
A crisp explosion sounded,

The insect nest is still expanding, and the sharp end of the arthropod is wrapped in a black mist, which pierces the solid baffle, completely breaking the originally fully closed cabin.

After rapid expansion, a dark red flesh membrane is gradually formed outside the main body of the egg like insect nest, swallowing the twisted organs distributed everywhere, which seems to be planning to be recycled.

Under the light, a strange figure is taking shape.

However, the existing energy of the insect nest obviously does not support it to do so.

So more limbs broke the baffle and aimed at many researchers outside.

Researchers who just prepared to handle the keel for packaging have seen this scene and hurriedly want to exit the cabin.

But at the same time of their action, the limbs that had broken through the blockade were like melting soft beds, and then changed into several fist sized insects again, whistling and rushing to the nearest few people.

It needs more nourishment!

Just at this time, several silvery silk threads appeared in their forward direction first.

These silk threads, like willow branches swaying with the wind, seem soft, but with a sharp sound of breaking the air.

In the blink of an eye, the insects were cut into pieces and scattered everywhere.

Hobbes has come to the right side cabin.

As the guardian of Xinmu group, he will never allow accidents in the laboratory!

Looking at the insect corpse fragments on the ground, I noticed that their shape was very special. The shape of their forelimbs looked more like human arms. At the same time, there were two waving humanoid palms at the top.

* dirty worms...

Forbearing nausea, Hobbes took off his gloves and opened his five fingers to face the increasingly strange insect nest.

The air at the fingertips was suddenly compressed, mixed with special energy, and turned into thousands of silver threads, which made up all the gaps in the diaphragm at a very fast speed. Moreover, another layer was laid at the baffle to reinforce it again.

The insect nest arthropod tried to break through again. As soon as it touched the wire mesh, it was directly crushed like entering the meat grinder.

There is no doubt about the power of the cicada metamorphosis apostles.

Xinmu group spends tens of millions of sacrifices on him every year, which is always useful.

"What are you still doing? Package the skeleton immediately. Do you need my hands to teach you?"

Howard's expression is still not relaxed. At other times, he will choose to directly destroy the insect nest as a senior level of Xinmu group. He also knows the value of the insect nest. If it is destroyed in this way, it is not too much to say that he has suffered heavy losses.

However, it was only a few seconds of hesitation before and after this, and the sudden change was born!

The outer meat film of the insect nest in the left cabin gradually becomes thin, and the range of action of a certain insect bred inside is also increasing. On the right cabin, the insects originally chopped by Hobbes melt directly, gather into several pools of flesh and blood, and go straight to the skeleton that has not been transferred.

"Mr. Hobbes, do it. As long as there are parasites, we can rebuild the insect nest. First ensure safety, and we can't delay any more!"

Hanold, aware that the situation was gradually getting out of control, made up his mind quickly at the moment.

Different from Hobbes' consideration as a vested interest, he is the head of the colonization plan. Undoubtedly, he knows what will happen if the insect nest is completely out of control.

As a researcher at that time, he was one of the personnel who followed up the whole project, otherwise it would not be his turn to lead the insect nest research team today!

Not to mention that this is the center of Xinmu group's jurisdiction, or the most secret laboratory

If a large area is damaged due to the change of the insect nest, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Hobbes is not a fool. As soon as hanold reminded him, he quickly figured out the hole and no longer left his hand. A large number of silk threads surged out of the gap and directly stabbed into the insect nest, trying to crush the terrible monsters cultivated therein.

As for the "polluted" skeleton, he can't care so much now.

As long as you kill the monster in the insect nest, everything can be saved. This is Hobbes's current idea.

He couldn't be wrong, but soon he found that the silk thread he controlled was completely disconnected.

The crashing shrill sound of insects sounded again. This time, the momentum was even greater, and it was no longer limited to the ears of everyone present, but turned into a noise that really rang through the whole laboratory.

To be exact, it is also mixed with some strange things.

Hobbes, who was cruel to the insect nest, somehow stopped his action. Instead of being soft hearted to the disgusting insect nest, he didn't know when there was another insect in front of him.

A bug the size of a grain of rice.

It stared at Hobbes. If the mystic was here, he would immediately push away the latter.

Because the magnificent evil energy is pouring into Hobbes's body.

Hobbes, who knew nothing about it, was unaware.

However, when the insect sounded, his spirit was unable to restrain itself and fell into a trance.

In his vision, the shape of the insect is expanding.

The limbs full of dark green thorns fell on his side, above the ferocious mouth, a human like body, and a pair of insect eyes full of strange colors were born around it.

It reflected Hobbes' body, which was no longer called human shape, which made him creepy. He couldn't help looking down at his body to confirm whether he had really become that kind of shape.

Too many to count the worms and the worms in the belly and the belly. *

Unspeakable terror poured into Hobbes's mind at this moment.

As a cicada's Apostle, Hobbes is undoubtedly very powerful. People who can be valued by the new wood consortium are naturally outstanding in this field.

But as a human being, Hobbes' soul is far more fragile than imagined.

This is an unfair confrontation.

It is almost inevitable that human beings will be suppressed if they do not do a good job in spiritual protection in advance.

Get out of here......

No, never stay in front of this terrible insect

So in the eyes of the people in the laboratory, Hobbes turned around and rushed to the door of the laboratory in panic.

This behavior undoubtedly caused a huge morale impact on the surrounding researchers and security teams.

Even the powerful cicada molting apostles ran away. Can they solve the problem if they stay here?

The same problem appeared in everyone's mind in the laboratory, and the step subconsciously began to retreat.

"Hold on! Seal the keel immediately. Lord Hobbes just needs to deal with external dangers!"

tell the truth.

Hannover is also ignorant now. He doesn't understand why Hobbes suddenly left without saying a word.

Even if it's dangerous, remind me at least.

What's wrong with turning around and running?

Several researchers closest to the skeleton looked at Hannover and saw that he didn't move. At least they summoned up their courage and went forward to continue working. Just as they stepped out, several flying insects suddenly rushed out of the blood and flesh on the spine of the skeleton and rushed straight into their bodies.

What followed was a rapid mutation. These researchers, who were ordinary people a second ago, soon showed the same characteristics as those affected by parasites.

The body shape expanded rapidly and began to change part of the body

"Parasites, they escaped... Run!"

Among the people present, it was not only Hannover who knew about the parasitic animal incident. The researchers who had been in charge of this project with him saw this scene and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

At this time, there was nothing to worry about. He shouted a kind word to remind the people around him, and then turned and ran away directly.

No matter how high the salary of Xinmu group is, no one wants to deal with parasites for money.

They have seen enough of the horrors of human parasitism.

After all, this is not a hero cartoon.

They are neither rich nor poor. Without technology and destiny, they can't become parasitic heroes!

"Wait, close the laboratory first. We must first stop the spread of chaos!"

Seeing that all the people under his hand had to evacuate, hanold shouted helplessly.

Others can run because they all work, and it is not up to them to go to the top when the sky collapses, and Hannover is the main person in charge of the planting and decoration plan. If the plan fails completely because of the rampage of the insect nest, it will affect the whole experimental center.

Xinmu group will never let him go!

Fortunately, the security team who did not know about the parasitic animal incident still obeyed the instructions and assigned some people to attack the parasitic body. At the same time, the remaining people began to operate the defense system and try to block the area as a whole.

At least until the troops directly under the Xinmu group arrive for reinforcements.

Unfortunately, many things in the world can't be decided by "I think".


A roar sounded.

After losing Hobbes' reinforcement, the central baffle of the cabin was madly impacted by the insect nest. Finally, it was overwhelmed and completely broken.

As soon as he got to the gate of the laboratory, hanold turned and looked. All he could see was the black swarm of insects pouring out of the nest!


Xinmu group is under jurisdiction.

The pure white giant tree building in the center is brightly lit.

The moonlight and the lights of the buildings under its jurisdiction complement each other, and the green forest in the park adds a vibrant green to the scene.

It should have been another good night for the consortium directors to make money.

This time, everyone in the office stood in front of the window, and the employees took out their mobile phones to record the abnormal scene outside the window.

There is no other reason.

From half an hour ago, a large swarm of insects came from nowhere.

You know, it's only March. It's not summer yet, let alone such a huge swarm of insects.

They roared through the park, and the employees of Xinmu group at the top saw the clean park dyed dirty by insects.

This abnormal phenomenon naturally caused the reaction of the security forces in the area at the first time. At the moment, more than a dozen UAVs equipped with pesticides are surrounded from all directions, trying to drive away and even kill the insects.

The effect is not good.

These insects that can be pinpointed on their hands can be gathered together. In the face of pesticides, they are not pushed, but instead they are actively taking the UAV, and they do not know what to do * to destroy these intelligent UAVs.

The security forces had to turn to flamethrowers to burn the insects directly.

At the same time, the dissident Bureau and the secret society team who really understood the cause of the incident were blocked outside their jurisdiction.

Thanks to the help of Gao Banling, the twenty-five son, Xu Jiu and Zheng Yi knew at the first time that there was an accident in the laboratory and the insect nest was out of control.

Although we didn't see any follow-up because of the departure of the investigation team, we know that things are worse based on their past experience of fighting evil.

Therefore, under the leadership of Zheng Yi, the official team on standby on the roof of the building immediately went to the self jurisdiction of Xinmu group to prepare for intervention.

As for Xu Jiu, he acted alone.

It's not that he is not gregarious, but before starting, Zheng Yi expected that Xinmu group would not let them in so easily, and there must be some wrangling. If Xu Jiu followed the team, he might miss the opportunity.

The development of things is indeed as Zheng Yi said.

Before they went in, the official team was forcibly stopped by a director of Xinmu consortium with security forces outside the jurisdiction.

"General Zheng, I'm very sorry. We haven't received the notice to allow the official forces to enter the area. According to the treaties we signed with the Wusu government in the past, we will be fully responsible for the security of the area, so we won't bother you."

On the side of Xinmu group, a fat middle-aged man with a rich body, looked at the heavily armed official troops and walked up to Zheng Yi. His tone sounded very respectful, but his attitude of preventing Zheng Yi from entering the jurisdiction was quite firm,

"When things happen here, Xinmu group will inform the official government of the situation at the first time."

"You'd better ask again, or I'm afraid you'll regret refusing us in now."

On the premise that Xu Jiu has entered the site first, Zheng Yi raised her hand to stop the aggressive actions of some restless official teams because of the stop of the director of Xinmu group.

In his opinion, those who died in human experiments anyway. What's the hurry?

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm keeping real-time communication with the security department now. I'll get any accident immediately..."


Before the fat director finished his words, he was interrupted by the harsh alarm from the area behind him.

What followed was a sudden change of face.

Obviously, the news of the accident in the laboratory has been conveyed to him.

"Should we be able to enter now?"

Zheng Yi looked at the fat director with a cold sweat on her forehead and asked in a deep voice.

When they see the situation in the laboratory, it is not suitable to say here. After all, the photographer is Xu Jiu's person. If Zheng Yi mentioned it here, it is equivalent to selling each other without Xu Jiu's consent.

"Sorry, general Zheng, there are some accidents in the park, but they are still under control."

"Your shit is controllable. Don't your people... Who sent you the message? Contact your laboratory immediately and ask the people over there what's going on now."

Zheng Yi, who was upset because of the scene he had seen before, drank and scolded, and immediately realized that the deterioration rate of the situation was likely to be much faster than he imagined, so she couldn't help asking.

Through the content photographed by Gao Banling, Zheng Yilai thought that if there was a normal person in the laboratory, it should now understand that evil is not something they can cope with at all, but requires the immediate intervention of the secret society.

But the fat man was still stopping them after receiving the news, which means that the person who told him that there was an accident in his area was probably not from the laboratory.

Only those who do not know the situation will feel that the autonomy of Xinmu group is more important, and then forcibly stop their actions.

So here comes the question....

Where are those people in the lab?

"The laboratory... Hasn't replied yet."

The fat director also knew that something had happened and looked back from time to time.

No new instructions came from the laboratory, which made him feel a little confused.

However, the board of directors ordered him to stop the official forces and wait until the matters within his jurisdiction were handled before he could put people in.

During the conversation, Zheng Yi suddenly seemed to notice something and looked up at the sky.

The bright moonlight is covered by dark "clouds".

"Sir, look at the surrounding woodland!"

Next to the players exclaimed, and the people on the scene subconsciously looked around.

I can only see that the ground between the green forests originally used as the isolation belt between the jurisdiction and the central urban area is filled with smoke and dust. During this period, a large number of insects drilled out of the ground and merged with the insects in the woods began to flow to the jurisdiction of Xinmu group.

He pushed away the fat director, took out a single telescope from his waist, looked at the area under his jurisdiction and bit his teeth. Zheng Yi raised her hand and pressed the fat director's shoulder and forcibly turned him to the direction under his jurisdiction.

"Do you see the vast black area over there? Those are all running to your headquarters. You can continue to stop me. If the people inside die later, you'll wait to be skinned by the senior management of the consortium and thrown into the river to feed the fish."

Aware that the situation is deteriorating again, Zheng Yi stops talking nonsense, gets rid of the fat director and strides forward.

The fat director who fell behind opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He could only wave his hand under the eyes of a group of security personnel who were as frightened as himself,

"What are you doing? Don't catch up with them!"


Evil energy can make people hallucinate and cause mental and even soul trauma.

The depth of the injury depends on the time of contact with the evil spirit and the strength of the victim's personal soul.

This is the conclusion drawn by the secret society for a long time. For this reason, even a special wrist watch that can monitor people's mental state has been distributed to every member of the secret society.

Mental trauma is not irreparable. As long as it is not a complete collapse of reason, the secret society actually has a way to treat it.

For example, Vanessa, because of Xu Jiu's existence, she received special treatment from the secret society and recovered very quickly.

Hobbes was lucky.

Although the evil spirit took the initiative to attack in order to stop his attack on the insect nest, Hobbes walked very fast when he found that he had problems.

It can be said that he did not hesitate to escape.

In addition, the evil spirit did not pursue the insect nest and did not continue to exert influence on Hobbes, so that his state gradually returned to normal after leaving the experimental center.

He hurried into a shady path in the park.

Hobbes, who barely recovered, gradually slowed down, and the panic subsided for the time being.

Standing under the street lamp, I looked back and saw the swarm of insects swarming to the experimental center not far away, swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva one after another.

Whew ~ whew~

There was a noise overhead, and more than a dozen power armor under Xinmu group were galloping past in mid air, straight to the location of the experimental center.

Do you want to go back for reinforcements?

"Hallucinations, they are all hallucinations created by evil spirits, Karen said before!"

Holding up his walking stick, Hobbes muttered to himself, as if he was forcing himself to cheer up in this way, but when he recalled the scene at that time, he felt cold again.

While he was wandering and tangled, a figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the Boulevard.

Hobbes' perception of being a cicada's Apostle was still there, and immediately turned and looked at it.

At the end of the road was a young man who looked very strange, holding a long knife in his hand, followed by an orange cat running happily.

With a long breath, Hobbes was ready to ask the other party's origin. Before opening his mouth, the other party asked first,

"Hey, the old man over there, do you know how to get to the experimental center of Xinmu group?"

He came to ask for directions.

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