Chapter 246 Dominic Blacken

Dominic and Hobbs walk together.

At this time, Hobbs’ Land Rover Defender walked in front, while Dominic’s Dodge Challenger followed calmly.

The two cars followed very closely.

After confirming that the vehicles were completely separated, Dominic’s eyes were grim.

With a big kick of the accelerator, the steering wheel slammed sharply.

The Challenger’s front slammed into the Land Rover’s rear wheels.

Immediately, the Land Rover lost control, and Hobbs panicked and hurriedly controlled the vehicle.

But to no avail, the impact was so strong that Land Rover lost its center of gravity.

Swinging wildly, falling down at any time.

Finally, with too much force, the car hit a roadside telephone pole and turned a few times in the air.


The Land Rover hit the ground hard, and all the glass burst and shattered.

The body was concave and deformed, and Hobbs was trapped in the car and unable to move.

creaking…cracked electronic rods make a sound.

The wires snapped and snapped, emitting a terrifying electric “197” light.

Falling down on Land Rover!

“Grass!” Hobbs roared, trying to break free.

But there is no way out of trouble!

Broken!! In the end, the pole made of wood smashed into the car.

A huge crashing sound!

The front cockpit was dented, shocking.

Hobbs was stuck inside, grinning in pain, his eyes closed in pain, and his brows furrowed.

Now it’s even harder to get out!

Dominic got out of the car with a cold face and walked towards the Land Rover Defender step by step.

From the broken car window, got the EMP.

Slap, his arm was grabbed by the bloody palm with great strength.

It was Hobbs who caught him.

“Why?” Hobbs spit out three words with difficulty, his face covered in cold sweat and pain.

He didn’t expect Dominic to defect!

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent.

Without saying a word, Dominic shook his hand vigorously, breaking free from Hobbs’s palm.

He picked up the huge EMP iron box and slowly walked towards his vehicle.

The car sped away, leaving Hobbs lying on the ground alone.

“Fake!” Hobbs was furious.

EMP was stolen by Dominica.

This mission has failed.

And cast a shadow over Dominic’s team.

“Why is this guy doing this!” Hobbs gritted his teeth.

Suddenly the walkie-talkie rang.


“Crooked, Hobbs, what’s the situation on your side?” Li Ang asked.

He heard a loud noise in the direction of Hobbs.

Mengmeng also reminded Hobbs that something happened there.

The vehicle was knocked over and could not move.

Li Ang hurriedly contacted Hobbs.

“Dominic mutiny, he took the EMP away.” Hobbs grabbed the walkie-talkie and turned on the whole channel.

Hearing what he said, everyone in the team was stunned.

Thought it was Hobbs joking.

Dominic mutiny?

Why do the good ones rebel?

“Is there a misunderstanding?” Brian was very surprised.

He has always been by Dominic’s side.

Know his person and character.

It is absolutely impossible to be bought by money.

Let alone betray the team.

There must be something in there!

“Fark, when he catches him, he will beat her hard!” Hobbs was full of anger!

Being stabbed in the back is not a good feeling at all!

They are all injured people, and their tempers are still so hot.

Like a dynamite barrel, it explodes at one point.

“You wait there, I’ll go look for you.” Li Ang was the calmest.

There was neither impulsive scolding nor random speculation about why Dominic betrayed.

Instead, he wanted to rescue Hobbs first.

He turned the steering wheel and the car turned 180 degrees.

Black tire marks rubbed on the ground.

Just as he was about to step on the accelerator and sprint, a whistle sounded from the walkie-talkie.

Then Hobbs said feebly, “Looks like you don’t have to look for me anymore, look for Anonymous, who abandoned the factory on Water Street.”

“Watt??” Li Ang was in love, where is this ghost place.

He has absolutely no idea.

Woo woo .. to this side the alarm sounded.

The German police were dispatched.

As if receiving the news in advance, the road was blocked in all directions.

prevent them from rushing out.

“Thanks, there are police.

“We are surrounded.

“Dominic sold us all.”

On the walkie-talkie, the other members quarreled.

They were all blocked by the police.

Clearly this was an action against them.

I want to kill them all.

“Grass!” Li Ang slapped the steering wheel angrily.

He can break through defenses and blockades.

But others can’t.

Their vehicles are less advanced equipment.

Hobbs was even worse. He overturned and couldn’t move.

Must be caught.

This time the operation failed completely.

“Ang, let’s rush out first.. Next to Li Ang is Xiao.

He knew that Li Ang must have a way to rush out.

As long as the blockade can be broken, there is still hope for rescue.

Let’s “rush out first, find the nameless man Hobbs said, and then let him save people!” Xiao’s voice was cold.

If this anonymous person really doesn’t care.

There is no action from the United States.

He’s definitely going to shoot Anonymous in the head.

Heidi is in there too, and he has to save!

“Okay, follow me.” Li Ang’s voice was grim.

Don’t reverse direction, but sprint in reverse.

“Mengmeng, get ready for laser cutting!!” Li Ang gave an order coldly.

Regardless of whether there are people sitting in it, just cut it in half!


Immediately, the headlights of the car lit up with two sets of scarlet rays.

Dangerous and deadly.

the other side.

After Dominic grabbed the EMP.

Drive like crazy.

Soon, there was a large passenger plane ahead, which was slowly descending.

The outstretched wings intercepted the highway, flying low on the ground like a giant.

The huge engine is taller than two people!

The blue flames spewed out, and a huge dust mist was rolled up.

It turned into a dust storm in an instant!

The sky was covered in yellow smoke.

At the same time, the rear door of the aircraft was opened and placed on the ground.

It rubbed violently with the ground, and a mass of sparks exploded.

Dominic Geng took the right time, stepped on the accelerator and rushed up.

Drive the vehicle into the interior of the aircraft.

Then the aircraft door slowly closed 1.3 closed.

The nose of the plane went up and rushed into the sky again.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, and the pilot’s skills are very superb.

Dominic carried the iron box and came to the upper deck of the plane.

It has been remodeled here.

Like a S.H.I.E.L.D. plane.

Above are computer equipment, as well as deluxe rooms.


Dominic slammed the EMP to the ground and said grimly to Cypher, “What about them?”

Naturally referring to his children, as well as his ex-girlfriend.

Cypher pointed to the back.

The cage is made of transparent tempered glass.

A woman and child are staying inside in fear.

Looking at Dominic’s eyes, full of help.

Dominic was shocked and was about to rush over.

But he was stopped by Cypher, “No hurry, I’ll inspect the goods first.

She waved to let someone open the iron box.

In the next second, his face changed greatly!

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