
The impact force generated by the sudden shock step forced the truck to stop at a high speed.

While the middle of the front of the truck sank in, the whole truck churned up under the action of inertia. After crossing Xu Jiu, it fell to the ground again.

Before Xu Jiu came forward, the three burning parasitic animals in the rear compartment lifted the shed top and forced Xu Jiu with wind and snow.

Unfortunately, in Xu Jiu's eyes, these ordinary parasitic animals are not much different from the black clawed wolf he met a few days ago. There is another flame fist in front of him. The red pillar of fire passes through. No matter whether he is covered with snow or dirty flesh and blood, they all melt!

Over the three strange torches, Xu Jiu stared at the still motionless cockpit and walked over.

However, when Xu Jiu approached the area less than three meters, the scene in front of him was suddenly in a trance. When he recovered, there was no truck in front of him. It was just a boulder covered with snow, and there was another roar behind him.

Suddenly turned back, I saw that the three parasitic animals that had just been completely ignited somehow came back to life and jumped at Xu Jiu from three directions.

Without hesitation, he punched again. At this time, several touching limbs first penetrated Xu Jiu's chest!

"Oh, dare to block my way and die!"

Looking at the blocker who was stiff under his own mortal attack, the man in black sneered.

Just before he withdrew his hand, the figure in front of him dissipated in place, and his eyes widened in disbelief for a moment.

"Interesting, so what I saw just now is your temporary illusion. Why doesn't it exist now?"

Xu Jiu looked around suspiciously, returning to the normal environment, glanced at the bodies of the three parasitic animals on the ground, and finally returned to the black robed man.

"You, how can you... HMM ~"

The man in black robe only said half of his words. There was a sharp pain in his legs. He looked down, and his right leg was crooked at a strange angle!

"I ask, you answer, maybe you'll die more comfortable."

Xu Jiu takes back his feet, looks at the collapsed black robed man, and wants to get some information. Instead of realizing that he is difficult to escape, the black robed man not only doesn't mean to arrest him, but seems to activate some backup means. The body under the black robe suddenly expands like air, and turns and pours directly at Xu Jiu.

In the face of this clear means to die together, Xu Jiu could only frown and retreat two steps. Almost when he left the black robed man, the latter's back soared, and with a burst of flesh and blood, a fist sized shadow flew out.

Xu Jiu immediately realized that the action of the black robed man just now was to cover the shadow. Even if he wanted to catch up, he only stepped out, and the feeling of falling into a dreamland appeared again.

Although the pace did not stop, the changed environment around made Xu Jiu lose the trace of the dark shadow for a time.

When the illusion faded again, there were only black robed people who had become rotten meat and red with blood.

Xu Jiu, who came back, didn't plan to look for the shadow everywhere. He wasn't clairvoyant and didn't waste so much time here.

He lifted his black robe with disgust, and the huge flesh and blood cavity at the back of the body below was dazzling.

The living thing hidden in the body... * Xu Jiu first thought of another black robe who had seen "big change live worm" not long ago, but the insect was still catalyzed and connected to the other's body, and this one just ran away directly.

What * * is he so eager to release the insects, to hide some information, or to say that there are still unfinished tasks in his body?

At that moment, Xu Jiu suddenly seemed to think of something. The whole man suddenly soared into the air and looked at the position of the cattle in the front. He could only vaguely see a large dark shadow continuing to move forward.

right enough!

Nine times out of ten, that shadow is the key to controlling the cattle. Not only that, it seems to be able to survive without the human body... It seems that Yu Sui town will inevitably be attacked.

At present, Xu Jiu doesn't intend to catch up. Although he is not sure that Yu Suizhen is facing only these Fushan cattle, he has enough confidence in Vanessa, especially on the premise that he has solved several parasitic animals first.

Write down the discovery just now. Xu Jiu returns to the ground again. Instead of leaving immediately, he lingers between the man in black and the truck.

Two consecutive hallucinations, if not for the extremely short duration and the illusion ability, Xu Jiugang said that he would have to suffer a dull loss, which is obviously the means of the black robed man.

Xu Jiu has to know how the other party can make people fall into illusion in a very short time without being affected.

You know, Xu Jiu will have to go to Shiyuan town later. The people inside are not even and have this ability. Two consecutive strokes before undoubtedly mean that Xu Jiu can't avoid this spiritual interference by herself.

He didn't expect to be caught off guard in this way again.

Xu Jiu clearly remembers that the time of the two hallucinations was when the black robed man took the initiative to attack, which undoubtedly means that the latter should be able to take the initiative to use this skill.

The effective range is very small, which should not exceed three meters, otherwise the black robed people can escape through this technique rather than stay and fight.

Since he was sent to the wasteland to participate in the attack on the mobile city, the guy's personal strength is obviously not very good. He can't be an apostle anyway, otherwise he should be in Shiyuan city now.

So what is his ability to start?

Whether it was the cab of the truck or the side of the black robed man, Xu jiulai looked for it twice and never found any special existence.

Is it the shadow just released?

This seems to be the only explanation.

After looking at the time, it was 10 minutes since he stopped the motorcycle. If he looked for it again, he was afraid that he would miss the coordinate point of Shiyuan city. Xu Jiu had to get up and rush back to the nearby motorcycle.

Just about to get up and leave, he subconsciously looked back at the location of the truck, and his eyes suddenly stayed in the snow around the black robed man.

Xu Jiu didn't find anything in it before. Now he left the area and looked back. He saw that there were many black spots scattered in the white snow except dark red blood stains and footprints.

When Xu Jiu was near just now, he only thought they were fragments falling after the truck turned over

Turning the front of the car, Xu Jiu picked up a mass of ice and snow mixed with black spots. Xu Jiu came forward to smell it. The motorcycle suddenly swayed twice and then stopped steadily.

Throwing away the snow in his hand, Xu Jiu stopped and went to Shiyuan town at full speed!


In Yu Sui Town, with Xu Jiu's departure, the task of defense was completely pressed on Vanessa's shoulder.

Fortunately, this was her main task in yusui Town, and she was prepared for it.

After filling the defensive positions everywhere with her team members, Vanessa went straight to the weakest eastern area, and let her adjutant Hans as a reserve team to support the critical area at any time.

Due to communication restrictions, she temporarily arranged several faster people to act as heralds, and added signal lights on the sentry towers around the town, so as to give early warning at the first time of the crisis.

Vanessa stopped in the middle of the street behind the two outer platforms, frowned and looked forward, lying on the position. Even wearing a cold cloak, she still had to get up from time to time. The guards who moved her body and the militia who were called up temporarily from time to time.

Their equipment and combat literacy are undoubtedly extremely low. Let alone the static City, even the cooking squad in Wushan gathering point is probably more elite than them.

But Vanessa knew in her heart that she had no reason to criticize these people. They had done their best


The shrill siren came, and Vanessa turned her head with the soldiers around. The red light was flashing at the top of the sentry tower in their position.

"Attention, everyone, enter level I combat readiness!"

With the order, the bullet was loaded and the grenade moved. On Vanessa's side, the muzzle of the three guns began to be calibrated under the operation of several soldiers.

Not long after, someone came rushing from the rear streets, and the panting heralds roared as they ran,

"Sir, the sentry tower found the mountain cattle in the direction we were facing, approaching us at top speed!"

"Fushan cattle... Huge in size and extremely weak in jumping ability... Immediately lift up the dry port, lower the iron armor around the East, protect the wheels at the bottom, and press the extension platform forward to prevent Fushan cattle from approaching Yu Sui town as much as possible!"

The mobile city naturally has an overwhelming advantage over most land animals on the wasteland, which is also one of the main reasons for the establishment of the mobile city. Therefore, Vanessa is considering how to protect the chassis of yusui town from damage under the impact of Fushan cattle.

Once the command was given, the guard standing next to the control panel immediately inserted the key he carried into the lock hole, and then broke the control lever.

In the muffled sound, the two extension defense platforms moved forward again, and large iron plates were lowered around the dry port.

"People in the forward defense positions listen. Once a battle breaks out, I need you to pay attention to the fierce animals or parasitic animals with strange shapes and mutation signs in the herd. If you find them, be sure to inform me at the first time."

Vanessa raised her voice as much as possible. The attack of the black clawed wolves woke her up. This mutant individual may have variables. After all, Fushan cattle is different from the black clawed wolf. The latter can be beheaded. The former

In the face of more than a dozen large trucks without brakes, stop one and try?

What's more, there were parasitic animals in the previous attacks on the mobile city, which she had to guard against.

Unexpectedly, someone has helped her reduce the difficulty first

In the interval of thinking, a large group of dark shadows gradually appeared in the wind and snow ahead. Before they came forward, some militia around them would inevitably have a commotion. In the past, they should hide at home instead of facing the monster in the wind and snow.

"Sir, the position calibration is completed, please indicate!"

When the artillery had finished loading the shells, they got up and saluted.

Vanessa took a deep breath, raised her right hand and immediately waved it forward,


Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom~

After several explosions, the cattle in Fushan suddenly burst into blood. It was the weapon supported by the Wushan gathering point. Whatever else, the lethality was beyond doubt.

When the first battle was won, the morale of taxis here suddenly rose a lot, and several loud voices cheered.

Vanessa's tight face was also relaxed. The next second, the alarm of the sentry tower behind her sounded like a life-threatening sound. She suddenly stepped forward and stared at the large flock of birds in the sky ahead.

This defensive battle is far more difficult than she thought!


Shiyuan city.

Nearly ten hours have passed since the night attack last night.

The fire was still spreading in the city, but the gunfire was sparse. Occasionally, sporadic gunfire sounded, and soon it was silent again.

The unnamed parasitic beast wandered in the street, dragging one or several corpses from nowhere, walked towards the middle of the street, and finally threw the remnant corpse into a snow covered corpse mountain that was seven or eight meters high.

Several people in black robes stood around the corpse mountain, holding utensils of different styles in their hands, and the scarlet Dharma array was engraved at their feet.

With the repeated singing of obscure spells, the space around the corpse mountain seems to be distorted. They push and tear the stacked corpses, melting the flesh and blood that should have condensed in the low temperature, mixed with the snow.

Finally, there were only one pale skeleton after another in clothes.

Dozens of blood lines spilled from the bottom of the corpse mountain. They did not flow into the drainage outlets everywhere along the steel streets, as if they were guided by some kind of guidance. They converged in front of an old man wearing a gray robe and a blood crown with extremely distorted and strange shape in the north.

He was like a dying Bush on the road at the end of winter. His bent body made people feel that as long as the wind and snow were heavier, he would be completely crushed. His thin arms could not even lift up to sweep away the broken snow on his shoulders and even on his official face. He could only hold a scepter inlaid with multiple gemstones to maintain his standing posture.

His face full of brown age spots drooped, and his turbid eyes stopped briefly on the blood beach in front of him. He immediately turned around and walked towards a tall and beautiful building behind him.

This is the only church in all mobile cities in Shiyuan city and even the whole Wushan wasteland area. It symbolizes noble faith.

The old man looked up at the beautifully decorated church gate, rubbed the scepter with his right hand, suddenly stretched out his index finger and pointed to the gate.

The next second, the blood behind him turned into two huge palms, and clapped the door open!

What appeared in front of the old man was not a tall and magnificent statue of God, let alone a devout saint.

There are only a group of parasitic animals crawling on the flesh and blood fungus blanket. Different from those on the streets outside, each parasitic animal here has its own unique ferocious momentum.

Are fed by a large number of flesh and blood, born from blood eggs!

However, at this moment, they have become "nourishment", with them as the core, countless touch limbs spread to all parts of the church hall to help the blood and meat fungus blanket spread wildly here.

Build a flesh and blood nest!

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