guys, Elena, Aya, and I met up with their costume designer, Claire Chu.


She guided us to the costume studio. It was very spacious. There were many workers sewing clothes for the Cpop Idols. She took us to a separate private room, Mr. Chang organized for me to do the boys’ final fitting. I found my designs for the guys to wear hanged on a huge rack. Elena and Aya went to take the outfits down before placing them on the table. Lau, Sei, and ZT went to check out their outfits while Donny Li was busy texting on his phone. I was about to scold him by hitting his arm but instead, I ended up tripping on a wire falling directly on top of him. Suddenly I felt something warm grabbed my chest as I sat on something soft. When I opened my eyes, I saw Donny Li’s hand groping my breast. He looked at me shocked and embarrassed.


“You pervert! Unhand me you, idiot!” I yelled hitting his shoulder.


He quickly removed his hands off me and muttered, “It’s not my fault you fell.”


“Of course, it is,” I glared getting off him as the other members watched us surprisingly.


“Then sorry,” Donny Li apologized rolling his eyes and walked away to his members.


“You little…” I frowned about to smack his back but Aya stopped me pulling my hand back.


“Stop Shani before things get worse,” she said dragging out of the room and entered the women’s bathroom before she started laughing and tapping my back.


“Ow, Aya, you’re hurting my back,” I said shoving her aside.


“How did it feel to be held by the one and only, Donny Li? Did you enjoy it!” Aya grinned giggling.


“Shut up, you’re too loud. And, I didn’t enjoy it. If that punk wasn’t in my way I wouldn’t have tripped in the first place,” I frowned.


“It’s not his fault anyway,” Aya said defending him.


“You traitor,” I pointed out as she laughed.


“At least he gave you the best fan service of your life,” she teased.


I blushed and ignored her, opening the pipe and threw some water on my face to cool down the heat I felt running through my skin. While she whispered in my ear, “It felt good, didn’t it?”


“Aya…..” I yelled.


She laughed at my embarrassed face. Out of nowhere, I remembered I felt a strange feeling when I fell on him but I didn’t tell her. After we finished using the bathroom, we went back to the sewing studio.

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