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Chapter 53: True and False Daughter

However, when they called the child back from school, they realized that Yan Qingqing had changed completely. She was almost two people from when she returned to Yan's house!

Although the original Yan Qingqing was full of childishness, she was pure and confident, but now she has a vulgar air about her!

And they were surprised that Yan Qingqing seldom went home in the past six months, at most she made a phone call, and most of the calls they received were asking for money!

So, all that money was used by her for plastic surgery, right? !

Yan Haotian originally doted on Yan Qingqing, his own sister, otherwise he wouldn't have given her money if she asked for it, but he really didn't know that this girl was going left.

Yan Qingqing's expression changed immediately after learning about the palace father's intentions, "Mom and Dad, I don't want to divorce, and I don't agree. He was the one who chased me back then. I didn't do anything to offend him. He changed his mind."

... There are so many slots and no mouths.

You all know that he has changed his mind and still hasn't agreed to divorce. Is it because our family can't afford you or is it that the daughter of the Yan family is worthless?

Of course, the Yan family didn't want to lose the marriage of the Gong family, but since the heads of the Gong family came in person, it was impossible to undo this matter, and it would be too ignorant to keep pestering their children.

Yan Qingqing was dragged back to the room by Mrs. Yan, and the palace director didn't stay any longer, she said what she needed to say, and both parties returned the tokens exchanged, and the marriage was considered annulled.

Afterwards, news came out from the Gong family that Gong Yuze was going to get engaged. Not only was the engagement, but the wedding date was also fixed. It will be on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month next year. I heard that his fiancée was pregnant, but Gong Yuze also agreed. Assuming responsibility, even if his father threatens him not to inherit the family business, he still wants to marry him back, and he can't let his children and women suffer outside. In the end, Director Gong really agreed.

However, the jobs of the two brothers of the Gong family were quickly adjusted. The second child was promoted, and Gong Yuze was sent to take charge of the company's new projects. It's hard to say what will happen in the future.

After Yan Qingqing heard the news, she took sleeping pills at home. She took them the night before. The next morning, the servant found that the young lady hadn't come down for breakfast. She was worried and knocked on the door. The spare key opened the door, Yan Qingqing curled up and lay motionless on the bed, and then saw the sleeping pill bottle on the bedside table, the servant stuttered in fright, and called 120 on the spot, Yan Haotian had already gone to the company , but Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan are at home, and the Yan family is in chaos.

After some emergency treatment in the hospital, at least she came to her senses. First, she felt bitter after taking the medicine. She vomited halfway through taking the medicine. She came out of the bathroom and continued to eat. She vomited once, but then she couldn’t take it anymore. , Only then did he save his life.

However, it was a medicine, and it took another night to find out. The doctor said that it might cause sequelae.

What is possible, the sequelae are certain.

As soon as Yan Qingqing woke up, she was tongue-tied, and she couldn't say a few words very well. She might have been a little embarrassed, and immediately kicked everyone out of the ward. You don't need to speak, just throw things.

Yan Qingqing stayed in the hospital for more than a month, and passed all the final exams. After the new year, when Gong Yuze and Wen Xiaorong held their wedding ceremony, she found an excuse and ran to the wedding scene. was stopped.

Seeing her look like that, she is looking for trouble. At other people's weddings, she wore a long red dress, which looked similar to a wedding dress, and Gong Yuze was on guard against her from the beginning. When she heard that she really came to the scene, she would Called the Yan family.

Yan Qingqing saw that she was blocked outside the door, and knew that she would definitely not be able to get in today, so she yelled at the door, with only one purpose, which was to ruin today's wedding, "Go and call me Gong Yuze, Otherwise, today's business will not be over, and there will be Wen Xiaorong, she is just a mistress, destroying our relationship..."

Yan Haotian, who was about to attend the wedding banquet of the Gong's family, received a call from Gong Yuze when he walked to the door of the hotel. He didn't even take the elevator and ran up the stairs, just in time to see Yan Qingqing tugging at the staff, wanting to grab her hand She saw her face, it was a woman, although she was in her thirties, she still cared about her face, out of self-preservation, she gave her a push, as a result, the red high-heeled shoes Yan Qingqing was wearing were too thin, she The reaction was a bit delayed, and he couldn't stand upright and knocked against the door frame. At that time, the blood on the nose burst out, and when he was helped up, his nose was crooked.

Yan Haotian hurriedly called the ambulance, because Yan Qingqing fainted, others thought she was hit, but she was sent to the hospital for an examination, she had a kidney problem.

Fortunately, it is still early days.

Ning Yue almost couldn't close her mouth when she heard the news, Yan Qingqing is too capable!

A good life was made by her, and her life would be lost. In the last life until the death of the original owner, she lived a good life.

This disease is definitely due to the sequelae caused by her blindly taking sleeping pills, and her kidneys were damaged.

In fact, she had been vomiting and nauseating before, and she couldn't eat. In less than two months, she lost more than ten catties of weight.

Mrs. Yan made up her mind to go to the hospital to take care of her, but she also felt uncomfortable. The reason her daughter is in this state today is because of Gong Yuze's empathy. Almost scolded Gong Yuze to death.

Then Mrs. Yan encouraged Yan Qingqing to take good care of her body as soon as possible, and go to school after school starts.

Of course, the little assistant also wanted her to go to school, so that she would have less trouble, so after two efforts, Yan Qingqing returned to school, but she forgot one thing, she didn't take the exam last year, so she had to make up the exam , but she hasn't attended much class, in fact, she hasn't learned anything, how should she take this make-up exam?

The little assistant was very happy. The Yan family specially found a nutritionist for Yan Qingqing, and she went to school every day to deliver nutritious meals to Yan Qingqing. Cowardly and brave, he proposed to sow dissension, and served a meal in a calm manner. Yan Qingqing was angry every day, and then tried to remember the key points, got angry again, and then passed the hard work of studying, only to feel that every day was exhausted exhausting.

Kidney disease, I am afraid of being tired.


The matter of Yaoyang Company has finally been clarified, and they have to pay a total of 1.13 billion in taxes and fines.

The company didn't have so much liquidity at all, and the stock price fell to grandma's house. Small shareholders saw that the situation was not right and sold their shares long ago, so Li Chengrong still held 31% of the company's shares. shares.

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