The phantom ability is strengthened by the energy in the parasitic beast, so that Xu Jiu's body shape is very difficult to be found by the naked eye as long as he doesn't make violent movements.

With the chaos around Qizhen just now, and most of the looters entering at this time focus on fighting rather than exploration, naturally no one noticed that he had earlier approached Qizhen from the ground of Gu tomb, and then climbed up the shell platform where the fruit is located along the stem of the latter.

The whole process went incredibly smoothly.

However, Xu Jiu, who ate the fruit, didn't get any surprises.

The pulp in the mouth is so light that it is like eating a steamed bread with a lot of juice. The taste is very strange, not to mention what can strengthen the body's energy.

What's wrong with the way you eat?

Xu Jiu briefly recalled the contents about Qizhen he had checked before he came to the special area, which did not mention the special methods to use Qizhen.

On the contrary, it has been specially emphasized that it is best not to deal with Qizhen, otherwise it is likely to affect the effect.

What's wrong with your body?

Although Xu Jiu has never been in contact with Qizhen, he has not forgotten from the information mentioned by Zheng Qiyun that this Qizhen is an enhanced type.

This made Xu Jiu doubt for a while whether the abnormality of his body caused him to be unable to receive other energy except the energy in the spar.

After all, my body is still completely broken strictly, and I just reluctantly bond it by relying on spar.

As soon as he read this, Xu Jiu could not help but smack his lips and frown. He wanted to say that it was false to look forward to strengthening Qizhen. Of course, he wanted to further improve his strength, but now he didn't expect this situation.

But unexpectedly, the fruit was useless. Xu Jiu had to pick up his spirit again and didn't continue to eat the remaining half of the fruit. He planned to take it back and put away the thermos at the same time.

Since the fruit is useless, the honey will probably have no effect on him, but if you take it back and sell it, you will certainly sell a lot of money.

Yu Sui town will pass through the Trade City in a while. Xu Jiu still remembers this.

When Xu Jiu was disappointed because the fruit was useless and was ready to leave, the poisonous fog around Qizhen gradually dissipated because of continuous rainfall and more than a moment of strong wind in the forest.

The people who were still fighting near Qizhen withdrew, died, and the rest were no more than two hands. Most of them were capable, and the worst was the qualified person who used the power injection.

But even these people are retreating at this time.

No way, and no matter the hummingbird that comes and goes like thunder, the guy who stands in the shell of the treasure and has eaten half of the fruit has pressed out all their redundant ideas.

Few people who can come here have a single mind. Since Qizhen has been eaten by others, it's boring to move forward. Moreover, no one knows the strength of the guy who still eats sweet in front of hummingbirds.

Besides, the hummingbird is still hovering over the treasure!

Timely stop loss is now to be considered.

Of course, these people who began to withdraw around also stared at the guy who enjoyed the treasure, hoping that he would be killed by the hummingbird quickly. It's best to open his belly directly and fly with flesh and blood.

The development of things seemed to be exactly what they thought. After discovering that the rare fruit had been eaten, the hummingbird flashed in front of Xu Jiu, so that the latter, who was stuffing a Thermos Pot into his backpack, had to pause and look at the bird instead.

Speaking of it, Xu Jiu is quite interested in the extraordinary ability of this hummingbird. With high-speed movement and thunder, his strength undoubtedly exceeds that of the wind speed ostrich that once abused him.

Therefore, Xu Jiu thought for the first time whether to try to fight it. Even if he was not sure whether the hummingbird had any extraordinary organs that he could use, at least the value of this level of alienated beast was no worse than the honey in his hand.

However, the battle did not break out!

Don't get me wrong. It's not Xu Jiu who is afraid of the hummingbird, but the hummingbird stops in front of Xu Jiu.

Listening to the buzzing of wings flapping in his ears, Xu Jiu looked at the hummingbird that was only two meters away from him and hovered in the air. His dark eyes stared at the fruit in his hands. His long and narrow beak swayed left and right, and retracted several times.

Somehow, Xu Jiu vaguely felt that the hummingbird was as confused as himself. He paused as if he thought of something. He gave up the idea of doing it for the time being, and instead raised his hand and handed over the fruit,


At this time, the looters who retreated to the branches around them saw Xu Jiu's behavior, and they all gave a cold hum. They just felt that Xu Jiu even "licked" the alienated animals. This kind of person is really a disgrace to the looters!

Completely forgetting that they were crying for their parents under the rush of the hummingbird not long ago,

The powerful alienated beast also has a certain intelligence. The hummingbird who noticed Xu Jiu's action glanced at him, and a virtual shadow flashed in front of the long beak. Xu Jiu's right hand was light, and the fruit had disappeared in his hand.

Before he could react, the hummingbird in front of him opened and circled around Qizhen. He didn't mean to leave at all. He just stared at Xu Jiu and made a wind spin with his wings, pushing the latter back to the edge of the platform.

This kind of "gentle" behavior is another surprise to others in the forest... Why, after eating a fruit, are these two guys good?

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

Xu Jiu, who retreated to the edge of Qizhen's shell, whispered to himself.

He thought it was the hummingbird who realized that it was not easy to provoke, so he didn't choose to take the initiative to attack. Now it seems that it is simply because the latter also found the difference of this fruit and felt that attacking himself is meaningless, so he chose to wait and see.

From the hummingbird's behavior of eating the rest of the fruit but not leaving, but driving Xu Jiu aside and taking the initiative to board Qizhen's shell, it seems that it is trying to verify something.

At this time, Xu Jiu naturally wouldn't stop. He stood quietly watching the hummingbird poke something between the broken roots because the fruit was taken.

Xu Jiu was going to stand on tiptoe to see what the hummingbird was doing. There was thunder shining in front of him.

The hummingbird took off again, but this time it didn't return to the sky. Instead, it coiled down with the Qizhen trunk as the center!

Xu Jiu stood on the edge and looked down, but he saw that the hummingbird had to hit the trunk of Qizhen every time it fell a certain distance.

The branches with a diameter of only 35 meters can barely carry down under the thunder, but the skin of the impacted position is charred and cracked.

What made Xu Jiu even more surprised was that this seemingly inexplicable action quickly caused a violent reaction from the roots at the bottom of Qizhen. Compared with more than a dozen roots in dealing with humans before, twice the number of roots gushed out of the mud to try to stop hummingbirds.

At this moment, Xu Jiu knows even if he is stupid. I'm afraid all of them... And birds have been fooled by this treasure.

They spent so much effort to snatch the precious treasure, which is likely to be the cover it was placed on the open surface. It was controversial to put it there, but they didn't expect that a guy like Xu Jiu who got the fruit and ate it directly, together with hummingbirds, noticed the difference.

The hummingbird with lightning protection didn't care about the defense wall composed of these roots, and madly collided with the trunk of Qizhen. Xu Jiu stared at the change of the hit place until the hummingbird finally landed in the middle of the trunk.

The thunder flashed, and the dazzling light appeared again. The aroma just dispersed because the fruit disappeared filled the air again.


Xu Jiu no longer had the slightest hesitation, leaned out of Qizhen's shell, accelerated abruptly by the shock step, and rushed from the other side to the color light that finally appeared.

On one side, the people who were going to retreat obviously realized that the color light in the center of the trunk was the goal they should really pursue, and they couldn't help shouting again.

There is no shortage of outlaws among those who dare to come here to seize the treasure. As soon as they bite their teeth, they rush out again.

Perhaps because the hidden core was in danger, the roots at the bottom of Qizhen suddenly began to beat the surrounding swamps and splash mud waves!

Xu Jiu, who was vertically downward, looked at the churning soil waves in the swamp and was surprised for a moment. Was Qizhen angry?

The problem is that the mud wave is only three meters high, and the middle part of the rhizome is more than ten meters high, so I can't touch him at all. Other treasure hunters are still a distance from Qizhen, not as fast as his shock step.

Right now, that bird can rob him.

With a flame in his left arm, Xu Jiu stared at the hummingbird that was also approaching the trunk of Qizhen. Since this guy wanted to rob Qizhen with him, don't blame him for being cruel.

In contrast, the hummingbird seems to have the same idea. Several thunder lights in front of him converge and point to Xu Jiu in the distance.

But just as the war was about to break out, the body of one person and one bird stopped and looked at the swamp not far away.

At one glance, Xu Jiu suddenly turned around and gave up Qizhen directly. The hummingbird did the same. There seemed to be no pressure on it to stop and turn.

The reason for their behavior is simple.

On the surface of the swamp, I don't know when two brown eyeballs with a diameter of more than five meters emerged, staring coldly at what happened above, and around these two eyeballs, sharp spears composed of countless muddy water burst out.

They stormed the rain curtain, occupied the narrow world and surrounded all the creatures around Qizhen

Yes, not only the treasure hunters, but also the spears made of mud and water are crushing everything around them. Even the giant trees 100 meters high are pierced with broken holes.

Not to mention those looters, except for a few who started slowly, the others hanging in the air without exception became broken flesh and blood floating all over the sky!

Xu Jiu, who was the most decisive, smashed several mud spears in front of him, looked at the marshes around him as if he had come back to life, and the towering terrorist creatures gradually exposed below, and finally understood why the creatures around Qizhen disappeared

They dare not stay here, or they dare not compete for this treasure with the existence lurking in the swamp!

Two thick claws dressed in scales broke out of the water and put them on the two giant trees on the left and right. The huge force directly crushed the two dilapidated giant trees already pierced by mud spears.

With the creaking sound of the collision between the trees, a ferocious beast like the dinosaur Xu Jiu had only seen in the history book in his previous life rushed out of the mud, even if half of his body was still hidden under the swamp, and the exposed part was nearly ten meters high.

Hiss ~ roar!!!

The surging mud waves surged up, and all the people present felt cold and stiff.

At this moment, they had not felt fear, but they could not resist in front of the monster. The brown vertical pupils just swept away, and all the survivors turned and fled without hesitation.

In particular, the flying rats that appeared to be able to move easily before now directly fall into the swamp with their master from mid air. It's not that they don't want to run, but the absolute suppression of biological rank makes these flying rats unable to move at all!

Intrusion level!

There's an invasive monster here!

At this time, Xu Jiu, who had withdrawn to one side and entered the phantom state, looked at the roaring head not far away, like a monster proclaiming sovereignty to Qizhen, and couldn't help but show a bitter smile on his face.

The appearance of hummingbird gives Xu Jiu a headache, but with Zheng Qiyun's previous reminder, he has already been mentally prepared.

After all, the three abilities of shock step, flame fist and illusion have reached the current peak, and Xu Jiu's strength has also reached the peak of tortoise possession mentioned by Vanessa to some extent.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Jiu still has a great chance of winning even if the hummingbird has the extraordinary ability of killing.

At this time, what stopped in front of him was an invasive alienated beast.

The gap between mutation and invasion can be seen from the current surrounding environment, which already has the ability to change the environment on a large scale!


This seems to be the only choice in front of Xu Jiu.

He thinks his strength is not bad, but he is not crazy enough to fight the invasive giant lizard in front of him, let alone in the swamp made by it.

"Shit, what bad luck."

With a fist beating on the tree trunk, Xu Jiu bit his teeth, looked straight down at Qizhen, explored the ferocious dragon head, spat silently, and turned to leave here.

Ho! Ho! Ho~

Thunder suddenly sounded beside her. Xu Jiu, who had just taken a step, suddenly turned to the hummingbird in front of her.

It stared at Xu Jiu, and then kept putting its long beak to Qizhen's position. First it clicked the middle part of Qizhen's trunk, and then pointed to the giant lizard.


Seeing that the hummingbird had the meaning to communicate with himself, Xu Jiu was stunned at once.

He can't speak birds!

Seeing that Xu Jiu didn't move, the hummingbird suddenly gave a loud cry, turned into a lightning bolt and shot at the giant lizard in the mud.

Faced with the challenge from hummingbirds, the giant lizard didn't mean to retreat at all. He still opened his mouth and gnawed at Qizhen, but the dark brown light flashed in his vertical pupil.

The next second, several mudslides rushed from everywhere to the location of the hummingbird. In the face of this counterattack, the hummingbird not only didn't retreat, but continued to flash and move in mid air at its own speed.

For a time, the surrounding mudslides began to surround it, and the giant lizard's eyes also stared at the unkind "bird".

In the interval of dodging, the dark eyes of the hummingbird reflect a figure advancing wildly in the rain.

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