According to Zheng Yi's plan, the vine ball serving as a temporary shelter does not need to go straight to the abyss. It can reconnect the rock wall after falling to a certain distance, and then find a chance to return to the original position and go to the seal place.

However, facts have proved that Zheng Yi's idea is somewhat naive.

Limited by the vine's vision, all he could see was the strange insect faced by Xu Jiu, and he didn't notice the chaos higher up.

Zheng Yi underestimated the power of the landslide and naturally had to bear the ensuing cost.

When hundreds of thousands of boulders, dozens or even hundreds of tons, fell, he didn't have time to separate vines to connect the surrounding rock walls. He could only be hit continuously, and did his best to ensure that the vine ball would not be completely crushed at a certain moment.

As other apostles, in the face of this almost continuous pressure, they are afraid to be crushed long ago, that is, Zheng Yi, an Apostle who almost overdrawn her life and forcibly raised her combat strength before coming, can carry it down.

I don't know how long it took, the vine ball finally stopped falling.

Zheng Yi, standing in the center of the interior, turned pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and several vines wrapped around his waist and legs to stabilize his shape.

It was completely dark all around, and even reached the point where I couldn't see my fingers. I could only hear the dull sound from time to time in the distance, which should be the sound made when the stone fell to the ground.

However, even so, the superhuman senses still made Zheng Yi quickly aware of several heavy gasps around. Although most of them are weak, they are not lacking. As long as they can breathe, they can recover.

* when he lifted his "seat belt", Zheng Yi could not take care of the safety of the mountain at this time. He directly took out a triangular crystal from his waist and dropped it to the ground. Then there were three similar species of insects that were unique to the specific area.

The light blue fluorescence at the tail illuminates the environment in the vine ball.

Madeleine and Albert are in good condition. They are drinking the potion they carry to restore their state. They are cicada deciduous apostles. There is no doubt about their personal quality. Even in the previous chaotic situation, they can still save themselves. As for others, they are more or less bumpy.

Fortunately, they are within the acceptable range.

Only Xu Jiu is missing, but Zheng Yi is not worried about him. Since they can survive, Xu Jiu has no reason to get hurt.

"Lindo, it's up to you."

Let three fluorescent insects create a small light source around the vine ball, and Zheng Yi looks at the "doctor" in the team.

"No problem. Please get close to me."

The woman who had shown her hand in the city ruins took out two bottles of medicine and said to several people who were not in good condition around.

Zheng Yi was a little tired because she consumed too much physical strength in a short time. Instead of leaning over, she took a pill from her waist and swallowed it. Then she made a gesture to Madeleine and Albert,

"You two stay here. I'll go around and keep alert. We'll wait here for Xu Jiu to come and return to the ground together."

Zheng Yi remembers that Xu Jiu followed them down. Because she doesn't know what's going on above, rash action is not a rational choice.

The release of three fluorescent insects can also be used to mark them. If Xu Jiu finds out, he will come at the first time.

Looking into the darkness around, Zheng Yi twisted a seed with his fingertips, and the light green light flashed. The slender branches immediately wrapped around his wrist, and a light bulb like light ball extended out to act as a illuminator.

When the former expedition came to the valley, Zheng Yi and others never considered entering the abyss to investigate in order to complete the task. Now he came here because of an accident, and he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Taking advantage of Xu Jiu's absence, if they can find more information, they can let Madeleine take more information back to accumulate experience for the third and even subsequent exploration.

Zheng Yi sees the changes of urban relics and the strange appearance of white ships on the sea. He tells others again and again that the sealing task is the most important. He is reminding himself that he has no time to pursue these mysteries.

The rest of his energy must be devoted to his final task.

"If only I could live a few more years?"

Looking at the darkness in front of her, Zheng Yi had some "superfluous" ideas in her mind, and immediately shook her head to throw them out of her brain.


A crisp crack.

Zheng Yi paused and looked down at the position where she had just released her left foot. There was a piece of white bone embedded in the ground.

"The remains of the alienated beast?"

Without too much attention, she stepped forward, but without waiting for Zheng Yi to go out for a few steps, her steps stagnated again.

In the open space a few meters away, a huge skeleton lay there quietly, with more than ten meters of ribs alone, and its spine extended into the dark, making it difficult for people to see its whole appearance.

Just like this

Suddenly raised his hand, the light ball that was only half a meter in front of the palm grew upward, and the light released became brighter and brighter.

Things emerging from the darkness made his pupils shrink suddenly.

Zheng Yi glanced at the skeletons, and immediately judged that these skeletons had existed for a very long time. An air stream popped up, and the exposed bones would even be directly broken into bone powder.

There was a sudden difference in perception.

Zheng Yi takes back the light ball and stares at her left front. Her right hand is about to touch the bag, but her face is relaxed,

"Xu Jiu?"

The voice fell, and Xu Jiu's figure appeared in the dark. There was a dark cyan air flow behind him.

"Why are you alone and separated?"

Xu Jiu's eyes are full of strange colors. His illusory ability not only enables him to control light and shadow, but also greatly strengthens his eyesight. Therefore, even at the bottom of the abyss, his eyesight is enough to support his free movement and detect the surrounding light sources.

"No, the others are in the back. I'm just checking around. Now that you're back, we'll start immediately and prepare to return... What's the problem?"

Zheng Yi noticed something wrong with Xu Jiu's expression and couldn't help asking.

"I'm afraid this is not the time to go back. In fact, I don't support going back to the previous route."

Shaking his head, Xu Jiu briefly explained the situation of the group of strange insects he had just met,

"Now nine times out of ten they are still entrenched in the rock wall at the top of the valley. If we go up like this, I'm afraid we'll have to be buried again, which will only waste more time."

A flame fist is poured into the belly of a strange insect. Xu Jiu doesn't know whether it will die or not, but its relatives will certainly try their best to retaliate. The previous large-scale collapse of the rock wall is the best proof.

"What should we do? We can't just wait here?"

After hearing Xu Jiu's description, Zheng Yi couldn't help sighing. He didn't meet these strange insects when he came last time.

In other places, the expedition is not afraid to fight with these reptiles, but now it is in the valley, which can be said to be the nest of these strange insects. They will only suffer from the outbreak of conflict.

God knows how many such strange insects are hidden in the huge mountains on both sides!

"Aren't we already on the smoothest road?"

Xu Jiu spread out his hands, shrugged his shoulders and asked back,

"You mean from the bottom of the valley?"

"Yes, I just looked at the direction when I came down from the top. As long as I walked in the direction behind me, I should be able to go to the other end of the valley. I'll find a way to go up at that time."

Compared with the giant insects and the disordered internal environment of the canyon, the underground of the abyss is obviously more stable.

Not only that, Xu Jiu also found some interesting things not far away.

Unlike Zheng Yi and others who tried hard to save themselves in the vine ball, Xu Jiu was able to retreat with his own ability.

Therefore, in the process of diving into the abyss, he still had plenty of distraction to observe the situation around him.

The valley is not as deep as expected.

It has a bottom and is not far from the ground

Of course, this is a relative statement.

In fact, the depth of this abyss or valley is about kilometers. For the ability of the expedition team, it is not very difficult to climb the abyss at this distance.

Because of this, Xu Jiu will give Zheng Yi this suggestion.

It's better to find another way than go up and fight with those strange insects who often bury people.

Moreover, as Xu Jiu said above, there are some very special things in the abyss. He only flew twice at will after landing, and the harvest was far beyond imagination.

The party reunited again. Colonel Lindo's treatment had just ended, and several mystics who were terrified by the free fall of kilometers recovered quickly.

"There have been so many... Strange insects on the top before. It is difficult to ensure that there will be no more terrible creatures at the bottom of the abyss. May this choice put us in a more passive position?"

When Zheng Yi tells Xu Jiu's thoughts to the public, Madeleine expresses her views after a brief silence,

"In fact, we can choose a compromise. We can get out of the abyss and lean forward along the rock wall in the middle without going back to the surface. This may reduce the risk."

This is a compromise. It sounds good, provided there are no other monsters hidden in it.

"You can try, but before that, I still hope you can go and see what I found. It's not far from here. You may have other ideas at that time."

Xu Jiu didn't directly deny Madeleine's plan, but stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction when he came. Others had no objection to this. Anyway, they were at the bottom of the abyss, and it was nothing to go a little more.

This time, Xu Jiu led the team. Because they stepped on the flat ground, the expedition changed to running, and soon came to the place where Zheng Yi found a large number of alienated animal bones.

The three fluorescent insects flew around and immediately found that there were huge alienated animal skeletons everywhere within a radius of hundreds of meters, which was much larger than Zheng Yi thought.

"The cemetery of an alienated herd?"

Zongze has encountered similar scenes in other special areas before. Alienated animals of the same race will go to a specific area after death.

"No, look carefully at the skeletons around you. They come from different alienated animals. I just observed several of them. There are more or less scars on them."

Raise your feet and kick open a tooth about the size of an adult, Xu Jiu said in a deep voice,

"This is not a graveyard, but a battlefield. Just keep going."

Beyond the skeleton of many alienated animals, with the continuous progress of the team, more things appear in front of everyone.

"Wait, you see, this... This is a weapon fragment?"

A colonel on the left side of the team suddenly stopped the team, walked to a spine on his side, and pulled out a piece of metal fragment from the gap. Even after an unknown time, its edge was still shining with cold light under the fluorescent light.

This obviously cannot be a naturally occurring metal ore.

There were one and two. With the discovery of special metal fragments, the expedition soon found a large number of items around to prove that it was a battlefield.

Most of them are fragments of cold weapons, and occasionally there are some broken crystal stones and Scepter like items left.

"The war in those years seemed to be extremely tragic, and the belligerents were also special."

Tracing the light clubbed the ground. Xu Jiu leaned against the end of the handle and said to several people who leaned next to him.

In the open space in front of everyone, there are two "entangled" skeletons.

The appearance of one side is like a dog animal, with a big mouth, and the tusks penetrate the shoulder blades and ribs of the other skeleton, while the people on the other side are obviously not vegetarian, and most of the long sword in their hands is also through the heart of the former.

The bloody enemies have become the pillars of each other after unknown years. They stand in the middle of the battlefield and look ironic.

What is more surprising is that the bodies of both sides of the battle are a little too strange.

Xu Jiu looked up at the knee of the humanoid skeleton almost equal to his height. The height of his body was converted according to this ratio, nearly ten meters, while the shoulder height of the dog and beast fighting with him when stepping on the ground on four feet was absolutely more than fifteen meters

"Giant in the age of relic civilization?"

The so-called relic civilization refers to the original era of the relic in the special area, which is also the only reasonable explanation for what people see at present.

It is impossible for a pure humanoid alienated beast to create such a terrorist weapon that can still survive through the years!

"The same skeleton still exists around, which proves that this giant does not appear alone at the bottom of the abyss. They are a team... Even a well-trained army!"

Madeleine took back her eyes and said with a look of surprise in her eyes,

"What on earth are they here for?"

"That's why I want you to come and have a look. It's just an appetizer. The things in front are more special. Don't stare out your eyes at that time."

Xu Jiu mentioned tracing the light, strided forward, and said as he walked,

"You have all forgotten that the temple in the sealed land mentioned by Zheng Yi did not grow out of thin air. It must have been built by someone. If you want to build a large building in an area close to the human forbidden area, the power to complete this project is extraordinary!"

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