Heavy clouds of lead gray obscured the sky.

At first, it was just fine sleet that hit the streets of the city and the houses crackled.

It didn't take long for it to snow.

The heavy hammer covered with blood was pulled out from a pool of rotten meat, and the broken meat bones adhered at the bottom rustled down with the rise of the hammer surface.

Colonel John looked at the sky, clenched his teeth and stepped on the broken body. He was still twisting the touch limbs that wanted to bind his ankles. His eyes turned to his subordinates who were almost decorated next to him. His eyes were full of frustration.

They were attacked during the dinner in the early morning of new year's Day!

When the peripheral sentry gave an early warning, they were gathering together. Although they didn't drink alcohol and carried weapons, they didn't expect that only the first wave of attack rushed in five parasitic animals, including a terrible monster hatched by blood eggs!

Before they got heavy firepower weapons, the battle was already white hot.

The result was undoubtedly a fiasco

Originally, they wanted to stick to their aid, but when they left the place where they ate, they saw the invasive parasitic animals circling in the sky and the burning Shiyuan city.

You should know that Shiyuan city is a large mobile city with a huge defense area, so the personnel of the different transfer Bureau and the army have to be stationed everywhere.

At present, self-protection is difficult. Where can we spare the strength to support?

"Hasn't the message been sent yet... It seems that the signal tower has been occupied by them. They are ready to evacuate Shiyuan town. First find a way to join the reinforcements!"

Glancing at the messenger screen in his subordinate's hand, John said in a deep voice.

The other party is well prepared. Continuing to stick here is just meaningless consumption of combat power. John believes that the reinforcements sent by Wushan gathering point are already on the road. As long as they withdraw to preserve their strength, they will have a chance to win the counter attack.

"You can't go."

The sound came from above. John suddenly looked up and saw a man in black standing on a wire pole full of cables on the right side of the street.

Without any response, John, who lifted the heavy hammer, took two steps forward and stood up, leaving only one word to his subordinates,

"Their goal is me, you leave immediately!"

The battle between John and the black robed man broke out in an instant, and the latter's strength was obviously inferior. In the face of the decent colonel of the dissident Bureau, he retreated directly to another street without thinking about it.

At this time, the remaining members of the bureau did not come up with any dog blood plot of "going together". They knew that their stay was just a burden, so they began to withdraw to the periphery of Shiyuan town while Colonel John took the initiative to attack.

"It is only one kilometer away from the dry port in the south of Shiyuan town. We try to avoid the main street and take the roadway. We should pay attention to the surroundings at any time and notify the enemy as soon as we find it."

Turn left into a street. The captain with the highest position among the remaining members of the team should take over the command and make a quick decision. He looked at the open iron door on the other side of the street, refilled the magazine and stepped forward quickly.

But as they walked forward, behind the two iron doors, there suddenly appeared two bloated distorted figures. Without any hesitation, the captain directly raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

The captain was the only one who opened fire, and the other dozen people stood behind and looked at him in amazement.

"There are enemies ahead. How can you..."

"Captain, what are you doing? Shooting so casually will expose our position."

Before he finished, someone next to him said first.

"There are parasitic animals there. Don't shoot quickly!"

The captain looked at the team members beside him in disbelief and was about to scold. He suddenly noticed the confused expressions on these faces. In addition to being surprised, he could only subconsciously emphasize his findings again,

"There are parasitic animals in the direction I just shot..."

"Parasite! Overhead!"

Before the captain finished speaking, someone shouted at the back of the team, and then everyone looked up together.

Suddenly there was a loud gunshot.

The captain took the gun and looked up along their line of sight. The roof where the muzzle was aimed at was empty. He hurried back, but he saw that the parasitic beast at the other end of the roadway had appeared more than ten meters away.

The thin monster with three legs twisted forward, and next to it was a parasitic beast with two arms long and dragged to the ground.

Behind them, I don't know when the open iron door has been closed. Those iron bars full of rust stains somehow suddenly extend and elongate like weeds, and finally cross together to completely seal the roadway and street

How did those two iron doors look like this?

How can iron have life!

The captain's eyes wandered between the monster in front of him and the empty roof, and his eyes were full of confusion.

I misread it?


An unexplained sense of panic invaded the captain's body. It was clear that the team members beside him were only half a step away, but it only made him feel out of reach.

They seem to be in two different worlds!

The falling snow in the sky suddenly glowed black, the walls on both sides of the roadway seemed to be loose, and the dirty stains on the bricks and stones wriggled into more than ten tentacles, extending towards his position.

He wanted to call the players and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

"It's all hallucinations. My judgment is correct. The monster is ahead!"

Repeating this sentence in his mind, the captain stared at him again.

The two parasitic beasts disappeared... Looking up again, I don't know when two twisted meat balls appeared on the originally empty roof.

"Captain, what are you doing? Shoot!"

The team members nearby hurried anxiously. The captain vaguely felt that something was wrong, but his hands moved first.


The sound of foreign matter penetrating the flesh and blood sounded in the ear. The blood splashed all over the captain's face and suddenly looked in the direction of the team members.

A long, narrow claw ran through their chest and abdomen... Including his!

Everything in front of him gradually fell into darkness. The captain looked at the disappearing meat mass on the roof and frowned.

He is right.

It's too late!

On the long street hundreds of meters away from the roadway, John, who was covered with fiery red lines like magma, threw down his broken arm, half narrowed his eyes and looked at the black robed man who fell to the ground and whose two legs were directly broken, bent down and pressed his neck,

"Say, what is your purpose!"

"Purpose... Haven't you cooperated with us?"

The voice as like as two peas was heard, and John was looking up. He saw a black robe who was exactly the same figure under his own hands.

More than ten parasitic animals rushed out from both sides of the street and surrounded John.

"Hum, just because you disgusting bastards want to kill me?"

Suddenly he tightened the palm of his hand around the black robed man's neck, and John's eyes swept around.

The team members should have evacuated to a safe area and killed the guy in front of them. He will leave. No matter how, he can drag a group of parasitic animals and give others time to assemble and even escape.

"Want to kill you?"

A second ago, the man in black robe who was drooping like a mass of rotten meat suddenly looked up, and a ferocious smile appeared on the strange face painted with black lines under his hood.

Watching this scene, John was alarmed and suddenly broke the guy's neck bone in his hand.

However, while he killed, the body shape of the black robed man suddenly changed. The black robe gradually faded, and the body shape was constantly elongated and distorted, and finally turned into a human shaped parasitic beast

"You've already died. Where did you come from?"

The man in black, who should have been strangled directly, flashed next to John, walked behind him, suddenly raised his arms and shouted a strange spell towards the empty street.

There was a sudden roar, cheering and strange roar in the open street.

Behind the black robed man, a headless corpse knelt to the ground, and the red lines on the skin became dim.

The gushing blood dyed red and covered the sky with flying snow.


Xu Jiu finished his preparations at noon, quickly left Yu Sui town and headed for Shiyuan city.

The wind and snow roared outside the helmet, while Xu Jiu's line of sight always stared at the route and final coordinates on the mask.

Although there is no network signal, the basic map of the wasteland has already been stored in the intelligent helmet configured for the dust series motorcycles, and the approximate coordinates calculated by Vanessa are enough for him to find the location of Shiyuan city.

This huge city can be easily identified on the wasteland even a few kilometers away.

The reason why he rushed to Shiyuan city in such a hurry is not only that he wants the official items, but also the diamond gem on Xu Jiu's chest.

As mentioned before, the most important thing for Xu Jiu is to solve the problem of the upper limit of gem energy storage. In his opinion, the most likely reason for this situation is that the gem itself is on the verge of fragmentation.

In order to increase energy storage, natural stones must be repaired. But the only information that Xu * knows is related to gemstones is the control of insects. The latter organization has attacked the beginning City, and there is no need to know that there are core personnel involved.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for Xu Jiu.

If the person of the different investigation bureau is allowed to take the lead, he will have to negotiate with the official if he wants to obtain the information of the gem again. This is tantamount to making his own secret public, which is the result that Xu Jiu can't accept.

So his idea is very simple, catch up with everyone and get what you want first!

Moo ~ roar~

In the gap of thinking, Xu Jiu keenly noticed the animal roar mixed in the wind and snow, immediately slowed down the speed, carefully identified the direction, and then drove a distance to the right over the front of the car and boarded an earth slope.

Taking out the telescope to observe the direction of the sound, I was not surprised to see a group of running giant beasts. The smallest one was nearly three meters high when it landed on four feet, and the adult body was even close to five meters, which was not much different from the elephants Xu Jiu had seen in his previous life.

After careful identification, it is confirmed that this is a common group of mountain cattle on the wasteland.

Although the size of this Bison is huge, it does not have a strong desire to attack. Usually, it is wandering in groups in the grasslands on the wasteland. At present, this bad weather is obviously not a good time to transfer.

It is reasonable to say that they should get together to avoid the wind and snow at this time. They should not run so crazy.

The telephoto lens moved in the direction they ran. Xu Jiu roughly estimated the route in his heart and frowned immediately.

According to this speed and orientation, they are likely to hit the moving yusui town. If these guys rush into the town... I'm afraid a big word "demolition" must be painted on the wall of each family.

The one without compensation!

"Damn it, the black clawed wolves are like this, and now these cows... How did they do it?"

Xu Jiu was the one who caught the two black clawed wolves by himself. When he was in close contact with them, he found that the two wolves had no ability to command the wolves at all, because after they were suppressed, the other wild wolves also kept attacking until they were slaughtered.

This is a little strange.

Wolves on the wasteland don't care what can be provoked or what can't be provoked. They can count in their hearts. Now they do the opposite. There must be a problem here.

Therefore, after realizing this, Xu Jiu discussed with Vanessa. The final result is that the infected beasts are likely to have an effect similar to spiritual pollution on their surrounding peers. They will inject their strong desire to attack humans into the thinking of other beasts.

But now this scene makes Xu Jiu doubt this guess.

The source of the herd's desire to attack humans may be infected creatures, but how do they lock a mobile city a few kilometers away?

A beast that can't be infected will bring its own locator.

If the black clawed wolves are a coincidence, is it also a coincidence that the parasitic animals that appeared with the herd last night and attacked the mobile city, and the Fushan cattle that are clearly running to Yu Sui town?

Someone is guiding them!

Xu Jiu, who should have rushed to Shiyuan city against time, sank down and began to observe.

Although the huge size and dense mane of Fushan cattle made it difficult for Xu Jiu to see the infected cattle through the heavy snow, it did not prevent him from focusing his attention on the surrounding cattle.

The controller is also a person. Unless he can stay among the irrational Fushan cattle, he will certainly appear nearby!

"If so, I've found you."

Xu Jiu's eyes locked the minivan behind the cattle through the telescope.

Maybe it's because it's still a few kilometers away from yusui Town, plus the bad weather, the other party didn't hide his whereabouts too much.

He hung the telescope on the handle of the motorcycle beside him, and Xu Jiu jumped down the mound. The dark blue air at his feet flashed away, followed by a dull explosion.

The shock step ability to complete the breakthrough as early as C16 special area is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

The snow and dust were broken by the strong wind, mixed with grass leaves, and Xu Jiu's body was like a stray arrow, which narrowed the distance between him and the off-road vehicle to less than 100 meters in just a few seconds.

Obviously, the driver also noticed that the "monster" suddenly rushed out on the way did not hesitate to turn the steering wheel, step on the accelerator and gallop in the other direction.

Just as I turned the corner, there was a dull noise on the top of the cockpit.

"Kill him!"

The people in the cockpit roared without hesitation.

The voice fell, and two sharp claws opened the roof of the truck shed directly, but before the parasites under rushed up, Xu Jiu's backhand was a flame fist, and then a front somersault fell in the direction of the truck.

The eyes behind the helmet mask look directly at the man in the driving position.

Kick your feet at the front of the car!

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