While the main characters of both sides gather in front of the cabin with insect nest and skeleton to exchange information.

Gao Banling tried to carry out the plan given to her by goron.

However, compared with the state when she worked for the delegation before, she is obviously a little absent-minded now.

It's more perfunctory than carrying out the task.

The purpose is only to prevent goron and others from seeing their own abnormalities. During the journey, they still focus the lens on the items in the cabin and want to get more information about their conversation.

That's the real chip to get her out of her life.

Her mind was not on the task, she did not pay attention to the researchers around, and Douglas and others were involved in each other's attention. Gao Banling consciously or unconsciously began to observe various arrangements in the experimental center, hoping to find more valuable information.

I looked around and finally landed in a transparent vessel with a large mass of blood and meat dregs not far away.

Due to the internal information blockade on Gao Banling, she did not know about the attack on the wasteland camp of Xinmu group. She just felt that this group of flesh and blood was specially placed in the central area and connected with several unusual equipment. It must be not simple.

Therefore, the body position is specially adjusted to give it a characteristic.

"What's that?"

Just a few steps closer, takasaka Ling suddenly found that there seemed to be a black spot the size of a grain of rice creeping on the white base of the vessel.

At first, she thought she was dazzled, but she stared for a few seconds. Takasaka Ling was sure it was an insect.

There are insects in the laboratory of Xinmu group?

Gao Banling's first reaction was to feel funny, and immediately felt something wrong, because the bug never meant to leave.

For others, this time is nothing more than coming forward to press the bug to death, but Gao Banling's task is now on her body, and it's too late to cover up her actions. If she takes the initiative to make a voice to attract attention, it's equivalent to announcing the complete failure of the task.

At that time, we don't need to know that goron will never let her go. It's a problem whether we can wait for the support of the different transfer Bureau.

But the more she didn't want to take this little thing into account, the more she cared about the strange looking bug, and before long, a new vision appeared.

Somehow, the flesh and blood scum that had been piled up in the transparent vessel suddenly seemed to boil. Bubbles began to appear on the surface one by one, and some fragments the size of a thumb were churning in it.

At this time, if a secret instrument is present, I'm afraid I will immediately notice that the evil energy melted into these flesh and blood scum is gathering

Unfortunately, there are no professionals in this field in the teams of both Xinmu group and the delegation.

Without Gao Banling's attention, the researchers in the laboratory also noticed the anomaly here.

No one panicked.

Because when the secret society sent these broken meat, it reminded them that there may be some special energy in the remains of the breeding animals, so they should be careful.

The people of Xinmu group may doubt the scientific and technological level of the secret society, but they also understand that the secret society is far more skilled than them in some mysterious things, so the vessels containing the blood and meat of breeding animals are specially made.

Even the beast like Apostles of Guizang level can't break through forcibly without a password.

But they never thought that what really matters is not the rotten meat, but the energy.

The latter is their irresistible existence!

"There is a strong active reaction in the remaining body of the reproductive animal. Immediately try to control it... Mr. hanold, the insect nest, the insect nest is heating up rapidly!"

As a person responsible for monitoring key things in the laboratory in real time, the researcher was still calmly reporting the changes of the remains of the animal one second, but his face changed greatly the next.

The attention of the people who had just turned back to check the situation immediately turned back.

In shreds and patches, the five bodies of the body that were made as insect nests did not know when they suddenly appeared * white smoke, and the raw flesh was falling down, and the insects were also affected.

Somehow, the flesh and blood thread that originally only connected the corpse trembled violently. In just ten seconds, dozens of dendritic synapses were inexplicably extended at the edge, spreading all over the cabin, as if testing the surrounding scene.

Meanwhile, the * *, which was originally quiet in the nest, was suddenly irritable, and a lot of shapes were horrifying. The twisted insects that made the scalp become numb and gushed out of the insect nest, and began to rush into the middle partition.

The shrill sound of insects sounded in the ears of everyone present.

It is clearly the core experimental area that can not be cleaned. It is clearly separated from the insect nest by a special wall. Those annoying insects sound so suddenly.

I want to find the source, but I find it seems to exist behind the walls everywhere in the laboratory, or... In everyone's mind.

Sudden changes make all orderly laboratories inevitably fall into a certain degree of chaos.

However, Hannover is also the "old man" who has been in charge of this place for many years. Without hesitation, he stood up and shouted,

"Immediately inject strong calming aerosol into the cabin, adjust the internal temperature, cut off the out of control part of the insect nest, immediately take out the keel and transfer it to other areas for sealing to prevent it from being damaged."

The most important thing in the whole laboratory is the insect nest and keel, which Hannover knows better than anyone, so he decided to deal with them first.

At the same time, Hobbes, who remained silent after a confrontation with Douglas, immediately noticed something wrong.

As a cicada molting apostle, his perception may not be compared with that of the mystics of the secret society, but he still speculates about a series of abnormal states in a short time.

As I said earlier, Hobbes learned about evil spirits through another cicada molting apostle belonging to Xinmu group, and naturally heard of the visions they might cause when they appeared.

"Evil, it's trying to invade here!"

Hobbes stared at Douglas and said in a deep voice,

"Nothing happened before. When you came, there was a problem in less than ten minutes?"

The implication can't be more obvious.

The atmosphere in the laboratory, which had just eased, became tense again.

The delegation was somewhat surprised at this time. Of course, they could not be associated with evil. The problem was that the facts were right in front of them. It was good. As soon as it was proposed to see the insect nest, the latter immediately had a problem.

Where is such a coincidence?

Outside the laboratory, a large number of security personnel were gathering. The sound of dense footsteps and metal collision between weapons and equipment sounded one after another. Coupled with the constant ringing of insects in his ears, even Douglas frowned at this time.

"I know the reason. It has nothing to do with Lord Douglas and his subordinates. The key lies in the remains of these colonial animals. It is said that they were polluted by evil before they were sent by the secret society. Now the scope of influence is still expanding."

Hannover spoke very fast, glanced at the fog being injected into the cabin, and then said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's transaction is over for the time being. At present, the people of the secret society are in their jurisdiction. Once they notice the abnormality here, they will intervene forcibly immediately. No one here should want the Wusu government to intervene at this time?"

Hobbes' words reminded hanold that the reason for the change had little to do with the current consignee.

But in this situation, it is obviously not a good idea to keep them in the laboratory.

Hanold knew the identity and origin of these people. He also knew that it would cause great trouble if the Wusu officials knew that the reason why they refused to accept the investigation was to prepare for such a transaction.

Therefore, while stepping up the suppression of changes, hanold wanted these people to leave the laboratory immediately.

Boom! Boom! Bang

The muffled sound suddenly came from the cabin. Hanold turned and his pupils contracted suddenly.

What I saw was a large mass of flesh and blood directly pasted on the wall. For a time, the transparent wall was quickly covered by the spilled flesh and blood.

There is no doubt that the way they tried to calm the nest not only failed to achieve the expected effect, but forced the nest to split a large number of flesh and blood limbs.

The situation is still deteriorating.

"Goron, let's go."

Douglas, who noticed the situation in the cabin and found that the situation was out of control, also didn't mean to stay.

On the one hand, what they want should have been sent to the airship through external channels at this time. Douglas did not consider the extent to which the situation would deteriorate.

On the other hand, as hanold said, their identity is really not suitable to appear in front of the secret society and the dissident Bureau.

Once exposed, it will have an extremely bad impact on both sides.

Goron, who got the instruction, made a gesture to the team members, staggered his steps and approached takasaka Ling,

"How about some?"

"The time is too short. Only three people were hypnotized..."

In fact, there is only one. Originally absent-minded takasaka Ling can't think of an accident. In order not to arouse doubt, she can only report a number casually.

Fortunately, at this time, goron was not in the mood to take care of others. He nodded and began to take people away.

"Freeze the insect nests immediately and suppress their activity, now!"

The surrounding walls were covered with flesh and blood, which did not prevent hanold from viewing the situation through the camera installed in the cabin.

Facing the rampage of the insect nest, he can only choose to take a more direct approach, and then look at the keel condition in the next screen.

Different from the change of the insect nest, it still maintains its previous state, but the baffle in the middle of the two compartments is already crumbling under the impact of crazy parasites.

"How could *... Where do these insects come from?"

Looking at the black parasite swarms swirling around the baffle in the picture, hanold muttered to himself.

The picture in front of him subverted his common sense.

"What are you waiting for? Immediately destroy the disgusting meat and blood of the breeding animal, transfer the keel, and then completely seal the insect nest."

As a person guarding the area under the jurisdiction of Xinmu group, Hobbes pressed down his confusion about the emergency, and said in a deep voice.

I have to admit that Hobbes' choice is the most appropriate method at present. In the end, it is the cicada deciduous apostles who have experienced great storms. Even if they don't know much about evil, they also know their particularity. Only cutting off the root is the key to solving the trouble.

The problem is that the blood and meat waste of breeding animals is what they think is the root of the problem.

It may have worked a few minutes ago, but at this moment, the evil energy has already begun to transfer.

A large dose of refrigerant was injected into the compartment where the insect nest was located. The surface of the hanging corpse was quickly covered with a layer of frost, and the previously active limbs stopped expanding as if they were frozen stiff.

"The parasite colony began to withdraw to its nest!"

"As the temperature drops, refrigerants and sedatives begin to work."

"Preparation for limb cutting."


There is no doubt about the level of the scientific research team of Xinmu group. The initial panic did not affect their operation.

Watching the insects on the screen begin to flow back, the harsh sound of insects in my ears faintly subsided.

After looking at Hobbes, who was deep in thought next to his eyes, he thought of his previous behavior of ignoring himself, and the corner of his mouth aroused an arc of contempt.

Evil attack, it seems so.

Hanold finally breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to the driver of the mechanical vehicle specially used to seal the keel on the other side, signaled him to start action immediately, and immediately turned to several security personnel standing nearby,

"Immediately clear this part of the goods... Out of a separate warehouse for sealing."

I wanted to destroy it immediately according to Hobbes' requirements, but now the gradually stable situation still made hanold hesitate to survive, and finally decided to wait and see.

"Mr. hanold, the person stationed in the area under the jurisdiction of the secret society said that he had detected signs of evil activities and hoped to intervene in the investigation immediately!"

The mechanical vehicle is approaching the cabin and the security personnel are reporting.

"To stop their actions, we say that we have not found any abnormal conditions and do not need the help of the secret society."

It was not easy to stabilize the situation. How could Hannover allow the official people to stir up again? Then he looked at the partition and gave instructions,

"Prepare to open the side door of the cabin and pay attention to protecting the keel. In addition, inform the logistics department to prepare them to replace the cabin equipment."

The particularity of insect nests and keels makes it impossible for them to transport freely in the form of goods, so they must be treated in advance.

Several researchers who changed into special clothes successively entered the cabin where the skeleton was located and held the potion specially prepared by Xinmu group.

However, the moment they stepped into the cabin, the insect nest in the silence on the left was changed again!

The five corpses as nests hung on the mechanical device suddenly expanded like air. While the thick frost on the surface was broken and splashed, the originally scattered flesh and blood network began to retract at an exaggerated speed.

Not only that, the nest network connected between the five corpses began to converge in one place, and the corpses gradually merged into a whole.

What follows is crazy mutation!

The shrill sound of insects suddenly rang through the whole experimental center. The whole of the insect nest expanded into an extremely bloated twisted meat mass in a very short time, and the energy of the parasites living in it was completely released.

The long and narrow limbs were stabbed out of the meat mass, the tusks staggered mouthparts were everywhere, and the pairs of insect eyes locked everyone present.

This is a terrible existence that combines resentment and despair.

It was cultivated by Xinmu group and finally awakened completely under the urging of evil energy.


The time has come to repay the "nurturer"!

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