Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 310 Cannon Fodder Top Level 14

The bullet screen suddenly became lively, and some people even regretted, "Why didn't there be a fight? One of these two is sick, and the other has a character problem. If you kill one, you will lose one!"

"Isn't this lord going to set up an upright person again? Or does she think that changing the persona can clear things up?"

Yue Fan was very angry, but the owner of her family was blackmailed by the whole network. Although the situation has improved a little after yesterday and morning's live broadcast, there are still too many blacks.

A while ago, the big fan got news from her agent that An Ningyue's situation was not very good, and she was finally willing to come out for business. They must not cause her any more trouble!

So when they saw the situation was wrong, they left a message in the group, no one is allowed to fight with others online, otherwise there will be more attacks on their own masters!

After Director Chen spoke, it was naturally impossible for Ning Yue to stay here to confront Zhong Yizhang, and they left as soon as she pulled Su Mo.

After leaving the hotel, Su Mo said angrily: "Ning Yue, don't worry, I don't think so! We are friends, you can spend my money as you like, it doesn't matter if you don't get the first place, anyway, I still have money in my hand." Money, it’s not enough to have no room to sleep in.”

Ning Yue looked at Su Mo with a smile, and took her twitchy little hand and rubbed it, "I said I will let you continue to live in the presidential suite, and I will do it. You just need to follow me."

Su Mo was happy, "Then where are we going next?"

"Where do you most want to go?"

Su Mo stood in front of the hotel and thought for a while, "Otherwise, we'd better find a way to make money first, and then play when we have money."

She still remembers Zhong Yizhang's contempt for Ning Yue just now, in order to slap Zhong Yizhang in the face, she can't play around according to her own temperament, anyway, she still has nearly 10,000 pounds in her hand, as long as the two of them work hard For some, it is still very easy to earn enough for today's accommodation expenses.

Ning Yue couldn't help pinching her pink and tender face, "Su Mo, you said you have a lot of friends this time, and I believe it this time. You are such a cute and sensible girl, how can anyone not like you?"

Su Mo was shy again. She pretended to be looking for a car, but she didn't turn away from the face touched by Ning Yue. After Ning Yue touched her enough, she asked: "Then where are we going now? The director drove us out so early, even The mall is not even open! Where can I make money?"

In fact, it's early, it's almost eight o'clock now.

Ning Yue said: "There's no rush to make money, I'll take you to breakfast first."

She turned her head and left. Su Mo, who was a step behind, touched the cheek that Ning Yue had touched just now, and then quickly followed the person in front.

Y-style breakfasts are mostly sausages, bacon, eggs, toast, tomatoes, beans in tomato sauce, mushrooms, etc., and most of the cooking methods are grilled, fried or fried. Enjoying a meal of exotic food, Ning Yue pulled Su Mo , just strolled on the street.

"Ning Yue, have you thought about how to make money?"

Ning Yue: "Don't worry, I just finished eating, why not take a walk? Anyway, there is still a day."

At this time, a message was being broadcast on the billboard on the roadside. A street away from them, there will be a big eater competition today, and the champion can get a reward of 10,000 pounds!

"Look, isn't this opportunity to make money coming?"

Su Mo asked in surprise, "Are you going to participate in the Big Eater Competition?"

"Of course, there are free things to eat and bonuses, why not try it?"

"But, we just finished breakfast, and you have such a small appetite, how could you win!"

Ning Yue pulled Su Mo into a trot, "Don't talk about this, the deadline for registration is nine o'clock sharp, we have to hurry up, or we won't be able to register in time!"

The two trotted all the way, and finally filled out the registration form in the last two minutes.

It wasn't until now that Ning Yue realized that this was a hamburger restaurant, which was newly opened today. In order to attract more people, a big eater competition was specially held. Whoever eats the most hamburgers can get 10,000 Y pounds. bonus.

Ning Yue is very satisfied with the bonus amount, 10,000 pounds, it's really a lot.

But Su Mo didn't think so at all, because only the champion could get rewards in this competition, and the rest didn't get bonuses. She felt that Ning Yue would definitely not win the championship, so she gritted her teeth and went to the store manager.

The little girl has received an elite education since she was a child, and she speaks English with an elite style, fluent and pleasant to the standard. After a while, she got a job as a waiter with the store manager at 8 pounds per hour.

"Our eldest lady is going to serve the dishes for the sake of Ann Xiaosan, oh, I'm so mad!"

"Is Su Mo stupid? As long as the money in her hand is changed to an ordinary standard room, it is enough to stay in the hotel until the end of the show, so there is no need to fight!"

Ning Yue didn't stop Su Mo from working, after all, this is a variety show. If Su Mo doesn't do anything from the beginning to the end, then he must have something to say on the Internet!

At ten o'clock sharp, everyone who signed up for the Big Eater Competition was in place. Ning Yue deliberately chose a slightly off-center seat to sit down, and there were already two plates stacked high with a total of ten hamburgers on the table.

Ning Yue looked at the contestants who also came to participate in the competition. Some of them were extremely tall and strong, and they looked like they could be eaten. There were also two girls, both of whom were holding mobile phones. They were obviously messing around. live streaming.

At this time, the host had already announced the rules of the game, "First, no wasting food is allowed. Only after eating a hamburger can you get the second one. Second, as long as you don't eat for more than one minute, you will be considered as quitting the game. Finally, those who persist The person who eats the most food for the longest time is the champion, with a prize of 10,000 yuan!"

Because of the event held in the store, the store was already crowded with people. With the order of the host, more than 40 participants immediately picked up the hamburger and stuffed it in their mouths, especially the long The blond-haired British guy who is so strong and eatable at first glance, opened his mouth wide and one-third of a hamburger went down, and he ate up every three bites of a hamburger. He stuffed all the froth that fell into his mouth, and then Pick up the second one and continue eating.

The beautiful female anchor is also not slow, but she eats differently from the strong man. She folds the layers of burgers and stuffs them into her mouth. There is no way, the three-layer beef burger is too thick , she doesn't have a mouth as big as a man's.

Five minutes later, the yellow-haired guy who ate the fastest had already killed eight burgers, but his eating speed had obviously slowed down.

But the second place is not Beauty Eat Broadcast, but Ning Yue!

She had already eaten her seventh hamburger. In the live broadcast room of the trip, there were shouts on the bullet screen, "She can be so beautiful even after eating a hamburger. How did she do it?"

"Even though she ate so elegantly, she ate up a hamburger in just a few bites. How did she do it!"

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