Xu Jiu's unexpected discovery on board soon attracted the attention of other members of the team.

Without exception, these people are high-level leaders in their respective departments. Xu Jiu's speculation makes them realize that the black silhouettes on the ship are likely to come from a secret organization rather than the special consciousness generated in the crown specific area previously thought.

One is the tissue that can come and go freely in the crown level specific region and master certain rules here, and the other is the native product.

For these high-level people in Wusu city, the gap between the front and back can be imagined!

"I've never heard of it... At least I haven't got any relevant information. You know, this is a crown level special area. Even our expedition was killed here, and if you want to sit to the level you said, you must have reached a certain level of exploration here... How is this possible!"

Zheng Yi shook her head, and some could not accept Xu Jiu's speculation. As he said, in order to explore the crown level special area, wusucheng sent a team led by Longmen territory, with a group of cicadas sloughing and tortoises hiding.

Such a force can be called a powerful organization anywhere, but now they are trapped here.

If the organization behind the ship has really explored the crown level special area to a certain extent, how many people should they send... The apostles above the dragon's gate?

"No traces of other forces were found in the exploration of crown level specific areas within the secret society."

As the leader of the secret instrument team on this trip, Jon recalled the information given by the secret society and soon gave an answer similar to Zheng Yi.

Obviously, they don't think anyone can carry out large-scale exploration in such a dangerous special area.

We should know that although Wusu city is only a medium-level Super City, it is also a huge force with a population of hundreds of millions. Unless other super cities intervene, it is impossible for them to do this.

The problem is that the crown level special area is on the Wusu wasteland. If other super cities want to send large-scale teams here, it will inevitably attract the attention of Wusu city, and it is impossible to hide all traces.

"Maybe they have another channel?"

Xu Jiu didn't mean to argue with Zheng Yi and others. He just said his findings and tried to get some information from them. He didn't have to solve the puzzle at this time.

This is a question that has no answer at present, at least the members of the expedition can't answer.

Leaning against the side of the ship, I recalled the two black silhouettes I saw on the stairs. The others were not interested in continuing the discussion. They had more important things to do than the mystery in front of them.

More than ten minutes later, the white boat sailed in and out of the Haikou. Instead of going straight to the depths of the ocean, it drove obliquely along the coastline.

At this time, the urban relics have long disappeared, replaced by large dense forests along the coast and increasingly blurred undulating mountains in the distance.

"Is this the direction?"

Xu Jiu looked at the waves churning in the wind and rain outside and asked.

"Yes, there is no problem with the course. Next, just wait for the ship to get off the ship in the area where the valley is located."

It can be seen that Zheng Yi is obviously relieved. If the ship goes in different directions, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble.

Since the voyage was right, the people also settled down and waited. Xu Jiu looked at the guards outside the cabin and the captain's room who had never retreated, put out his mind to go in and explore the truth with an illusion.

Anyway, I have to come back. This ship doesn't just take one trip. I'll find a chance to check it at that time.

On reading this, Xu Jiu took back his eyes, moved two steps aside, sat directly on a wooden bucket, leaned against the side of the ship, and took out a bag of preserved fruits just taken from the shelter from his backpack.

Obviously, the wind and rain on the sea are more violent than those on the land. The ups and downs of the waves are more exaggerated, and the whole ship is constantly bumped. Fortunately, the volume of this five mast sailboat is large enough and there is no danger of capsizing.

However, the sudden wind and rain still brought a lot of burden to Colonel Zongze. Xu Jiu bit a dried mango in his mouth and motioned Colonel Zongze to stop controlling the steam, take a break and protect the people with light cyan air flow.

"Xu Jiu, the secret forces you just mentioned... Should not be in Wusu city, but I did meet pioneer organizations that are particularly powerful in the exploration of special areas."

Zheng Yi thought about Xu Jiu's question carefully. Although he couldn't find a similar one, it also reminded him of his past experience. At present, he is also idle. Instead of lying on the side of the ship in a daze, he might as well talk to kill time,

"More than ten years ago, when I was an apostle of Guizang, in order to seek a breakthrough in strength and hide my identity, I joined a pioneer group on the Jinghai wasteland and went to various special areas for adventure. Later, I met a group of very special pioneers in a sub-level special area."

"Go on."

After handing over two mangoes, Xu Jiu raised her eyebrows and motioned Zheng Yi to continue.

"The two pioneer teams met in the special area and unexpectedly entered a confrontation state. Their costumes were very strange. Whether they used weapons or defensive clothes, they were extremely rare source energy equipment at that time... I didn't even know they had such equipment at that time!"

The development of source energy equipment in Wusu city is a technology that has only sprung up in recent years, and their strength can be seen from the pioneer team that could have such mature source energy equipment more than ten years ago.

"Is it possible that it is the official pioneer team of Jinghai city?"

Wusu city did not develop source energy equipment at that time, which does not mean that Jinghai city did not.


Zheng Yi directly denied Xu Jiu's speculation, and then said,

"Don't get me wrong, I don't underestimate Jinghai City, but... You don't know the specific situation of Jinghai city. The establishment of that super city basically lies in the three top consortia, and they all follow the path of intelligent machinery. Those years were the most rapid development. According to the data from the intelligence department, they were studying the feasibility of giant mecha at that time, There's no room at all. "

"Giant mecha... Up to?"

Xu Jiu asked in amazement.


Zheng Yi obviously didn't understand what Xu Jiu meant.

"Well, it's all right. Have they successfully studied it?"

Scratched his chin and hurriedly asked.

"It is said that it failed because it was of no practical use and limited funds. It was a success to develop the intelligent weapon armor for individual combat. It is much stronger than the power armor we use now, but the number is not much."

This is the intelligence that the spies sent by the bureau can collect. As for the detailed data of intelligent weapons and armor, it belongs to the core secret of Jinghai City, and the possibility of obtaining it is almost zero.

嘭 ~ 嘭~

Xu Jiu was about to continue. Suddenly, there were several roars of the waves beating the ship, and the strength was obviously unusual.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Jiu and Zheng Yi turned around, they heard the mysterious scholar nearby remind them,

"Left front, giant sea beast!"

Looking straight up, you can see only the waves more than ten meters high rising hundreds of meters away and the huge dark blue tail fin.

In fact, it's not very strange to see a giant sea animal in the sea of the crown level special area. The key is that it's moving closer to this side!

The blue-green ridge full of thorns broke through the waves, and the shadow hidden under the sea was no smaller than the five masted sailboat Xu Jiu and others, or even a circle larger!

The sea waves caused by the movement of the giant sea beast washed the ship, and the sea water splashed on the hood formed by Xu Jiu, like hitting a solid reef and breaking apart in an instant.

"What do you do now? Do you want to force it back?"

Albert didn't look much frightened in the face of the sudden sea beast.

The reason is very simple. For the cicada molting apostles, this kind of sea animal looks scary, but actually it's a little bigger. After all, it hasn't reached the depths of the ocean yet, and a really strong sea animal can't live in this place.

Of course, the giant sea animals themselves pose a great threat to the ship they ride. If they are not handled properly, they may cause damage to the ship, which is also the main reason why Albert asked in advance.

Zheng Yi nodded hurriedly, indicating that he could do it, but Xu Jiu quickly came forward and pressed Albert's shoulder.

"Wait a minute. Since the ship often travels in the crown level special area, the sailor must have a way to deal with it. There's no need to waste his strength. I just take this opportunity to try their level."

Xu Jiu wanted to see how these black silhouettes would face the giant sea animals. Albert, who was pressed in place by him, looked at Zheng Yi and relaxed after getting a positive answer.

Everyone's eyes turned to the captain's room and cabin, especially the black silhouettes guarding these two places, looking forward to their performances.

However, the giant sea animals outside are close to tens of meters away. They are still clubbing in place and have no tendency to move.

Are you going to care?

Seeing the surging tide churning, Zheng Yi couldn't help looking at Xu Jiu.

If the ship is capsized here, I'm afraid none of them can run away.

"Don't worry, if you really want to capsize, I'll be responsible for turning it back!"

Xu Jiu didn't even see the giant sea beast approaching outside. He wanted to know how much the guy hidden on the ship could endure.

Assured that Zheng Yi and others would say nothing more, they undoubtedly had enough trust in Xu Jiu's strength, and this behavior of turning a blind eye to the upcoming crisis soon had an effect.

Aware of the surge of energy, Xu Jiu suddenly looked up at the white sail in the center of the ship. I don't know when a large number of light blue spots appeared on the originally empty sail.

They connect with each other and eventually become a shield with strange marks.

Almost at the moment when the mark on the sail appeared, the giant sea beast floating up to half a dozen meters away seemed to have been fixed. It was hard to stop in place. Immediately, it sank directly into the seabed without any attack and disappeared.

"Is that their confidence?"

Xu Jiu looked up at the shield badge on the canvas, so easily suppressed a giant sea animal, its power is beyond doubt,

"Nine times out of ten, it was also because of its existence that many monsters dared not approach the port."

"Strange things?"

Madeleine asked, looking at the sails.

"Maybe. Unfortunately, the volume of this thing is too large..."

Shaking his head, Xu Jiu wrote down the outline of the giant shield emblem, and then sat back in the barrel with interest. Zheng Yi looked at him strangely.

The giant sea animal is just an episode of the whole voyage. As it retreats, the white ship accelerates again.

Time passed slowly in the continuous sound of wind and rain. The rain was gradually decreasing, but the weather did not clear up at all. The sky was still dark.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there was no fog on the sea, otherwise it would be difficult to identify the destination.

The long voyage was always boring. Xu Jiu rubbed the tracing light, sank his will into his body, and observed the state of sage's crystal and beads.

The former is as quiet as ever, while the latter is somewhat restless because of the too strong evil energy in the surrounding environment, but it is still within the range that the spell can suppress.

Even so, Xu Jiu could not help but be vigilant. You know, they haven't arrived at the seal yet, and the richness of evil energy is also limited to a certain range.

"Xu Jiu, we're almost there!"

Zheng Yi's voice interrupts Xu Jiu's self-examination, takes a breath, and looks into the distance along Zheng Yi's raised hand.

The vague rain curtain and the dark sky light made the huge valley look more and more terrible.

The cliffs on both sides are straight into the sky, and there seem to be a large number of black spots flying up and down, while the center is like a natural graben and an abyss, which makes it difficult to restrain people from thinking about the possible monsters.

Close to the coast is a dense jungle without any traces of human buildings, which makes Xu Jiu quickly realize that there may be a human restricted area.

Xu Jiu is obviously not the only one holding the same idea, and the other members of the team are also silent.

Of course, the people involved in this action have long been prepared. Silence is silence. No one proposed to retreat. They just silently began to prepare to start.

But while everyone in the expedition was thinking about what to do next, there was a problem with the movement of the ship.

"Why is the ship far away from the seal? It is reasonable to say that it should dock at this time!"

Zheng Yi was the first to notice something wrong. When she arrived here last time, the ship began to turn in order to dock, but this time she kept leaning out, making it clear that she didn't intend to lean over, paused, as if she thought of something, and then said,

"No, I'm afraid they deliberately avoided it because the evil energy explosion in the seal area made them think it was extremely dangerous."

The ship dared to stop near the urban relics, which proves that they should also know about the changes in the crown level specific area.

In that case, how could they not know that the area where the seal is located has now become a restricted area? It is not surprising that they deliberately detour.

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