Fast travel to start the koi luck

Chapter 44 True and False Daughter

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Zheng quietly asked Ning Yue: "Are you interested in my brothers? Let me tell you, our family is very open-minded and doesn't care about background. If you talk to any of my brothers, there will never be any Anyone make things difficult for you.

My eldest brother is a special soldier, my second brother..."

Balala boasted, "I think you are a good match for my elder brother. Although he is a few years older than you, it hurts people a few years older."

Ning Yue sat at the desk and joked, "Then, have you thought about something?"

Lin Zheng poked her head out of the bed and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I met your elder brother, the two have to communicate, right? So what are you talking about?

I asked: What tasks do your special forces perform?

Your elder brother said: ... keep it secret.

Have you progressed to the next step in the experiment?

Me: ... keep it secret.

And then relatively silent! "

After saying this, not only Lin Zheng and Ma Lishan laughed, but she herself laughed too!

"If the two of you are really married, the only communication will be the word 'confidential'?"

Three girls continue to laugh~

A lot of material science research does involve confidentiality, just like Ning Yue, a small assistant, has to sign a lot of non-disclosure agreements when entering the laboratory. What she said in a joking tone is not really a joke.

The matter of Lin Zheng introducing her cousin to Ning Yue has just passed away, but what is surprising is that at first Ke Ziheng would have a chance encounter with Ning Yue, or send an umbrella or something on a rainy day, I don’t know if it is The reason why Ning Yue ignored him was that Tong Jiamin and Ke Ziheng got together at some point, and Ma Lishan became more and more displeased with Tong Jiamin.

In her opinion, people like Tong Jiamin are not suitable to be friends. If it were her, she originally liked her roommate, because she couldn't catch up with someone who liked her again.

Whether it's the next best thing, or approaching with other purposes, it's enough to make her sick.

Ning Yue didn't take these things to heart, instead she felt that no one was blocking her on the road, or finding various excuses to give her things, and she immediately felt at ease.

Within two days, Hu Songbai contacted her again, and Ning Yue put on makeup again, and the two met at the cold drink shop, "Our people have discovered something, take a look at this."

Ning Yue opened the file and glanced at it, and then she understood: Jiang Shihan was being followed!

"Is there any movement from Li Chengrong?"

Hu Songbai took out a few more photos, "He talked to his lawyer a few times, and then his assistant met with a gangster named Liu Zi, but the bar was too noisy, and we didn't dare to rely too much on it. Recently, I didn't hear what the two of them said clearly, but they must have no good intentions.

But don't worry, our people are staring at the man named Liu Zi. "

Hu Songbai left soon, and the master gave the money happily, so they took care of what she explained, and came to report whenever there was any trouble. The cooperation between the two parties is quite happy.

After he left, Ning Yue sent Jiang Shihan another message. She knew the news of Jiang Shihan's return to China. After following him, I think I also know what kind of crooked thoughts Li Chengrong has moved.

Now that she has come to this point, she must not watch Jiang Shihan have an accident.

Jiang Shihan, who was originally staying at the hotel, received the "." message again.

. : You are being followed, don't go out if you have nothing to do, it is best to hire a few bodyguards to protect you in secret, don't be careless, no matter what you do, you must have a life.

Jiang Shihan was lying on the sofa at the time, and sat up after reading this news!

"."What means? She was being followed?

She has never offended anyone in most of her life, except, except Li Chengrong!

So, he was procrastinating for a chance to kill her, right?

She didn't have any doubts about ".", and directly contacted a security company in Beijing without leaving the house, and hired six bodyguards. It was because there were only these six top bodyguards in that security company.

Although Li Chengrong cheated due to domestic violence, she is not stingy with spending money on her ex-wife. She has no shortage of money to spend, so she can spend it vigorously.

The hotel was already the best hotel, there was no need to change it, and then she bought another bulletproof car.

Ning Yue: I really can't reach this point, guns are restricted in the country!

But it's good to have this precautionary awareness.

At the end of June, the school will have final exams. The four girls in the dormitory often stay up late to read books. When they stay up late, they get hungry easily. Ma Lishan bought a pot and often cooked instant noodles or quick-frozen dumplings at night, but It was convenient for the others in the dormitory, and Ning Yue didn't want to eat other people's food all the time, so she gave the money to Ma Lishan, and she gave it in front of Tong Jiamin.

Ma Lishan refused to take it, "You helped me plan my key points, how can I still ask you for the money for these two instant noodles?"

"One yard is one yard. If you give it to you, you will keep it. The pot alone costs more than a thousand, and you have to run around to buy us food and cook it. If you don't take it, we will eat it. Not sure."

Lin Zheng also hurriedly took out the money: "I'm sorry, I'm too patronizing to eat. If Ning Yue said that I really forgot to give you the money, my brother would still settle the score. Take it."

Zeng Jiamin sat at the table indifferently, "Just those two small coins, what do you two do?"

Ma Lishan was suddenly unhappy, and she ate and drank her food together, and she even spoke sarcastic words confidently. She didn't intend to ask for money from the three roommates. After all, it's not a big deal. Girls are afraid of getting fat , One bite is enough, and ten quick-frozen dumplings are too much for one person. It really doesn’t cost too much money, but I can give it to you, but you can’t do it if you make sarcastic remarks.

Lin Zheng tugged at Ma Lishan's arm to prevent her from opening her mouth, "Since it's a small amount of money, you should give it quickly, you can't eat Ma Lishan's money for nothing!"

Zeng Jiamin didn't dare to quarrel with Lin Zheng, muttered "poor ghost" and then took out a thousand dollars, "Here, these are enough for me to eat these days."

After that, he dropped the money on the desk.

Lin Zheng took the money and stuffed it into Ma Lishan's hand, "Take it, take it all, if it's enough, let it be."

Ma Lishan was pissed off by Zeng Jiamin's words, but she couldn't speak so harshly to Lin Zheng, "It's true that it won't cost so much money, we've only had it for less than half a month, and the exam is two days away, after the exam is over Let’s try, I’ll invite everyone to eat out as much as I have left.”

It's not that she has no money to spend, how can she take advantage of her roommate.

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