The white boat's detour undoubtedly disrupted the expedition's plan.

If it is allowed to continue sailing far away from the seal, I'm afraid it will have to wait for its return if it wants to return here again.

"I'm going to jump the boat and cross the sea. I'll try to communicate with them first and wait for my signal."

Letting the boat pass is the best choice, but if they can't, they have to be prepared.

At this time, Xu Jiu didn't care if he would conflict with the guards on the ship, so he rushed directly to the captain's room.

Not surprisingly, two shadow guards who had not left since just now stopped in front of him again.

"We're going to the land over there. We've been there before!"

Xu Jiu was not sure whether the two black silhouettes in front of him could understand his words. He could only move while talking.

The result is not as like as two peas. The dark guards are not at all communicating with Xu Jiu. They are guarding the door with the two doormen, making the same gesture of refusal as before.

In the current situation, leaving the ship directly seems to be the only option?

"I want to talk directly to the captain!"

Xu Jiu frowned and suddenly took an anxious attitude. He took a step forward. While talking, he had to break through the defense line composed of two guards.

The latter's palm touched the weapon handle at his waist again, but before that, the dark cyan air flow rose first and pushed them to both sides. Xu Jiu also took the opportunity to take a step forward. Instead of opening the door, he deliberately leaned against the circular window on the door.

I'm not afraid of the people on the ship. At other times, Xu Jiu may choose to break in directly, but who wants them to expect the ship to return?

If the situation is now frozen, then the ship will deliberately make a bigger circle, and it will be them who will suffer.

Because of this, although Xu Jiu's action is a little reckless, he also uses the excuse of wanting to dock to find out.

However, unexpectedly, Xu Jiu stood at the door and looked inside. He saw a dark object blocking the window directly, completely covering all his sight.

At the same time, sirens sounded and dense footsteps sounded from the stairs on the other side.

"Tut ~"

With a low spit, Xu Jiu, who got nothing, resolutely chose to retreat, saying that he had no malice and didn't give these people a chance to make trouble, withdrew to the deck again, and made a gesture to Zheng Yi, who immediately threw several seeds on the sea.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Xu Jiu turning around, Zheng Yi, who guessed his intention just now, asked in a dull voice.

"I didn't find anything. The guy in the captain's room blocked the window. Let's go. It's unrealistic to want the ship to lean over."

Xu jiupo shook his head and said with some pity.

The boat with vines as the main body was quickly woven. The party broke away from the white boat one after another and jumped out on the side of the boat.

Under Zheng Yi's control, the vines at the stern of the ship wound around the propeller, pushing the boat to the coast of the seal.

On the white boat side, there was no attempt to stop because some passengers jumped off the boat, completely letting Xu Jiu and others live and die.

The distance between the two ships, which were very different in scale, continued to expand until the boat disappeared into the rain and the increased guards around the captain's room slowly withdrew.

But this time they didn't withdraw to the interior of the cabin, but directly meet on the deck.

Not only that, after the white ship had advanced a certain distance, a new black silhouette began to appear in the cabin. At the same time, he came to the side of the ship and looked at the direction of Xu Jiu and others.

Exactly the area where the seal is located.

Different from the silence of Xu Jiu and others on the deck, these black silhouettes whisper to each other and look lively and tight.

Until the canvas on the mast in the middle of the deck gradually glittered, the strange scene on the deck was changed again.

The blur and shadow on the black silhouette gradually faded under the light of these fluorescent lights. Instead, passengers dressed in various styles looked retro and carried cold weapons more or less.

Their voices were no longer vague whispers, but gradually turned into normal voices.

"That group of people should be the second expedition sent by Wusu city. I can feel the evil energy emitted from a certain instrument carried by one of them. It seems that they want to repair the seal again."

Wearing a robe embroidered with colorful patterns, the old man with white temples and a very strong body said in a deep voice,

"Make the land boundary look like this. Now it's time to remedy it. There's still time. The chain reaction has already appeared. The wall is already full of cracks... Collapse is inevitable."

"Our existence is to organize the arrival of the ending. As long as we find those survivors, we always have a chance. I hope they can succeed this trip. Even if it's just a projection of the world, not everyone can go now."

The young man with two machetes slung around his waist took over the conversation, and immediately seemed to think of something, and then said,

"But the man who wanted to break into the captain's room just now, he... Is very strong!"

It seems that I can't find an adjective. In the end, there is only one comment that sounds dry.

"Judging from his way of action and other people's reactions, that man is obviously the real commander or backbone of this team. At his age, if he is not strong, how can he get this position?"

Someone answered and said,

"If it weren't for the confidentiality clause, I would have to try to pull this man into the team. I haven't seen such a guy who dares to lead the team straight to pans Valley in recent years."

"Ha! Still soliciting. Thank God you can come out alive!"

Some shrill voice interposed.

The people on the deck talked about Xu Jiu and others. They regarded the latter as the seasoning in this boring journey. They didn't know how they saw it in the cabin.

The discussion didn't stop until the wooden door on one side of the captain's room opened, and then everyone looked at the tall figure that appeared by the railing.

He raised his hand and pressed it, so all the noise was eliminated in the wind and rain.

After a few minutes, the deck became clean again.

The rain mixed with the sea beat on it as if no one had ever been here.

The other side.

The expedition, which had been drifting on the sea for some time, was landing.

Xu is that the momentum of this group of people is too strong. The occasional sea animals on the way don't dare to approach at all. Occasionally, they see a shadow in the churning sea tide, which disappears after staying for a while.

As they get closer and closer to the coast where the seal is located, not to mention sea animals, the party can no longer see even normal sea fish.

When the boat approached the beach, the vines at the bottom entangled into several limbs, stepped over the soft sand and transported everyone to the shore.

"The valley is still some distance from the shore. We have to find a way to get out of the valley before dark. We don't have time to rest. Let's start immediately."

Zheng Yi scattered the vine boat and looked at the gloomy valley in the distance. The detour of the white boat still delayed a lot of time. In order to reach the destination as soon as possible, she could only speed up the journey.

Wearing a mechanical mask, he buttoned up all the buttons of his windbreaker. Xu Jiu clutched tightly and looked back at the jungle in front of him.

The people had no objection to the order and set off again after a short rest.


Xu is affected by the evil energy. The environment in the jungle is far worse than Xu Jiu imagined.

It's not that there are terrible alienated animals or monsters, but that everything around us is extremely strange

The sky, which was not bright, was covered by the lush jungle.

Shadows are everywhere, a group of people are struggling to move forward, and the atmosphere in the team is becoming silent and depressed at a very fast speed.

The soles of the feet ran over the dead leaves, but the crisp texture seemed to step on the sticky skin and flesh. Every step further, people couldn't help but want to see if they stepped on the animal skeleton.

Xu Jiu still walked at the end of the team, frowning at the trees beside him. Somehow the mottled bark on the trunk showed uncomfortable dark brown lines, and the shape was long and crooked.

He forced himself to look away, but he was attracted by the bushes on the side. There seemed to be something peeping among the dark branches and leaves.

Waving it, a strong wind rushed away from the Bush, and several hidden mushrooms covered with dark red balls were exposed. When Xu Jiu looked at it, he saw them twisting one after another, and the black spots locked Xu Jiu's position from a distance.

The dark cyan whirlwind blew past, and these disgusting mushrooms broke up immediately.

The suddenly intensified cold wind pushed from the sea behind, but the rain falling from the sky was not coerced by it at all, but beat in front of you.

This wind and rain completely contrary to the laws of nature is common here.

Even if Xu Jiu is uncomfortable with this environment, let alone others, two secret doctors and the colonel of the medical bureau have taken out special tranquilizers from their satchels for injection.

While Xu Jiu was thinking about whether to use magic form to help everyone ease his tense mental state, the roar of animals from afar interrupted his thoughts.

Hum ~ roar~

Obviously, the sound of wailing passed through the rain curtain to everyone's ears, making people's back cold.

With his excellent hearing, Xu Jiu quickly recognized the direction of the sound, which was on their route.

"Zongze, go up and check the direction of the sound."

Zheng Yi, who was at the forefront of the team, obviously had the same idea as Xu Jiu and immediately said,

"Others pay attention to their surroundings and act cautiously."

Colonel Zongze jumped out of the jungle and fell a moment later,

"A large number of trees collapsed about 600 or 700 meters in front. It looks like an alien beast fell in that area. Do you want to go around?"

The experience in the urban relics makes Zongze subconsciously associate with the strange, so as to avoid conflict with this immortal monster.

Zheng Yi didn't reply in a hurry, but turned to the last Xu Jiu to listen to his views.

"I don't recommend detour. Since we have to go into the valley in front anyway, we must meet strange people sooner or later. Instead of waiting for them to find them in the valley, we'd better take this opportunity to find out the characteristics of these strange people and take precautions later. At least the environment here is bright. We can live in case of accidents."

In Xu Jiu's view, the real trouble of monsters is their own strange characteristics. If you only want to avoid and don't understand, you don't have to go through the valley in front.

Because Xu Jiu can be sure that there must be strange entrenchment now!

"I agree with Xu Jiu. It's all here. There's no reason to retreat. Moreover, no one knows whether there will be new monsters on our detour."

Zheng Yi is not as complicated as Xu Jiu thought. He just doesn't want to waste time.

The two core thought of going together. Naturally, there was no need for others to discuss. The group immediately set off to the direction of the sound, but this time Xu Jiu came to the front of the team.

After walking a section of the way, he crossed the collapsed tree branches. Xu Jiu's eyes crossed the remaining trees and locked the huge and ferocious flesh and blood debris in the open space in front of him.

Compared with the gloomy environment all the way, when they suddenly saw the blood and flesh, they felt friendly inexplicably, and even subconsciously wanted to get close.

At least it represents life, even dead life

"Hey, stabilize your mental state and don't think about it!"

Xu Jiu vaguely noticed the strange emotion in the eyes of the team members, immediately made a sound to remind them, immediately raised his hand and motioned them to stand still, and he came forward to check.

What fell on the open space was a huge bird and beast. It looked a little similar to the Griffin in the previous life. They were all the bodies of beasts with wings on their back.

Flying to the top of the body, Xu Jiu found that most areas of his body remained normal, except for a large number of flesh and blood holes in the back, which seemed to have been drilled by some creature.

After a brief silence, Xu Jiu took out the tracing light and a wind blade crossed. The wound was immediately cut open to show the scene.

Most of the bones and flesh are still there. What is missing is the heart of the bird and beast. According to Xu Jiu's experience, nine times out of ten the heart is the extraordinary organ of the alienated beast. That is to say, killing it is not to plunder flesh and blood, but to seize the extraordinary organ.

Will monsters be interested in the extraordinary organs of alienated animals?

Or is there something else that killed it

In the interval of thinking, Xu Jiu's eyes suddenly stayed somewhere in the wound, and his body immediately fell down. Under the air flow, he drilled into the wound and landed in the area of his heart.

Although the heart has disappeared, the blood vessels and veins connected around it still remain, even if most of them are completely broken, Xu Jiu still noticed the difference.

These blood vessels, which should have shown dark red, now seem to have some signs of crystal fossilization, and a thin layer of white lens is attached to the surface.

What surprised Xu Jiu even more was that when he bent down to pick up part for further inspection, the crystal of sage in his body suddenly had a different reaction!

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