The place where the evil seal is sealed is the temple at the other end of the valley.

All the members of the expedition thought about how to get there and complete the ultimate task of the trip.

Unexpectedly, because of a landslide, the forces of relic civilization that once participated in this event were displayed in front of everyone in this rather surprising way.

At this time, no one said to give up and go down.

Even Madeleine, who had previously proposed to go to her destination along the rock wall in a compromise way, became a supporter of continuing to explore, and the reason for this phenomenon was not the curiosity of the people present about the relic civilization.

Curiosity is not false, but the main reason why everyone is really determined to continue to explore is the needs of the difference adjustment Bureau and the secret society.

Don't forget that all the people present are the core figures of the two powerful departments. They are largely voluntary tasks. To put it mildly, they are already ready to sacrifice, so they have obtained part of the secrets behind the action.

Everyone knows that just sending back the evil can only delay the outbreak of the crisis and win more breathing time for Wusu city.

Now, I accidentally bumped into a secret that I didn't find in my last exploration. If I can figure it out, it may make a new turn for the better. There's no reason to give up anyway.

With the deepening of the expedition, the situation of the battlefield is also changing.

At first, it was just a fight between giants and beasts, and then began to appear the bones of normal humans. The number of various instruments was also increasing, and even some remaining fortifications appeared.

Although most of them have collapsed, some instruments engraved with strange inscriptions have been preserved.

The party spread out and checked the surrounding environment with the lighting of fluorescent insects.

"This should be the defensive position of the human side. The number of bones of alienated animals is decreasing. Obviously, they have failed to successfully break through the direction. As expected, if human beings lose, it is impossible to build the temple."

Xu Jiu looked at the surrounding environment. Centered on his current position, various facilities left by the original human Legion can be seen everywhere within hundreds of meters in diameter. Even if they have been seriously eroded, he can still vaguely feel the firmness of the defense line here in those years.

Pick up a wooden staff with crystal inlaid on the top. With a little force, the edge of the wooden staff is completely turned into powder. During this period, there are star fluorescence spilling out. Finally, the rest is a hexagonal crystal.

Input some flame energy into the spar, and the light will light up. Obviously, the wooden staff connected with this thing should be the existence of Dharma staff and the like. The refining array in the relic civilization is specially made for this kind of equipment.

"Strange... Xu Jiu, do you find it? Take this as the boundary. On the right is the battlefield, full of all kinds of skeletons. The problem is that there are many giant skeletons. Although there are also skeletons that really belong to human beings, they are very few, and human casualties are really so low?"

Zheng Yi admitted that the relic civilization also has its own extraordinary system, and the number of strong people will never be small. But just now, those giant alienated animal skeletons that are often more than ten meters high were obviously not easy to match.

The giants who fought against them died in large numbers, but ordinary humans could easily survive?

"There are two possibilities, either this line of defense can play a role far beyond expectation, or they..."

"Sir, a cemetery is found here!"

"Look, this is the second possibility. Humans have cemeteries. They have gathered most of the bodies. Go and have a look."

Throwing away the crystal stone in his hand, Xu Jiu motioned Zheng Yi to follow. Not far behind the defense line, he crossed a pile of equipment that had already lost its prototype. All the expedition teams gathered from everywhere noticed the broken stone tablets and uplifted mounds in the open space ahead.

The movement of the crowd makes the fluorescent insects that originally hovered in the air move closer to the front.

The light blue light dissipated the darkness and illuminated the area. All the people close to it fell silent. In front of them, hundreds of tombstones were scattered at the bottom of the abyss, which was only a small area.

In the shadow of the distance, more incomplete tombstones loomed. They were surrounded by darkness and looked at the expedition people disturbing them like ghosts.

The scale of the war that broke out under this abyss is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Xu Jiu stared at the mass grave for a while. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. Suddenly, he looked back and looked at the battlefield he had passed before,



Zheng Yi nearby didn't hear clearly,

"What's missing?"

"The cemeteries here are almost the same size. They should be prepared for normal people."

"Of course, cemeteries are prepared for people, not for alienated animals... You mean cemeteries without giants?"

Halfway through, Zheng Yi suddenly reacted.

"Yes, the number of cemeteries here is about two or three hundred, and there should be more in the distance. The forces once stationed here can collect the bodies of so many people, which proves that there is no time for rest in the process of war, but they casually leave the bones of those giants in the battlefield."

It's not impossible to put the giant's body on the spot because it's too huge to move.

The problem is that even if it's not easy to move, they won't be entangled with alienated animals after they die, right?

"So it seems that the status of those giants is much lower than that of human beings here. They are more like expendable slaves than comrades in arms."

Zheng Yi didn't pay too much attention to the tombstone, and her face was somewhat disappointed,

"Since there are tombstones here, it means that the rear of the human army is here. It seems that there is no place like camp."

The expedition searched around here. Naturally, it could not be this meaningless tombstone. To find out what happened that year, the most important thing is undoubtedly to find the main human camp stationed here.

However, in the current situation, the camp may have been revoked or annihilated in a long time.

Looking at these tombstones alone, there will be no harvest, and the people present will not have any awe for the dead from another era. Therefore, after a short wandering, they plan to record some inscriptions for follow-up research, and then evacuate here.

In the process, Xu Jiu was still walking around in the defensive position, as if looking for something. When everyone gathered again, Zheng Yi heard him whisper to herself,

"Why not..."

He wanted to know what Xu Jiu was looking for. He just wanted to speak, but his attention was attracted by a change somewhere in the corner of his eye.

The stone tablet whose surface writing was already blurred fell obliquely in front of the grave, and the already incomplete stone completely collapsed.

The dust rose from the inverted shock and floated on the soil at the top of the tomb behind, but it was the slightest change that woke up a certain existence.

The earth cracked. Under the fine cracks, a black purple claw suddenly broke through the earth.

Then the whole tomb began to rise, like a dirty embryo, pregnant with a dirty monster.

The sharp claw opened the soil, and a head without hair and covered with pits squeezed out. There were no obvious organ features on its face. It was supposed to be the position of the eyes. There were only two groups of yellowish pustules. The nose was more like being cut off, and there was no trace at all. Only the mouth full of yellowish brown tusks was wide open, and a long and narrow tongue was spit out and tossed around, It's like searching for breath in the air

It smells life!

Maybe I haven't smelled this delicious smell for a long time. It trembled with excitement, climbed out of the grave faster, and made a sound like coughing in its mouth.

His arms crazily scratched the grave soil. He couldn't wait to bite the fresh and sweet flesh. His body slightly larger than adults soon climbed out of the grave. It was ugly and filthy.

It tried to move, but as soon as its two arms were stretched out, it paused in the air and waved around disorderly.

The breath of life... Seems a little more than imagined.

I don't know when there are members of the expedition standing around the tomb. They look at the monster climbing out of the tomb and talk about its source. Xu Jiu weighs several small stones in his hand and throws them out from time to time, trying to throw them into the monster's nostrils.

This is too damaging

For people who have met all kinds of strange people along the way, this guy in front of us is really nothing. There is no pressure to watch!

The vine trapped the monster and dragged it out of the grave regardless of its "opinions".

Xu Jiu looked at the position in the scattered grave soil. There was still a skeleton lying inside. It was obvious that this was not the tomb owner in front of him.

"I thought it was a hidden special monster. It should be a heterogeneous, worthless monster spawned by evil energy."

Glancing up and down, Xu Jiu was not interested in studying this disgusting monster. He shook his head and motioned Zheng Yi to get rid of it. The latter snapped his fingers,

The vine that originally trapped the monster immediately transferred to its neck and tightened it. It won't take long to break its neck.

"There should be nothing valuable here. Next, move towards the rock wall according to Madeleine's plan... What is it doing?"

Xu Jiugang took out the thermos from his backpack, and saw that the monster who had been cut into zongzi suddenly raised his arm, stuffed his claws directly into his mouth, and then chewed it down. The smelly liquid splashed out immediately. Without saying, it began to swallow its own flesh and blood.

This is too slow to die. Speed yourself up?

"No, look at its chest!"

Madeleine suddenly drew a knife and cut open the vine on the monster's chest. She saw a wave of magma energy emerging from the dry and gray chest spar. Then the monster seemed to be infused with some power, and the range of action suddenly intensified!

Xu Jiu is not a monster who has never seen swallowing flesh and blood to strengthen himself, but he met a crisis to eat himself for the first time.

What's more surprising is that it really has an enhancement effect.

You can strengthen yourself by eating yourself. Isn't that a "power bank" with you?

This sudden change made the expedition people who were going to leave stop one after another, and their eyes focused on the cracked skin on the monster's chest.

"Can this low-level monster have this ability?"

Xu Jiu had to admit that he looked away. In his perception, the strength of the monster wrapped in zongzi was very weak, and the ability it showed at the moment obviously should not be possessed by monsters of this level.

"Open your chest and have a look."

For dismembering the monster, Zheng Yi had no psychological pressure and motioned Madeleine to do it directly.

Unwilling to stab her Sabre into the filthy body, Madeleine condenses an energy blade at the tip of the sabre, cuts the flesh directly, and presents the dark red organs in front of everyone.

A heart branded with mysterious runes!

Although the appearance of the heart was beyond recognition and could only be reluctantly judged by its position, the strange inscriptions shining on its surface quickly attracted the attention of the expedition.

With it as the core, the flesh and blood swallowed by the monster fell into the throat, and was directly melted and injected into the heart by a mysterious force. Immediately, it was scattered throughout the body. The whole process seemed simple, but in fact, the conversion process was incredible.

"Evil energy may be able to change the state of creatures, and it is absolutely impossible to brand inscriptions in their bodies."

Recently, Xu Jiu knows something about the characteristics of evil energy. Once they enter the organism, the rest is plundering, swallowing and occupying. It's impossible to do such fine work as branding inscriptions.

It is even more impossible for this monster to break its chest and complete the inscription with some instrument.

This leaves only one possibility.

Artificial engineering!

"Inscriptions, incantations and seals are indeed unique technologies of relic civilization, but... Does it really match?"

Colonel Zongze has studied these technologies he said over the years. He can't imagine that someone can withstand the operation on this disgusting monster.

"No, this guy looks like a ghost now, but it doesn't mean it was the same in those years. I think it's necessary to try, let it go and intimidate it."

"You want it to show us the way?"

"Yes, since it can survive to the present and maintain its ability to use, I have reason to believe that there are other similar monsters nearby, which may lead us to find some interesting things."

Since they are man-made monsters, there must be places to make them. The camp just now is obviously a wartime camp. It is unlikely to set the laboratory in a place that may be broken at any time.

Because of this, Xu Jiu wants the monster in front of her to lead the way.

Vines are loose and free from the shackles under Zheng Yi's command. Even if they want to kill the people of the expedition, they are only staggered by the surging terrorist momentum the next second. The momentum of the forward rush stops, and they immediately turn around and run away.

"Knowing fear means that it is not an irrational monster. Now that it is threatened, it will certainly escape to its own safety and follow it at the first time!"

There was a monster leading the way, and the expedition followed one after another. Because there was a wound drawn by Madeleine, the monster left a clear tracking route in the process of escape.

At first, he was straight. When he ran out for nearly 100 meters, he suddenly turned to the right and went straight to the rock wall of the valley. When Xu Jiu and his party followed him, they found that the monster was climbing up with his seriously injured body.

Not in a hurry to catch up, Xu Jiu stopped the others and followed him with his phantom body.

Zheng Yi and others waited at the bottom for a while before seeing Xu Jiu return again,

"Yes, there is a cave in the valley wall."

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