Qizhen's temptation is fatal.

Perhaps these people who took the lead did not completely lose their mind. What they thought was to seize the opportunity and hold Qizhen in their hands when everyone around them hesitated.

This approach may not be right or wrong, it is just a matter of the size of the risk.

But this behavior has a very important premise, that is, their strength is strong enough!

Because just as they took the first step, there was a burst of gunfire everywhere in the quiet woodland, and several lines of fire directly blocked their way forward.

Of course, those who dare to take the lead obviously also have their own reliance. In the face of bullets shot from all directions, some people dropped an exhausted injection in several figures flying in mid air, and the hair hanging on the waist suddenly soared.

Just a few seconds later, a barrier composed of hair was formed. Bullets fell on it and sparks splashed.

At the same time, these hair strands also separated and rushed towards Qizhen, and this behavior undoubtedly touched the nerves of many people. Even Xu Jiu, who was watching, frowned.

At present, he is only 100 meters away from Qizhen. With a telescope, he can vaguely see the general appearance of Qizhen. It is a huge ball with a diameter of more than 10 meters, and a gap with golden light can be vaguely seen on it.

This form undoubtedly means that this rare plant is not yet fully mature.

To put it simply, Qizhen is also a plant in the final analysis. There is a process of flowering and fruiting. Previously, Qilan group observed that it was obviously in the flowering stage, so there was a steady stream of honey. Now it is clear that it is the final fruiting stage.

If we let these people succeed, and whether they can get the fruit or not, the effect will be greatly reduced if the rare treasure fails to develop completely due to the impact.

The pupil of Xu Jiu's left eye was covered with color ripples. His body shape disappeared in the forest. Taking a step forward, his body shape quickly fell to the swamp below.

He opened another path on one side, but someone couldn't help it between the branches on the other side.

"Boss Luo, these people are crazy. They don't even have the patience to wait for it to mature. I'll stop them."

Adjusting the motor device at the waist, the woman with a horsetail took out an injection from her satchel and said in a deep voice.

If Xu Jiu is here, she can recognize at a glance that this is the woman who tried to kidnap Zheng Qiyun last night.

"No need, these people can see that they are those who have never seen rare treasures, and just want to take chances. They were just excited by the aroma, and were not prepared for the corresponding spray. It is normal to lose their senses."

Holding a blue and white spray, Roger lifted his arms around his companion with his arms wrapped around a lot of bandages.

"Those who can survive in such a place until now, even with so many creatures as nourishment... Take it as a readily available fruit, that's their death!"

As if to verify what he said, the voice here fell, and the dark red roots at the bottom of Qizhen suddenly pulled away from the mud, turned into dozens of long whips, and roared up with the sharp wind.

The hair that can block bullets has no resistance to these equally soft roots, and is quickly penetrated and punctured by them.

Frightening screams echoed in the woodland, and the barrier formed by hair collapsed and scattered soon. Several of them were held high in the air by these roots, and their bodies shrank rapidly into mummies.

This is just the beginning!

As the flesh and blood of these people were swallowed up by Qizhen, as if to fill the last deficiency, the light emitted by Qizhen became more and more dazzling, and the aroma in the air became more and more fragrant.

"It seems that Qizhen will mature soon. It is estimated that many people will choose to do it directly later. Don't move here. If I can grab Qizhen, I will throw it to you at the first time. Remember, don't look back and leave as fast as possible. It shouldn't be difficult to rely on it."

He looked sideways at the birds standing in the treetops, and Rogge's eyes moved to the man next to him,

"Seth, you don't have to worry about me later. The group of flying mice will certainly take the lead. After you control the game, find a place to hide, and then meet in the safe area, okay?"

"We're still the same?"

Another person who had appeared in the pub before took off his coat and exposed his shirtless body below.

"Of course, if these people want to rob, let them go and let them see what specialty is later!"

With his arms across his chest, Rogge's eyes returned to Qizhen.

At this time, the ball wrapped in Qizhen was gradually cracking, and the golden light filled the woodland, as if announcing the coming of Qizhen.

Dozens of lines of sight locked the light mass.

Smelling the warm fragrance, the breath could not help getting thick and heavy.

Someone took out the bamboo flute and put it into his mouth for blowing. The flying mouse not far away moved his body anxiously.

Some people clenched their teeth and tightened their muscles. There was a lump of meat on their back, as if some foreign body would rush out of it in the next second.

Others clenched their fists. The orange red energy line under the skin extended to the legs that had been transformed into mechanical prostheses, and the hot air rushed out of the exhaust pipe behind the legs.


The dull thunder rolls from the horizon, and the strong wind blows the branches and leaves in the woodland

A moment.

Qizhen blooms dazzling color light, and the leaves wrapped outside unfold like flowers.


The harsh whistle sounded suddenly, as if it sounded the horn of contention.

Several shadows jumped out and were caught by flying rats with open membrane wings before they fell. However, they did not run to Qizhen, but rose all the way. At the same time, they threw down their special net bags and surrounded Qizhen.

The intention is obvious. After grabbing Qizhen, he immediately took off to get rid of the battlefield.

However, just as the net bag was close to Qizhen, a strong wind blew out of the jungle. The man with broad wings behind him, holding the wind tornado, broke the rain curtain in front of him and blew the net bag away from its original position.

Before he approached, the shrill roar exploded in the air. Two righteous people with flame on their legs strongly intervened, holding their hands flat and spitting out the tongue of fire in the palm, forcing down the forward momentum of the "bird man".

In addition to these three groups of people, dozens of hooks and locks rushed out from all over the forest, trying to fish in troubled waters and seize the enviable treasure.

The looters rushed madly, and their companions interfered with the rest of the competitors by various means in the dark.

For a moment, Qizhen was in a state of great impatience.

Everyone ignored an extremely important message because of the previous calm.

"It's coming..."

Waiting for the opportunity, Rogge suddenly looked up at the sky and his face was very dignified.

The blue and purple thunder light came from the sky and shuttled between the treasure hunters in the forest land in the blink of an eye. The rest of them were broken limbs and arms. They held a large amount of blood and scattered into the rain curtain. They were roasted by lightning into a blood mist and spread everywhere in the next second.

The flying mouse had only two left and staggered back. One of the membrane wings was pierced with a charred hole and kept howling.

Half of the body burst and the righteous fell down, and the rest of the companions looked around blankly, pursuing the lightning that brought death, and finally stagnated in the "Petite" figure over Qizhen who had just dropped a body with back wings.

Yes, compared with other creatures in the Gu tomb, most of the looters killed by thunder are only half the size of ordinary cars.

The body dressed in scaly red feathers leaped with electric light, the extremely vibrating wings hummed, the flashing body moved forward and backward, stirring the blood mist on the side of the body, which seemed to launch the next wave of attack at any time.

The hummingbird once observed by Chilan group!

In the face of this sudden alienated beast, the treasure hunters around Qizhen fell into a strange silence for a time.

They didn't know that there was a hummingbird near Qizhen, but no one thought that it was so strong that it tortured and killed everyone present in a way close to rolling.

"Mutation high level... No, this is definitely the existence of mutation peak. As long as it eats that rare treasure, it is very likely to cross the last pass and become a real invasive alienated beast."

The knowledgeable Rogge immediately made a preliminary judgment on the strength of hummingbird, and his back suddenly showed a creepy chill.

This can be called crazy speed with the lethality of lightning

"Kill the alienated beast first, or no one will want to run at its speed!"

Someone loudly reminded me that he wanted to unite with everyone to solve the alienated beast first.

These words seemed to work. The surviving people used their own means to attack the hummingbird, but then everyone's behavior was surprisingly consistent, that is, continue to rush to Qizhen.

What shit? Kill the alienated beast first. If you have a brain problem, you will break your wrist with the hummingbird who is obviously faster than everyone present.

Robbing Qizhen and sneaking away is the king's way!

At this time, no one thought about whether they could escape the pursuit of hummingbirds after getting Qizhen.

"Seth, come here!"

Looking at the forest falling into chaos again, Rogge gave up his position.

Seth, who had just completed the power injection, immediately stepped forward. Compared with his previous state, he was covered with strange patterns that made people uncomfortable.

Standing in front of Rogge, the shirtless Seth quickly spilled a lot of liquid all over his skin, and then opened his mouth,

"Boss, this is the beginning... Net!"

When the voice fell, the liquid condensed in Seth's skin immediately splashed on the rain curtain in front of him. It was like ink dripping into the water. It assimilated the surrounding rain at an exaggerated speed, and finally shot out dozens or even hundreds of muddy water lines.

These water lines are still splitting and extending in the process of traveling, and finally form a huge net bag in just a few seconds to envelop everyone in the field.

But the strength of this net seems to be a little inferior, not to mention those who still stay around Qizhen. Ordinary bullets can easily break it.

"Well done, Seth, count down five seconds."

Rogge looked at the easily broken water net. Instead of being annoyed, he was excited.

5、 Four, three

His arms hung from his side, and the bandage wrapped around him burst suddenly, revealing his dark and empty arms below.

The strong wind shuttling through the forest began to converge towards Rogge at this moment.


With a low cry, Seth put his hands together. The next second, he saw the muddy water curtain around Qizhen suddenly burst open and turned into a colorful fog covering the whole forest land.

"The fog is poisonous..."

"Move, move!"

"It's the yudie group. Shit, let's go!"

Accompanied by the chaotic shouts of the fog, it was clear that someone recognized the team composed of two qualified people and a gifted apostle through this unique means.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

The strong wind forced Rogge's body to shoot out like a sharp arrow and directly rushed into the poison fog.

As a companion, Rogge knew exactly what effect Seth's power injection had.

The so-called "poison fog" is not very toxic. After all, it is diluted by a large amount of rain. The real key effect is adhesion!

Yes, as long as the fog is contaminated, it is extremely difficult to remove. It will also make the exposed skin and meat feel temporary pain. In addition, it has no lethal effect.

However, don't forget that these people and the hummingbird are tens of meters in the air, not to mention that they don't know the effect of the poisonous fog.

On the premise of realizing that there are abnormal conditions in their own state, both people and hummingbirds will inevitably fall into short-term chaos.

This is the opportunity created by Rogge!

His ability lies in his arms that can control the air flow. Relying on the explosion of the air flow, he not only formed a shield to shield the poison fog on his side, but also gave himself a short-term flying ability.

With his previous memory, Rogge penetrated the poison fog and quickly found the golden light.

When he got close, Rogge could finally see the situation in the shell of the rare flower that looked like a lotus.

A fruit with golden grain on the surface and fist size was in the center, surrounded by a large number of roots. The strange smell even made him swallow a few salivas.

Unfortunately, it's too late to get the honey. Take the fruit first.

With only three meters left, Rogge tried to reach out and his right leg was about to step on the edge of the shell.

Just at this moment, the fruit close at hand suddenly seemed to be pulled upward by an invisible force. Those roots broke one after another. Needless to say, the fruit suspended in the air was inexplicably missing

In the gap between Rogge and God, a figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the fruit.

He held the fruit in one hand and a large thermos in the other, followed by the honey gushing from the broken roots.

How did this happen?

Why did someone get the fruit one step ahead of him?

Watching the man leisurely eating the fruit, then turned around and looked at himself with a surprised look, followed by another mouthful without hesitation, and the juice splashed.

The confusion was followed by anger that filled Rogge's mind in an instant. Spinning in mid air was a blow.

Xu Jiu took the fruit in his mouth and felt the surging air flow in front of him. He blinked. His backhand was a flame fist. He didn't look at the figure that finally came here and flew back at a faster speed. Instead, he took off the fruit in his mouth and looked at it in surprise.

The taste of this thing is wrong... The spar in the chest has no reaction!

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