Chapter 247 Mysterious Factory

I saw that inside the iron box, there was no EMP at all.

But two bloody corpses.

He was wearing the uniform of the Liberation Front.

That is to say, what they tried so hard and tried their best to grab were just two corpses!

No wonder it’s so heavy!

“What the hell is going on??” Cypher’s face was full of anger.

Organizations use so many resources.

What they got were two useless corpses.

Without a reasonable explanation, Cypher would definitely kill his old lover and son in front of Dominic!

Dominic broke into a cold sweat.

Carefully recalling all the processes, since Li Ang threw it to Hobbs, no one else has touched this tin box.

Hobbs was driving all the way, and he had no chance to change the package and change the EMP.

Then there are two possibilities left!

Either the information is wrong and the EMP is not in the base at all.

It was the terrorists who deliberately let out the wind and let them go to grab it.

Then ambush again to wipe out all the invaders.

But the base defenses were lax and defenseless.

twenty two

Even the final vehicle pursuit was rushed.

I didn’t expect the enemy to come.

This possibility can be ruled out.

Then there is only one possibility left!

Li Ang was in the house and stole the EMP.

The real EMP is in his car.

In order to fool Hobbs, he put two corpses in the iron box.

It turns out that Li Ang went to EMP from the beginning.

There was no intention to give this weapon to Hobbs at all!

He wants to keep it for himself!

No wonder he agreed so easily, and only charged $10 million.

The real purpose is EMP.

Even Dominic was deceived by him!

Dominic was not angry, but secretly relieved.

This is the best result.

As long as EMP is in Li Ang’s hands, it’s not that easy for Cypher to get it.

Li Ang’s strength is obvious to all.

It’s safest to put it there.

Without this weapon, Cypher would have lost half of his arm.

The plan was not so well implemented.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Dominic did not hide it, and said directly: “On Li Ang’s side.

There’s nothing to hide about this.

Even if he didn’t say it, Cypher would send someone to investigate.

With her strength and powerful hacking skills.

Results will be known soon.

There is no point in hiding.

“Fark!” Cypher scolded irritably, pacing back and forth in anger.

She never imagined that the man she regarded as her younger brother would ruin her plan in the end.

Feeling remorse in my heart, I blame myself for underestimating Li Ang.

I didn’t expect to be ignored by myself, is the most powerful.

Cypher was frantic, pounding the table irritably, his face flushed with anger.

“Since it’s in his hands, we’ll go and get it back!”

Cypher’s eyes flashed this madness, “Find him and blew up with his car!!”

A storm is brewing!

Li Ang’s side, after throwing off the policeman with super speed.

According to the navigation display, he and Xiao came to an abandoned factory.

This blind man has no lights at all.

Overgrown with weeds, it was so quiet that only insects and birds chirped.

It doesn’t look like a place where there are living people at all.

Are you sure Hobbs is right?

This place “looks uninhabited for a long time.” Xiao crouched down to look at the dirt, but there were no footprints.

There is no sign of being trampled on the grass, and in all likelihood it is a no-man’s land.

“Not necessarily.” Li Ang straightened to the roof, “They can land on the roof by plane and walk down the stairs, so that they won’t leave footprints.”

The roof is huge and there are no obstacles.

To land a helicopter, no problem at all.

What’s more, their equipment is so advanced, maybe they use vertical lifts.

Lifting and landing is more convenient.

“Come on, let’s go in and have a look.” Li Ang looked at the iron gate.

With this level of defense, he couldn’t stop him at all.

With one kick, the iron gate wailed and flew out.

He even knocked the door down.

Really violent.

Xiao frowned as he watched from the side.

Amazed at Li Ang’s power.

Such an understatement can actually burst out such a powerful force.

How terrifying would it be if he burst out with all his strength?

Xiao can’t imagine it, it is estimated that even the armored car can be kicked out.

“Don’t be stunned, let’s go. Li Ang” took out two guns and threw a gun to Xiao, “hold it, maybe we will fight.”

These two guns are exchanged in the system, the kind with unlimited bullets.

With Xiao’s skill, it is absolutely no problem to protect himself.

Li Ang put on his glasses and enabled the X-ray penetration mode.

It can be seen that the inside of the factory is not simple.

There are several cameras in the dark.

The deepest part of the factory building is an elevator.

Directly underground.

There is also a huge space below.

Countless people are walking and busy.

Because it is too far apart, the penetration effect is not very good.

It’s not very clear.

“Follow me.” Li Ang led the way calmly.

He already knew how to get down.

Xiao was only stunned for a moment, then followed.

Just holding a gun and aiming at the back.

He glanced vigilantly and stepped back.

As expected of the most professional fighters, he is always vigilant.

I came to the elevator door, but there was no shadow of the elevator in front of my eyes.

It was clearly just a cement wall.

“Did you make a mistake?” Xiao asked suspiciously.

“No, it’s just inside the wall.” 197 Li Ang saw it through his glasses.

It’s really in the wall, it’s just an organ.

He looked at the stone wall on his left.

Put your palm on it.

Something magical happened, a green light lit up on the wall and began to scan his palms.

Then an alarm sounded, “The palmprint recognition failed, and the elevator could not be authorized to open.”

It seems that the person inside needs permission to open the elevator.

“Hmm, sure enough.” Li Ang was not surprised.

He moved his hands and feet and squeezed his fists, “It seems that I can only use the second move.”

“You, you’re going to punch through this wall?” Xiao was surprised and looked at him in disbelief.

Others are trying to decipher and gently open the stone wall.

Li Ang is so good, he just wants to smash the wall!

A bit harsh.

“This wall is not thick, and it’s not made of steel, so it shatters with one punch.” Li Ang pouted.

This elevator is under construction.

In order to better conceal people’s eyes and ears.

Concrete walls are used.

It can be integrated with the surrounding walls.

Not replaced with full steel.

With the power of Li Ang, it is not easy to break it.

Just when he was about to shoot.

A majestic distress sounded, and he shouted nervously, “Wait a minute, don’t fight.”

Hmm? There is a situation.

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